Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 985: Remastered price (two more)

At the same time as the matrix game cabin hot sale, Chen Mo announced a new news, mainly about the future vr game re-planning.

The Oceanfront luxury part of Oasis will be the first to be reset. After the reset, all matrix game cabins will be updated by default. Oasis will become the default login space for all matrix game consoles.

In other words, after the player squinted into the matrix game compartment, he came to the seaside mansion in Oasis.

And the player's waking position is no longer the bed of the bedroom, but the matrix game compartment in the study.

This is a little joke. The player's login position in Oasis is a virtual matrix game cabin in a beachfront mansion, giving them the feeling that they are entering a game compartment from one game compartment, maximizing the player's sense of substitution.

The traditional vr game cabin has many different manufacturers' brands, and there are many manufacturers who make vr games. Therefore, most of the vr game console login interfaces are designed in a conservative way. Just like the computer desktop, it is often just a very beautiful one. Scenes, few interactive elements.

But the matrix game cabin is different. Now the next generation vr game compartment in the world is only this one. It is also the product of Chen Mo’s pro-son. It is natural to think how to play.

In this way, the matrix game compartment and the Thunder game platform form a highly closed system. From hardware to software, since only need to cooperate with their own products, the space available can be even greater.

Another very heavy news is that all remake vr games will be priced uniformly. If the player has already purchased the original, then only 10% of the original original price will be paid for the remake.

For example, the price of Assassin's Creed: Origin is 1980. No matter how much the player buys, the remake can be obtained with an extra 198. If the player does not buy the original, then you need to buy 1980+198 without discount.

When the news came out, the players were all excited, and they all said that Serent was really a conscience!

In fact, how much money the game's remake version sells is completely a price issue for the manufacturer. If Chen Mo said that all the remastered versions and the original one are all in 1980, then there is no way for everyone to use it. Serent’s conscience was greatly broken, and he said “true incense” at the time of sale.

But now it seems that the game after resetting only needs 10% price, which is very conscience for the old players. In 1980, you can buy 10 classic vr games, which are just like white.

Of course, the premise is that you bought the old game...

But again, this pricing strategy is already very cost-effective.

The matrix game compartment is Chen Mo's pro-son product, which must be equipped with the Thunder game platform. Players know that this thing is definitely not lacking in the game. After all, the research and development capabilities of Thunder's mutual entertainment are second to none in the world.

Now that Chen Mo has announced the re-made price of these games, it is equivalent to sending a message to all players: Please feel free to buy the matrix game cabin, what the game is, some are!


On the other hand, independent game designers working with the Thunder game platform are also taking the time to develop next-generation vr games.

For these designers, after the development rules given by Chen Mo, the development of this next-generation vr game is not high, but the key difficulty is that it needs to develop new equipment and features for new equipment. The perfect match for the game.

For example, "Jesus Survival" is a good example. After changing to the new vr version, players will become absolutely free in the game and can perform more complex and versatile tactical actions. Do you want to move sideways? no problem. Do you want to pick up the bricks on the ground and throw them at others? no problem. You want to dismantle the gun, throw the clip aside, and let others find that the gun can't be used? No problem.

Compared to the original vr version, the new Jedi Survival will take a big step towards the “reality” element, which is the biggest advantage of the matrix game cabin as a new device.

Of course, in order to make the rules of the game and the simplification of the player's operation, not all the content is suitable to be changed to be "real". In this respect, the designers need to take care of themselves.

For these designers, the matrix game cabin is the future of the world, and now the world sells so well, to make a game specifically for the next generation vr, certainly a lot.

What's more, even if you don't consider the money, these designers are also happy to do the next generation vr game, because this thing represents the latest game trend!

Designers are constantly striving to make more fun games, isn't it just to catch up with the latest game trends?

The emergence of the new game cabin also affected the "Oasis Plan" that Chen Mo is planning, but fortunately, the scheduled time for the Oasis plan is in November, and there is still ample time left for the designers to modify. After the vr technology enters the next generation, the oasis plan will inevitably be given new meaning.



In the second week after the release of the Matrix Game Class, Oasis was updated to the player's vr game bay.

Although it seems to many players that it is just a new bottle of old wine, but after a taste, I found out, um, really fragrant!

Under the framework of the next generation of vr technology, everything in Oasis has become more real, and the freedom of players has also increased exponentially.

However, many players who read 癖 found that there is one in this update rule: an epic enhancement to warmth.

Players who didn't read the updated rules naturally didn't care about it. The players who read the updated rules are also awkward. What is epic enhancement?

Most people didn't take it too seriously. After the update of Oasis, they immediately ran to their own mansion and walked the dog. After all, they indulged in the new game cabin during this time, and the dog had been left out for a long time.

But some players, with bold ideas, try to make some bold behaviors for warmth.

Well, they succeeded, but the consequences were very serious.

A player touched the warm thigh, and the result was directly locked by warmth, and a bo was brought.

Pile driver + brain heavy fall + meteor flying pendant + burning warhammer + war trample...

Um... The scene was out of control, and even the loyal dogs dared to look at them half-headed and watched them cautiously.

After bo finished, I took a warm shot and went back to the original place to read the book, as if nothing had happened.

Only the player is lying on the ground, his brain is blank.

who am I? where am I? What should I do?

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