Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 2945: unexpected

Feeling that his purpose is a bit despicable, Lu Shan slowly lowered his head: "I hope you can help me, but... of course... it all depends on your wishes, if you are willing..."

"I'm willing." Ju Zhongxiu answered first, unusually firm in front of him. "I am willing to follow the adults back to Beijing and help them."

He likes that Lu Shan is willing to follow Lu Shan back to Beijing, even if the current capital is a lot of danger, even if it is possible to lose his life following Lu Shan, he is willing.

Because the important things in life are far more than life.

Seeing Ju Zhongxiu's eager appearance, Lu Shan felt warm and moved. Ju Zhongxiu must understand the risks faced by returning to Beijing this time, but he still chose to follow Lu Shan without hesitation. How can this friendship be avoided Does Lu Shan feel moved?

After deciding the candidates to go back, Lu Shan bought a large amount of disinfectant, protective clothing, and masks in the upgrade treasure box, leaving it to the people here.

After doing all this, he took Ju Zhongxiu back to Beijing with peace of mind.

Unlike the bumps when he came, the way back went smoothly. In about half a month, Lu Shan returned to the long-lost palace.

However, the current palace is no longer the one before he left. The palace is heavily guarded. Lu Shan doesn't know who it is, and he dare not act rashly.

After thinking about it, he first came to Ning Zihuan’s mansion. Ning Zihuan was cooking tea with a very calm expression on his face. He was not too surprised to see Lu Shan who came in, and even asked with a smile: " Are you going to play in the brothel?"

"Okay." Lu Shan replied with a smile, not surprised by Ning Zihuan's words.

"I'm very curious about you." Lu Shan found a place to sit down casually, looking very casual, as if he was in his own home, not seen at all.

Ju Zhongxiu has been very alert to look at Ning Zihuan. There is a packet of poison in his hand. As long as Ning Zihuan shoots Lu Shan, the poison in Ju Zhongxiu's hand can make Ning Zihuan's face never see again for the rest of his life. people.

"Curious?" Ning Zihuan smiled softly and looked at Lu Shan unblinkingly, looking very mysterious.

"Yeah, why did you choose to help me?" Lu Shan asked. He paid attention to Ning Zihuan's hands. They were a pair of pampered hands. There were no traces of work on them. But now, those hands appeared with it. The scars that are particularly disproportionate in themselves look terrifying.

"I'll help you? I heard it right. People outside said that I was for your throne. Shouldn't you be afraid of me?" Ning Zihuan trembled.

Lu Shan chuckled: "To be honest, I was scared of you at first, but then I also figured out that it was not. You surprised me."

"You really know how to talk. I remember your personality is different from before. Are you" Ning Zihuan asked.

He stared at Lu Shan's eyes tightly, trying to see something from those eyes, but Lu Shan was so disguised that he couldn't see anything.

"Of course." Lu Shan answered without hesitation. He didn't want to deceive Ning Zihuan, but he didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Okay." Ning Zihuan stood up, obviously not planning to continue discussing this issue. "I still want to know how you are sure that I will not fight you for the throne?"

There have been rumors that Ning Zihuan wanted to drive away the emperor, and where he would be the emperor, the regent also cleverly took advantage of this. Xin Xiang'er who Ning Zihuan sent to protect Lu Shan suddenly rebelled, which made him even more reasonable. Unclear.

He originally thought Lu Shan would join the Regent to deal with him, but Lu Shan was far smarter than he thought, which made him very happy and surprised.

Lu Shan nodded, slowly telling the whole story.

Of course, because of suspicion of Ning Zihuan, he came to the Prince Regent’s mansion to seek help from the Prince Regent, but when he saw that the Prince Regent was working in the fields, his nails were particularly clean.

The clothes and shoes of the regent were stained with muddy water, but his nails were very clean, which was totally unreasonable.

Generally, people who work in the fields will have more or less dirt and dirt in their nails. This has basically become a sign of people working in the fields.

"That's when you started to doubt him?" Ning Zihuan admired Lu Shan's carefulness.

The two people I met for the first time were able to observe their nails. This care is something that many people cannot do.

"That was just the beginning. When I went out, I paid special attention to the fingers of their butlers. Those were the hands of people who had been working in the fields for a long time. At that time, I suspected that the vegetables in the garden were actually from the Prince Regent’s mansion. The housekeeper’s planting was only used to deceive others, but it was just a guess at the time, and I am not sure."

"Then what makes you completely distrustful of the regent?" Ning Zihuan took the opportunity to ask, admiring Lu Shan more and more.

"It's Xin Xiang'er. When I asked her, she hesitated and almost missed her words. I'm sure she betrayed you and took refuge in the regent." Lu Shan recalled when Xin Xiang'er was dying. It was at that time that he missed his mouth and got rid of his doubts about Ning Zihuan.

Ning Zihuan kept nodding his head. He thought that no one understood his thoughts about doing this, but he didn't think that he actually had the thought of understanding Lu Shan at all.

Lu Shan even knew that his continued staying here would hinder Ning Zihuan's actions, so he went to the south alone and stayed there for so long. As for the rest, Lu Shan hadn't expected it.

"The regent wants to kill you there, Zheng Yahong is also his person, but he obviously underestimated you, but my good emperor, can you stay for a while and come back?" Ning Zihuan looked slightly broken. He originally wanted to be an idle prince, but who knew that he got into trouble with the regent by mistake.

Ning Zihuan continued: "In this palace, I have guarded it for you, but I never see you back. The country cannot be ruled for a day. You don't know how powerful the ministers shout every day."

Lu Shan watched Ning Zihuan's screaming, but there was no complaining expression on his face. To do these things for Lu Shan was indeed his willing choice.

From the moment he was born, he knew that his mission throughout his life was to ensure that the person on the dragon chair sat on the throne securely. This is the value of his life.

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