Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3595: Slaughter

This is the rule Lu Shan personally made...

He had never thought of destroying the natives of Seablue Star together, and then let the earthlings dominate the planet.

He is not a cold-blooded demon, and it is impossible for the benefit of the earth to directly swing a butcher knife on the nearly 300 million indigenous survivors on Seablue Star.

But he didn't want to bully and slaughter the natives of Seablue Star, but it didn't mean he was willing to be regarded as fools by these natives.

If you talk to these indigenous people about democracy at this time, everything must follow their will, then they will definitely be eaten to death by them, and I am afraid that the Huaxia Army will not even be able to drink any soup!

Well... I shed blood and sacrificed, and paid so many resources and costs, and finally wiped out the zombies, and then I was swept out by you when I turned around? Then do we have water in our minds!

Not to mention, if the Huaxia Army does not have a strong attitude at this time, but blindly maintains respect for these indigenous survivors, then they will definitely talk to you about the world law!

According to the provisions of the world, an outsider, cannot interfere in the internal affairs of other countries or occupy the territories of other countries for any reason or by any means.

For example, in a small country with a population of less than one million, as long as people have national sovereignty, then... in this small country, no matter how coups or riots occur... For other countries, you can give them some donations. Such help, but absolutely cannot use this opportunity to participate in the internal affairs of this small country.

Not to mention that I want to help your country quell the rebellion, and then drive the army over... Control the military and political power of this small country!

If it were before the catastrophe, if anyone dared to do this, it would really be punished by hundreds of sovereign nations around the world.

Although the current global order has collapsed, but... as long as you admit that you are a Seablue Star, then... if you want to come up with the world law promulgated before, you can only look at it. Even if you help our country eliminate zombies and restore our country's stability and peace, but... you still have no right to interfere in our country's internal affairs.

You have to talk about the cost of destroying the zombies before, and you are unwilling to stop there...That's okay, you helped us liberate the city and the country, and wiped out the zombies, we won't let you do anything in vain!

However... these can be converted into specific mineral resources, grains and other products. Our country may not be able to pay the corresponding price now, but it can be repaid slowly in the future!

Anyway, it’s just one sentence, even if you help our country no matter how powerful it is, this country is also ours, you have no qualifications or power to interfere in our country’s internal affairs, let alone the power to station troops in our country’s territory!

Of course, if there are still cities in our country where zombies are entrenched, you can continue to take people to fight. But... after the fight, remember to withdraw as soon as possible.

This is basically the attitude of the camp leaders and survivor representatives in each city. To sum it up,... You helped us clean up the zombies in the city. We are extremely grateful, but you want to come here to be the master? Sorry... we are not welcome!

In this case, there is no need to be too polite to them!

Lu Shan meant that... the city we smashed down can be managed by your local survivors, but... you can only manage the city's government affairs, but don't even think about military power.

In addition, during the previous camp, all the weapons and ammunition left in their respective hands were unconditionally handed over to the Chinese Army. In the future, your safety will be guaranteed by our Chinese Army, and there is no need to keep these things in your hands!

If you are acceptable to such conditions, then it is naturally that hello, me, and hello, co-governing this post-catastrophic world together with an atmosphere and kindness, so that the world can be brought back to life as soon as possible.

If you are unacceptable to such conditions... Then I am embarrassed, you can step aside, and we will find someone who can accept it.

If you don't accept it and don't stand aside,'re going to die! Don't think that there are very few survivors in this world now, we won't kill people casually!

In order to maintain the stability of the entire Seablue Star, it is of course better to resolve this unstable factor as early as possible.

There is a saying...the one who makes the big thing does not stick to the trivial! Or maybe it's... a complete success!

In short, when the world undergoes major changes, not only is it necessary to have strong strength to stand out from the chaos, but also to have powerful means and a cruel heart. These three can be said to be indispensable!

Lu Shan himself is not a cruel person, so he chose to stand behind the scenes, only to discuss with several generals of the Hua Xia Army, and formulate a five basic principles for peaceful coexistence with the local indigenous people. All the specific affairs of Yiying were handed over to all levels of the Huaxia Army to be responsible.

At the beginning of the change, it is inevitable that there will be various resistances and surprises. In this regard... the leaders of all levels of the Huaxia Army strictly implemented the plan formulated above.

So...On the second day after the liberation of 15 cities, there were 23 camp bosses and their cronies, a total of 89 people were arrested for possession of firearms.

After that, the remaining camps, as well as the other people in the camp that lost the boss, immediately became honest.

No one dared to question the order of the Hua Xia Army anymore, or it was a violation of Yang Feng Yin!

Of course, they all know that since the Huaxia Army can destroy all the zombies in the city where they are located within 24 hours, with the momentum of thunder, then... if they want, they must put them in these camps and the city. The scattered survivors are also wiped out, it is not too easy!

Although they don’t think that the Huaxia Army really dared to kill all the survivors... However, as the so-called gunshots, even if the Huaxia Army won’t kill them all, if anyone dared to jump out and oppose them at this time, then they will first It's a normal thing to get rid of it.

Heroes do not suffer from immediate losses, even if they are not satisfied with the actions of the Huaxia Army, it is not appropriate to raise them at this time. It is better to wait until the global order is restored in the future... Let the Hua Xia Army not be able to eat it again!

As for what the Huaxia Army said...what they were from an alien planet, basically no one would believe it.

At least, no one believes the survivors in these 15 cities!

After all, when the God of War prophesied ten years ago, it only dragged the dreams of some elites around the world at that time, and among these people, naturally the survivors in these fifteen cities were not included. Therefore, they don’t know anything about Seablue Star’s wormhole crisis...

Otherwise, if it were replaced by someone who had heard this prophecy, then there would be no such doubt that the Chinese Army came from an alien civilization!

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