Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 3978: Runic mystery

The Hua sisters thought that Lu Shan was just joking with them, but she didn't expect...After Lu Shan read the two jade symbols, she sat aside and sat quietly for more than an hour, and then suddenly jumped up and confronted the flowers. Sister Sister said: "I'll exchange the materials for making talisman back, and you will teach me how to draw talisman later!"

Having said that, Lu Shan didn't wait for them to answer, he had already released the flying sword, and then he flew out of sight with a "swish".

The two sisters stood there in a daze, some of them couldn't believe how Lu Shan could be so whimsical.

And Lu Shan's speed this time was exceptionally fast. Just before the two sisters were completely surprised, Lu Shan had already returned.

Seeing that their sisters had almost kept their posture when they left without moving, Lu Shan couldn't help being amused, then jumped off the flying sword, and then took out a stack of blank talisman, a set of talisman pens and a bottle of talisman ink. He shook in front of him and said, "I have all the materials ready, so you have to teach me how to draw talisman!"

"Ah...really let us teach!"

Hua Wuxin's face collapsed and said, "Don't make trouble for us anymore! How can we teach others to make talisman! I have been learning this for many years, but I can only draw some basic talisman, not even a first-level talisman. I knew it would be better to learn alchemy...Really, I feel that talisman making is too difficult anyway, it is difficult to learn from my brain anyway, but the little girl is still a little talented, but she is only good at making talisman. I know it, I don't know why, but I can barely draw a kind of ice wall symbol, can I teach you!"

Lu Shan said dismissively: "Then you know a lot better than me! I don't care...I have already exchanged the materials anyway, you have to teach me!"

Hua Wuxin glanced at his sister helplessly, and the two sisters could only look at each other and smile bitterly!

Followed Lu Shan into the courtyard where Lu Shan lived, the two sisters looked around in a little surprise, Hua Wuxin was even more shocked and said: "Your yard is so big, eh... my God, you are actually here. There is also the alchemy room! Do you want to be so extravagant... You say you, with such good ready-made conditions, do not learn alchemy, you must learn some talisman!"

Lu Shan reluctantly said: "I want to learn alchemy too, but...the knowledge involved in alchemy is too much and too complicated, and I won't be able to learn it for a while, and no one taught me... , Who told you all to make talisman, why don’t I take the opportunity to squeeze you?"

This reason... the two sisters were speechless for a while.

After the two sisters visited Lu Shan’s house, Lu Shan had already set up a stone table in the yard, and put all the talisman materials on the table, and then greeted the two sisters and said, "Come on. , Teach me how to make talisman? I exchanged a copy of "Introduction to Talisman" and "Analysis of Talisman", but after seeing the contents of the cheats, it is still a little unintelligible..."

"What do the positive and negative strokes mentioned in that mean? How can we draw the positive strokes and how do we show the negative strokes? There is also... how can one technique be disassembled into countless positive strokes? What about the counter-strokes? What kind of logic and reason are there in the arrangement of these front-strokes and counterstrokes?"

After reading the two basic cheat books of talisman making, Lu Shan found that...this talisman making technique is not that difficult for him, or...!

Because according to the logic of the talisman described in the cheat book, he felt this special... the so-called talisman was simply a data-based model.

It is as if the basic language of computers is binary, which consists of only two numbers, 0 and 1. But actually... the talisman made by the talisman maker on the talisman paper is actually composed of countless positive and negative runes.

If the front and back strokes that make up the rune are understood as 0 and 1, then... the rune drawn on this talisman is equivalent to the source code of a spell!

With this understanding, it immediately felt like opening a different wide door, it seemed...the talisman would not be so mysterious!

It's just that Lu Shan still doesn't quite understand how a spell is disassembled into runes, and then drawn with both positive and negative strokes? What is the reason for this?

Regarding these, of course, the two cheats didn't mention it, so Lu Shan also seemed to understand. If he can figure this out, he feels that he should have no problem drawing the talisman successfully.

Therefore, Lu Shan couldn't wait to ask all the questions in his heart.

Hearing Lu Shan’s series of questions, the two sisters were dumbfounded. After a long pause, Hua Wuxin said, “Forewords and reverse strokes...that's just the basic strokes that make up Fuluo. What's so special about it What do you mean? I don't know... Sister, do you know?"

Hua didn't say anything accidentally, just shook her little head like a wavy drum.

Lu Shan had no choice but to continue to ask: "Then how can one technique be disassembled into countless positive and negative strokes? Do you know the rules here?"

The two women were speechless and continued to shake their heads...

Lu Shan stroked his forehead and said helplessly: "Well then...Whoever of you draws a talisman for me now, can you?"

He felt that these two sisters might have just learned fake spell-making techniques, how could they not understand anything when asked! If you don't know the truth in this inner world, how can you be proficient in this talismanic technique?

But Lu Shan himself doesn't understand it now, so naturally he has no confidence to question them, so he had to ask the two sisters to demonstrate to him on the spot, to see if he could find any rules from it.

Wen Yan Hua Wuxin immediately eagerly said: "Okay...Then I will draw you a fireball talisman in the basic talisman."

The fireball talisman she was talking about was not an offensive spell talisman, nor a spell that could inspire a fireball to hit the enemy.

The reason why this talisman is called the basic talisman is because it has no offensiveness and only has a single attribute and other functions.

For example, this fireball talisman, after the talisman is activated, will indeed condense a flame out of thin air. But this flame cannot be projected out, wherever the talisman is, the flame will burn in the end. And... this flame is just no different from ordinary fire, and the flame temperature is not very high.

Therefore, this fireball talisman cannot be used as a means of attack, at most it can only be used-to make fire!

It has to be said that this thing can still be used to make fires. After the flame is generated, it can continue to burn for a period of time, and it can easily ignite a pile of wood.

But unfortunately, although this basic talisman is not a first-level talisman, it is still different from the ordinary pill in alchemy.

A mortal pill means a pill that mortals can take, but this basic talisman, although not very useful to the cultivator, may be a miracle-like existence for mortals! But this thing still has to be activated with true essence, so mortals can't use the basic talisman.

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