Almighty Leveling System

Chapter 597: Leniency

"Don't be impulsive, put your children down ..."

A police officer headed had no idea who these two people were when they broke into the rescue room, but listening to the doctor said so severely, it was only when the two most wicked criminals hijacked the little girl who was being rescued as a hostage. At this time, I even wanted to pull out my gun!

But unfortunately ... the policemen in these police stations usually don't match guns. At this time, they touched their waists, and when they didn't touch anything, they pointed at Lu Shan and showed a healthy look. Said: "Don't do fearless struggles, let alone stubborn resistance! You are now surrounded and there is no way to escape. Let's surrender now! I can surrender now, and I can count on you to surrender. Get a chance for generosity! "

Probably because the law and order here in Yangchuan has always been a relatively good relationship. The policeman has not encountered a real vicious criminal case for many years, so I just heard those security guards exclaiming in the rescue room. He was also a little flustered, so he didn't have time to ask carefully before treating Lu Shan as a serious criminal with a tendency to violence!

Lu Shan ignored the police at all, just turned to look at the people sitting on the bench outside, and asked with a cold expression, "Who is Wu Momo's physical education teacher?"

Those people were all from the town school. Just now I saw that things have changed. Although their moods are different, they know that today ’s trouble will be more serious, so they did n’t leave, just wait here. Look at how this matter is finally dealt with!

At this time when I heard Lu Shan's words, no one spoke, but ... a few of them all subconsciously looked at a man with messy hair sitting at the edge, who looked like he was in his early forties.

Lu Shan's gaze shifted to the man with those people, and he asked coldly, "You broke Momo's hand?"

"No ... not me!"

The man felt that Lu Shan's eyes were stabbing his body like two knives, which caused his hair all over his body to rise. He jumped up hurriedly, moved two steps backwards, and trembled with one hand at the window sill in the corridor. He said, "Wu Momo is ... she was accidentally hitting the barbell when she was lifting weights, and this was the only thing that broke my hand. It has nothing to do with me ... Of course ... I will still bear the responsibility, but ... I did n’t break her hand! "

Lu Shan poked his lips gently and said, "Do you think this thing can be concealed? Even if it can be concealed ... will your conscience be secure? Even if your conscience has been eaten by the dog, you think I Will I let you go? Now I will give you a chance and immediately surrender yourself, and take the initiative to explain those things that you did not do well, or I can let you go, otherwise ... I promise you will regret it of!"

"No no no ... not me! It really has nothing to do with me!"

The sports teacher was frightened by Lu Shan's words, but he also knew ... some things could not be acknowledged, once admitted ... then his life would be completely ruined!

So he gritted his teeth, and while denying it, he ran towards the police officers who were running, and then hid behind the police officer who was headed by him. He stunned and said, "Police officer ... Save me, This man threatened me, he said ... he said he would kill me! "

The police officer was also aggressive at the moment ... because he felt the truth of the matter, it didn't seem to be the same as what he imagined. This apparently should be a "criminal" who threatened the hostage. How could he look more like a parent who protected the calf? !!

And Lu Shan threatened the PE teacher. He heard it ... Was this a threat? Or forget it ... but definitely not like the PE teacher said, they didn't say they were going to kill him, they just told him to surrender!

It seems like this ... This person is not very like a wicked criminal. Would the criminal persuade others to surrender? What a mess!

So after the police officer calmed down a little, he coughed and said, "Just calm me down. What happened here ... who reported the case just now and made it clear to me!"

Hearing the police say, the little nurse who reported the case raised her hand with guilty conscience and said, "It's me ... it's my case, but ... it's just the police officer in our emergency department who asked me to report it. "Then, the little nurse pointed the young doctor without hesitation, and sold their director.

The police officer's gaze then turned to Director Shao, and he continued to ask, "What the **** happened here, and ... who are these two people?"

Director Shao gave the little nurse a severe look, and then accompanied the smiley and said, "That's what I said before ... these two violated the hospital's regulations, trespassed into the rescue room, hijacked the patient being rescued, This ... is likely to cause the patient to die! As for them ... the woman had signed before, she was the patient's mother, the man ... I don't know, it seems that the scammer who the patient's mother found, Posing as a doctor, saying that he could pick up the patient's broken palm, and then the patient's mother was deceived by him, even rushing into the rescue room with him ... This is a crime, this is murder! Police officer, you should take that The guy grabbed it and tried it casually. This guy must have deceived many people before. This might be a big fish! "

The police officer listened to Director Shao's words, and for a long time he probably understood what was going on, and suddenly he couldn't help crying.

Although he did not know if Lu Shan was a liar, it was obviously not the same as what he expected. The hostage-taking and other things were exaggerated and nonsense by the director Shao. I am afraid this is more It's just a dispute between doctors and patients. Of course ... the family member of this patient and the man whom the family member invited came to the rescue room of the hospital. If it really caused any serious consequences, it would also violate the law, but if there are no consequences, it will be very serious. Hard to characterize!

He hesitated, and decided not to leave Lu Shan first, so he looked at Yu Ling and said, "Are you the patient's mother?"

Yu Ling was still very afraid of the police. She nodded her head and said, "Yes ... I'm the child's mother, comrade police. The thing is definitely not what the doctor said. Mr. Lu came to rescue my daughter, but not What a liar! "


The police felt that the brain was a little bit painful. Is it a problem of a liar? Later, the key is to see if the child is in danger of life. If the child is in trouble, then the problem of these two people will be serious. You must first Just control it.

Then he asked: "This child ... how is he?"

"She's fine!"

Yu Ling quickly replied: "Mr. Lu has cured her. Now she is just scared. It should be okay in a few moments ... Come, Momo, please ask the police uncle!"

At this point, Yu Ling turned the Mo Mo holding in one direction and let her look at the police officer facing outward. Mo Mo beckoned and beckoned to the police officer when she saw the situation, saying, "Good policeman Uncle . "

At this time, the police officer didn't feel anything when he saw it, but he was relieved to see that Mo Mo had nothing serious. But Director Shao is already a bit silly!

Because he suddenly noticed that ... Momo waved clearly to the police officer's left hand, but ... wasn't the child's left hand broken? Just now I was cleaning up ... why now ... is this a hell?

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