Although this world has the magical ability of magic, it can achieve many operations that cannot be achieved by technology.

But for the current Qingyuan Town, he is the only one driving the development of magic technology.

Even if something like a magic engine is invented, it will be very troublesome to use it widely.

It is better to directly use basic technology that ordinary people can operate and use, and wait until more mages can be recruited in the future to develop magic technology.

Now, in order to catch up with the progress, Gooden decided to modify Buck's entries in advance.

Looking at Buck's panel, loyalty has reached 89. After completing the modification, it should be able to steadily break through to 90.

So Gudern began the prelude to further brainwashing...

Chapter 59 Roy’s secret message

Gooden followed the routine and began to greet Buck.

For example, how is the work, is there any pressure, are you adaptable to the current changes, is the salary enough, blah blah blah.

It had been ten days since the reorganization and transformation, and Buck was still a little uncomfortable with the new changes at first.

But now, he has been able to fully accept and adapt to the work ordered by Gudern.

In terms of salary, the price Goodell offered him was two gold coins per month, provided throughout the year.

And the point is that this is just his salary alone, and the wages of the apprentices below are calculated separately.

You must know that his blacksmith shop can only earn a maximum of ten gold coins in a year. If it is an off-season, he may even have to pay extra money.

But now, as long as he completes a certain amount of work on time, he can get the money. For Buck, the pressure in life suddenly disappears.

Buck was very satisfied with the current changes and answered Gudern's questions truthfully.

Seeing that the emotions were almost heightened, Gooden began to propose the idea of ​​'upgrading'.

"Now do you have any thoughts on further improvement? For example, becoming a blacksmith master or something."

"Well, if I were ten years younger, I might really think about it, but now I'm over forty..."

Buck sighed and said with some regret.

"Then if there was an opportunity to take your skills to the next level, would you choose it?"

"It will definitely happen. Whoever doesn't choose someone when given this opportunity would be a fool... huh? Master, why are you looking at me like this?"

Gudern looked at the 'Forging Master' entry that had been refreshed and reserved, and directly chose to modify it.

When he came to the blacksmith shop these days, Gudern did not forget to refresh the entries for the people around him.

For example, when he encounters a suitable entry, he stops refreshing it and waits for the right opportunity to modify it.

Buck's 'Forge Master' entry had already been refreshed and waiting, and only at this moment was it officially modified to replace the original junk entry.

"Huh?! Master..."

Buck's eyes widened as countless forging knowledge and special changes in his body suddenly popped out of his mind.

these things……

"Remember the contract between us. I can give it to you and I can take it back. Now go get familiar with the new forging knowledge."

Gudern was already used to the modified expressions of others, so he just said something slowly with a smile on his face and left.

Buck was left in a daze, and it took him a while to come back to his senses excitedly.

As for Gudern's 'reminder', Buck naturally didn't care, because he had already prepared to stay in Qingyuan Town for the rest of his life.

As for the knowledge that appeared in his mind, Buck didn't think much about doubting it. He was also one of the few people who knew about Master Gudern becoming a mage.

This magical change, he naturally attributed in his mind to the help of magic.

"Pansy, free up furnace number one for me. I want to use it."

"Yes, master."

After all the work outside was completed, Gudern returned to the castle as usual and got into the study.

Only a small part of the work arrangements required him to arrange the work himself, and he left all the rest to Old Joseph.

Old Joseph is responsible for things such as component construction engineering teams, personnel allocation arrangements, etc.

The end result only needs to meet Gudern's plan requirements.

In terms of entertainment, there are no modern and rich otherworlds, so Gooden can only read a book as a rest at the moment.

But this rest was short-lived, and soon Gooden entered the laboratory again and began to make various productions.

It was not until the afternoon that Old Joseph sent a letter that Gudern stopped making.

"Master, here is an unsigned letter with the mark you mentioned."

"Huh?" After hearing Old Joseph's words, Gudern immediately removed the magic and stood up to take the letter.

The simple envelope had a circle drawn on the seal and an inverted triangle inside the circle. This was the secret message mark agreed between him and Roy.

"Is the news coming out so quickly?"

Gudern muttered something in his heart, and then immediately opened it to check.

There were only five crooked characters on the letter paper. It took him a long time to read and understand the contents.

"Taxes, problems, dangers."

"Tax? Problem? Danger?"

After repeating it in a low voice, Gudern looked at the five unclear words and frowned slightly, thinking about their meaning.

As Roy is a spy who has reached full loyalty, Gooden will naturally not doubt the possibility of his rebellion.

But less than half a month after lurking in the Charleson family, an unknown letter came out, which made Gooden confused for a while.

"Old Joseph, what does this letter mean? Roy sent it back."

Simply, Gudern gave the letter to Old Joseph and asked him to help with the advice.

As an old Joseph who was full of loyalty, he was also aware of Roy's lurking affairs, and he was also a little confused about the return of this secret letter.

"Roy doesn't know many Chinese characters. If the matter is urgent and he can't understand it, he should circle the key points."

"He should be trying to express that there is a problem with taxes and he wants us to pay attention to it?"

Old Joseph muttered to himself and analyzed the contents of the letter, but at the same time his face became more confused.

"The autumn harvest is now, and the imperial tax collectors will come to collect taxes in a while. If there is any problem, it should be here."

"But after you come to Qingyuan Town, I will take care of all tax issues personally, and there will never be any problems."

"Is there an additional tax this year? That's not right. Even if there may be a war now, at most it will only be an advance tax rather than an increase. This is strange..."

Stroking his shaved beard, Old Joseph also fell into deep thought at this moment.

Gudern listened to this analysis silently, and he could rest assured about Old Joseph's loyalty.

The tax revenue in Qingyuan Town is not much a year, only one or two hundred gold coins. If you want to replace food with money, plus the food tax, it will only cost three or four hundred gold coins.

This small amount of money is just enough for 'him' to eat, drink and have fun for a year, but he has been financially supported by his family before, but he doesn't like it and even returns the excess taxes directly to the town.

For such an 'incorruptible' lord, Gudern did not understand how the 'tax' issue could be dangerous.


Gudern suddenly noticed a blind spot in his thinking, why Roy would send him such a letter.

Why did Roy find something dangerous about ‘taxes’?

"Damn it, bastard Charlieson, are you trying to trick me again?"

Thinking about the analysis from this perspective, Gooden directly cursed.

Old Joseph on the side looked up and was confused, what happened to the young master? Why are you suddenly scolding the Charleson family?

Chapter 60 The advent of the steam engine

"Fuck, Charlieson is so fucked up, is it over yet?!"

After Gudern explained, old Joseph also imitated him and cursed angrily.

The Charleson family has been causing trouble more than once, and these successive operations have made Old Joseph a little irritable.

"Master, how do you plan to arrange this time?"

With the advance tip, Old Joseph looked at Gudern and asked about this arrangement.

"Well... let's keep everything as usual, just pretend we didn't receive this letter."

Gooden thought for a while and came up with a solution.

"Ah?" Old Joseph was a little confused. Is the young master planning to resist?

"We don't know exactly what the stumbling block is for Charlieson. It will be difficult if things go wrong if we make arrangements in advance."

After explaining, Gudern paused and added.

"But it doesn't mean that I will do nothing. I will be given a copy of the expense record during this period, so I can keep it in mind."


The young master has now officially taken over the power to govern the territory, and Old Joseph's attitude is mainly obedience.

Even if there were no mistakes in governance, Old Joseph would not find it troublesome or irritating. Instead, he might be happy.

After all, the young master's ideas for management methods are all starting from scratch. It is inevitable to make some mistakes in the direction. Just treat it as accumulating experience.

After Old Joseph left, Gudern did not continue to carry it in the laboratory and returned directly to the study.

It would be a lie to say that he has not made preparations, but for this unknown blow, the only thing he can do now is to speed up the development of the town again.

As the territory becomes more powerful, his status and strength will be further improved accordingly.

When he has enough strength, Gudern will definitely take revenge, but now he has to slowly develop his own strength.

In the study, Gudern looked at the schedule item by item, thinking about which plans were more important.

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