Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 110 The seats are next to each other

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No matter what news is on the Internet, the speed of dissemination is astonishing, which is different from whispering, and you may only know a few people or only one person.

With the spread of the Internet, after a news is published on a public platform, it is impossible to predict how many people are watching in front of the screen at this time, let alone the speed of news dissemination.

The news that "Dream Hunting Travel Notes" was made into an animated film has occupied the headlines of the entire Internet, and the mysterious speculation surrounding the horse knight is overwhelming.

Han Mo not only helped complete the production of the animated film, but also promised that Meng Si would be present at the next publicity activities, including the press conference on Friday of course.

For some reason, Meng Si gave a like on the topic "No need to guess, the knight on the horse is actually a cute girl".

The boss of Sichen Media personally liked this post, just like confirming the gender of the horse knight, and the already stable popularity has set off new waves.

"Meng Si's compliment, is it because of the fact that the knight on the horse is a female writer? Omg!"

"talent has nothing to do with gender, no matter male or female, I support him, it may be her."

"No more guessing, there is a horse rider in the main creator list, wait for the live broadcast on Friday."

The poems once written by the knights of the horse have been turned out by netizens again and become a hot topic. Everyone began to praise the two poems word by word.

Originally, poetry and fairy tales were two different audiences, and because of the popularity and successful communication, I used to buy fairy tales of horse knights for my children, but now I fell in love with his poetry. Originally, I just liked poetry, but now I think fairy tales are also very interesting.

Later, the attention of the horse knight turned out to be better than that of many current first-line stars. In the past, some stars shared their daily life, and they could easily go on the hot search. The news of the knight and the royal horse was inundated. Except for the likes and comments of his own fans, it was completely lost to the sea and no one was interested.


The continued heating up for a few days was almost as expected by Meng Si. When the press conference was just held, people had already reached a maximum expectation, including the topic of liking, which was also done intentionally by him.

The press conference was arranged in the afternoon. After sending the little guy to school, Han Mo went directly to the company to meet the production team of the animated film.

The press conference will definitely accept questions from reporters. Although I don’t know what questions will be asked, it is the first time to promote the film. They know the animation production of “Dream Hunter” best. Many audiences went to the theater to watch, so some preliminary preparations were made.

After Han Mo and several main producers finished the meeting, they walked out of the small conference room together.

It just so happened that Zhai Xu's agent Wu Jie came to Sichen Media to do business and met Han Mo and his party in the corridor.

Han Mo and Zhai Xu are not familiar with each other, let alone with his manager Wu Jie. Even if he walked across, Han Mo was not ready to greet him.

Wu Jie doesn't think so. He has always been a person who has the opportunity to suppress and ridicule others. He glanced at the people behind Han Mo. He didn't know any of them. A sly smile appeared on Wu Jie's face.

"I'm so lucky. When I first came to Sichen, I was able to meet the newcomer that Sichen supported. Hello, Han Mo."

Han Mo heard the yin and yang in his words, and didn't want to ignore him, but he took the initiative to say hello, he couldn't leave directly, but he didn't want to talk to the other party, just slowed down.

The people from the animation production team who followed, saw someone greeting Han Mo, looked over, and slowed down with Han Mo.

Wu Jie didn't see Han Mo's attitude, and continued, "Mr. Meng is really interesting, and even put your name on the list of main creators. It has always been Mr. Meng's style of doing things to make the newcomer popular. I think that our family Xu Ge just started. At the beginning, no one has supported him like this."

People in the animation team thought Wu Jie's words were inexplicable and looked at Han Mo.

Han Mo knew what Wu Jie meant and sneered in his heart.

Wu Jie's best thing is that no matter whether the other party is willing to talk to him or not, he can chat endlessly, "Today's press conference, the creators have to answer questions, right? Does singing the theme song also count as answering questions? The horse knight is really borrowed from the east. Well, I must thank people when I see him this afternoon."

At first, the animation team didn't understand what the person on the other side was talking about. They even questioned that Han Mo was written on the list of main creators. When they heard this, they looked at each other and laughed.

The technicians are relatively straightforward and waste their lives listening to fools. The team leader directly said, "Han Mo, let's go and watch the trailer that will be played in a while."

Han Mo nodded and said, "Okay."

Glancing at Wu Jie even if he greeted him.

Wu Jie looked at Han Mo's back as he walked away, and pouted, "Cut, do the horse knights know that you are taking advantage of other people's reputation like this?"


As the owner of the press conference, Sichen Media also invited some film media companies and artists as guests in addition to major media.

In the afternoon, Meng Si brought Xiao Pang to the venue first, preparing for the press conference and some reception work.

The media reporters were the first to arrive. The equipment was set up early, and the long guns and short guns were aimed at the stage where the press conference was about to be held.

The big screen at the rear has been marked with the words "Dream Hunter" animation film press conference, and below the name of the film, a list of the main creators is written in small print.

The reporters were all waiting for the start. Everyone was traveling together and knew each other. The guests and the film creators didn't come. They had nothing to film, so they started talking about the press conference.

"Lao Liu, who do you think is the most talked about today?" Wang Chuan has been a photojournalist for many years and is very good at rushing to shoot. He asked Lao Liu, who was also a photojournalist next to him, with an electronic cigarette.

Lao Liu pushed his glasses, "Our editor-in-chief has already spoken. Today, we must take down the first photo of the Royal Horse Rider, and we must be the first to post the photo to the public account. Don't grab it from me."

"You can get it, there is a live broadcast, what's the use of your photos, and it can be faster than the live broadcast." Wang Chuan shook his head and said with a smile.

Lao Liu pushed his glasses again, and said confidently, "The live broadcast can only be broadcast after the press conference has started. If I find the Royal Horse Knight beforehand and click on one, it will be enough."

Wang Chuan knew Lao Liu's ability to take pictures and gave a thumbs up, "You are a bull."

Old Liu proudly stroked the few remaining strands of hair on the top of his head, and frowned while looking at the big screen in front of him and said, "Han Mo has also been written into the list of creators."

Wang Chuan smiled, "Maybe he sang the theme song this time. This is the venue of Sichen Media, and it is normal to promote newcomers, but it is more and more difficult to understand who is the main creator. The big guys are rich and self-willed. Whoever you want to write about."

Lao Liu also laughed and said in agreement, "You still see it clearly."

As the start time was getting closer and closer, Han Mo and the rest of the team also arrived at the venue, but instead of going to the front hall, they went directly to the VIP waiting room at the back.

The staff in front moved the chairs of the creators who were about to take the stage to the stage, arranged them in the order of the pre-arranged list, and pasted their names on the backs of the chairs, in the same order as when they were announced. The location is just next to the Royal Horse Rider. (Almighty Superstar Daddy..106106820)--(Almighty Superstar Daddy)

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