Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty It's Your Time

"Haha, I'm dumbfounded." Xiao Pang Xie listened to "Birch Forest" twice in a row, and almost jumped up with excitement, eager to wait for Tian Yadong to attack him directly as soon as he came out.

But Tian Yadong disappeared like the world after the problem, and never appeared again. Indeed, Han Mo's works no longer need his comments.

Cheng Yang was completely stunned. At first, he invited Tian Yadong to come over. He was originally in a bad name, just to increase his winning chips. Now he has no such chips.

Just now, everyone was playing Han Mo's songs on a loop, but now they have all come to their senses, and the screen is once again occupied by friends' messages.

"Kneeling for Han Mo, I can actually sing and compose a song in a few minutes."

"'Birch Forest' is not a song, but a story."

"I can buy Karma, Han Mo is my god, and I'm a fan of the road."

Han Mo looked at the constantly rolling comments on the screen, his eyes darkened a bit.

He was indifferent to fame and fortune, but he was not stupid enough to be fooled. This farce, which was written and directed by Cheng Yang and Tian Yadong had no qualifications and no position to play, Han Mo didn't want to pay attention to it at first. In order to support his fans, he came here. Now, the second question raised by Tian Yadong can neither represent the Writers Association nor Cheng Yang, which is ridiculous, but he still answered it.

But now... Han Mo snorted coldly.

Cheng Yang personally pushed himself to the cusp of the storm. He didn't expect that Han Mo could really write poems on the spot or within the scope of the prescribed theme. He knew that even a professional poet would not be able to produce a few classic poems in his life. What makes him even more unable to end now is that even such an excessive question from Tian Yadong at the end was answered by Han Mo, and he really made a song on the spot.

Friends kept swiping the screen and asked Cheng Yang to come out and give an explanation. This challenge was initiated by him, and he must show up at the end.

Cheng Yang wrote and deleted in the input box, deleted and wrote, and has been engaged in the word business for more than 20 years. This is the most difficult word he has written.

"The Royal Horse Rider is very good, and this challenge is over."

Friends didn't expect Cheng Yang to say such a sentence, and they all tapped on the screen, "Nani?" "Watt?"

Cheng Yang was about to leave, but his embarrassment and guilty conscience had taken over all his emotions. It was the first time that he wanted to run away in such an embarrassed manner.

Han Mo glanced at what Cheng Yang said, and pursed his thin lips slightly. He knew Cheng Yang's mood at the moment, did he want to escape?

He quickly typed two words on the keyboard, "Wait a minute."

Cheng Yang shuddered when he saw the message popped up by the knight on the horse, and stared at the screen in panic. He thought that Han Mo was just a newcomer in his twenties. He might have written the chapter well, but there was no shrewdness, regardless of whether he won or lost. All can be restrained, at this moment Cheng Yang stared at the screen and swallowed hard.

"The knight on the horse is talking, he asked to wait a moment, everyone don't leave."

"Yes, don't leave. Someone who lost, don't leave."

"Wait for what Han Mo has to say."

Han Mo directly clicked and sent the entered words.

"Since it's a challenge, I've finished answering my questions, now it's your turn."

It's your turn!

It's you!

"Is Han Mo challenging Cheng Yang?"

"Counter-attack! We must counter-attack!"

"Haha, I said that line for the knight on the horse, I won't accept it and fight!"

Seeing the message popped up by Han Mo, Peng Ye suddenly burst out laughing and slapped Zeng Ying's thigh, who was leaning against her and staring at the screen, and Zeng Ying screamed.

"Master Peng, why are you beating me with excitement?" Zeng Ying rubbed her thighs with both hands.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm so happy. This is the knight. If you dare to come, I dare to beat you back hard. If the tiger doesn't show its power, it's really like we are meow meow meow."

Meng Si put his hands on his hips, "This kid really gives me a face." Then he laughed and continued to watch the screen.

Xiao Pang drank a can of beer in one breath, then stomped on the can and shouted fiercely at the screen, "What, yes, Cheng Yang, it's your turn!"

Cheng Yang took a deep breath,

Just now, he was embarrassed and guilty. He had been thinking about the topic for so long, but Han Mo easily solved it. However, in terms of learning to create, he is quite confident, not to mention one of the best in the northern capital, but he must be in the forefront, he subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

While everyone was eagerly waiting for Han Mo's question, his third message popped up on the screen.

"I don't ask this question. I will give the power to all the fans at the scene. Everyone can write the question, and then everyone will choose the question with the highest votes. It is the question I gave today."

As soon as this sentence came out, it exploded in an instant. Fans never thought that Han Mo would leave such an important thing to them to do. Just now, seeing that his idol was treated unfairly, the other party's arrogance was still so arrogant. There is fire, but fortunately, Han Mo won and completed it so well, now it's up to them.

"Don't worry, the knights on the horse are guaranteed to complete the task."

"I can't make my own poems, but I'm an expert in writing questions for others."

Friends took active action, the number of online friends was amazing, and everyone brainstormed.

"What kind of storm can a group of amateurs make." A trace of disdain flicked on the corner of Cheng Yang's mouth.

Fans also have special organizers, similar to the fan support group. The leader and other fans also know each other. After Han Mo's information popped up, he took everyone to reopen the building to vote.

The screen that was still active just now was silent for a moment, and there was nothing. Time passed by, and Han Mo and Cheng Yang didn't know what the final topic was.

"Master Peng, I'm nervous." Xiaomei suddenly held Peng Ye's arm.

"Why are you nervous?" Peng Ye asked in a loud voice.

"I don't know. It's because the screen is suddenly quiet and inexplicably nervous."

Peng Ye glanced at it and shook his head with a smile.

Cheng Yang lit a cigarette and only took a puff. The smoke slowly rose and spread out in the house. He stared at the screen, holding the cigarette with his fingertips, squinting his eyes slightly.

Suddenly, the fans who disappeared collectively just now appeared instantly, and the information of the fans' representatives popped up on the screen.

"After we voted, the topic with the highest number of votes was selected."

Cheng Yang widened his eyes, held his breath, and waited for the questions of his friends to appear.

Han Mo didn't know what the question was beforehand, and he was staring at the screen at the moment.

"Please use a pair of antonyms as the title and write a poem. Before, the horse knight only took three minutes to answer Mr. Cheng Yang's question. Now, please ask Mr. Cheng to answer our question within three minutes."

"Timing begins."

Xiao Pang also participated in the question. After some friends proposed this question, they all felt that it was good. The final vote was indeed the highest. He also voted for this question. At this moment, when the question came out, Xiao Pang Xie was extremely emotional.

"An antonym, it's too difficult. Master Peng, you usually like poetry so much, do you have any clues?" Zeng Ying looked at Peng Ye with a bewildered face.

Peng Ye rolled his eyes, "If I had any idea, I wouldn't be a poet, and I would bring you little girls around every day."

antonym? to write poetry?

There were also professional poets watching the game behind the scenes. Seeing this topic, they quickly picked up their pen and their brains were running fast.

The moment he saw the screen, Cheng Yang's brain was blank, the antonym was the title, the antonym...

Time passes minute by minute. When waiting for others, I always feel that time is very long, but when I answer myself, time seems to fly by. Cheng Yang's cigarette had already been extinguished in the ashtray, and the pen in his hand was quickly scratching the blank paper, and there were scraps of writing paper scattered next to him.

Has entered the countdown stage, twenty seconds, nineteen seconds, eighteen seconds...

Cheng Yang put his hands on the top of his head, almost crazy, his thoughts were completely stuck, but the time did not stop, and the countdown continued.

Three seconds, two seconds, one second

"Time is up." The fan generation message popped up again.

"Teacher Cheng please send the completed poem to the page."

Everyone's attention fell on the screen, just like the result of focusing on Han Mo just now.

"It's time, hurry up."

"Yes, what are you waiting for?"

Fans kept urging.

Suddenly Cheng Yang's name appeared on the page, "It is impossible to write poetry in such a short period of time."

"Just now Han Mo answered your question in three minutes." The fan representative was also welcome.

"But this question is more difficult, even Han Mo can't answer it." Cheng Yang didn't believe it. He didn't believe that Han Mo could do it.

Friends didn't expect that the vice chairman of the Tangtang Beidu Writers Association could say such a thing. The fan representative was temporarily stunned by Cheng Yang's cheating behavior, and other friends were also stunned.

"Do you think the question is difficult if you can't answer it yourself?"

"I'm speechless, I can only do it 10,000 times."

If it weren't for the screen, Xiao Pang really wanted to slap Cheng Yang.

All kinds of voices were overwhelming for a while.

But at this moment, the person who should speak up the most, did not speak.

Han Mo's slender fingers tapped on the keyboard, glanced at what he had typed, and clicked send.

His message was suddenly inserted into the noisy screen, and the fans' eyes widened unexpectedly.

"Far and Near


look at me for a while,

look at the clouds for a while;

I think,

When you look at me far away,

You are very close when you look at the clouds. "

The author of this poem is Gu Cheng, a poet in the original world of Han Mo. This poem has only six short lines, but 27 words expound a wonderful and long-lasting philosophy. Here, far and near are antonyms, but they do not describe space, but the distance between hearts. The author presents a picture, two levels, and describes the profound spiritual connotation of getting along with each other.

As soon as Han Mo's poem came out, fans instantly boiled. Among his fans were not only fans but also many poetry lovers. Everyone knows poetry.

"Who said that the question is too difficult, no one can answer it in such a short time, do you see it? I ask you if it hurts."

"Far and Near, what a great poem, this is no longer just a description, but an artistic conception."

"I can't imagine that it is possible to produce such a high-level work in three minutes."

Not only fans but also some professional poets expressed their sincere admiration for Han Mo.

Cheng Yang's brows twitched tightly, his eyes fixed on Han Mo's poems, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Fans who like Han Mo were not ready to release Cheng Yang. They were originally angered by his cheating behavior. At this moment, Han Mo used his strength to slap his face.

The fans in Han Mo are in full swing.

Suddenly, a post popped up on the screen. The title of the book was, Zhang Xiaofan, Chairman of the Beidu Writers Association.

"The knight on the horse is worthy of being a young talent. When I first read "Facing the Sea, Spring Blossoms", I was attracted by the author's talent. The most eye-opening thing for a certain Zhang is today's on-site creation. Xiao Cheng also admired the Royal Horse Knight before and intended to include it in the Writers Association, but considering that he is a newcomer, and he is so young, he came up with such a quiz today. Using this platform, I announce that I will officially invite the Royal Horse Riders to join the Beidu Writers Association, hoping that the Royal Horse Riders can create more and better works."

Han Mo sat in front of the computer and indifferently glanced at what Zhang Xiaofan said.

He has never met Zhang Xiaofan, but he has heard from Wang Lei before that Zhang Xiaofan's works have won many awards, and some of his works have been translated into multi-national characters. His qualifications are very old, and the intellectuals in Beidu give him face very much.

Zhang Xiaofan's sudden appearance took everyone by surprise. Even the Beidu Writers Association did not think that Mr. Zhang would suddenly speak up.

Those who had been bubbling just now did not dare to say a word, and those who had not bubbling just now pretended to be completely absent, and the members of the Beidu Writers Association disappeared collectively.

Only Cheng Yang came out bravely, "What Zhang Lao said is that we have long wanted to invite the Royal Horse Knights to join the Beidu Writers Association, but we haven't found a suitable opportunity."

Han Mo didn't answer, he knew in his heart that Zhang Xiaofan came out to save the field, maybe he was watching the battle from behind the screen, and only appeared at this time, just to help Cheng Yang save face.

Friends are very interesting, since Zhang Xiaofan came out, they have not swiped the screen again, leaving space for Han Mo and the people of the Writers Association to talk.

Zhang Xiaofan's invitation had passed for a while, and the chairman of the Beidu Writers Association personally invited the horse riders to join.

Han Mo looked at the screen and left the keyboard with both hands.

Because Han Mo didn't make any statement, the atmosphere suddenly became extremely embarrassing.

Outsiders will definitely not know what kind of personality Zhang Xiaofan actually is, but the attitude he showed at this time was on a level with Cheng Yang, and his information appeared on the screen again.

"I don't know if the knight on horseback accepts our invitation."

It is not easy to join the Writers Association of Beidu, and it was also personally invited by the chairman of the Writers Association. Friends did not swipe the screen, but they all hoped that Han Mo would agree.

Han Mo glanced at Zhang Xiaofan's words.

"Do you think he would agree?" Wang Qian looked at Li Manli and Guo Tao, but neither of the two beside her spoke.

Meng Si stared at the screen, not knowing how Han Mo would answer.

Friends were all waiting for Han Mo to appear, Zhang Xiaofan and everyone in the Writers Association looked at the screen.

You can join the Beidu Writers Association, or invite the chairman of the Beidu Writers Association in person.

At this time, the account of the knight on the horse appeared on the screen.

"Thank you, I don't accept it."

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