Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 172 Physical strength reaches the limit

Han Mo wanted to grab the rock hard, but his body leaned too far, the cliff didn't have a slope, his body lost his balance, and both feet left the cliff at the same time. Han Mo tried to keep one hand on the cliff, but after his feet vacated , the strength of one hand cannot support the whole body at all, and there is not even a finger on the cliff that can be grasped.

Shu Ya on the tower in the distance could clearly see every movement of Han Mo, including the moment when Han Mo struggled to grab the rock after losing his balance.

Shu Ya sweated for Han Mo in her heart.

"Oh, it's a pity to let go, it's a pity to start over." The sponsor representative said regretfully.

Guo Tao said with a smile, "If it's your first time climbing, it's hard to pass once. It's not bad to be able to climb to this height."

Han Mo was slowly put on the ground. He looked up at the towering rock climbing wall, wiped the sweat from his face, and took a break to prepare for the second challenge.

In fact, he has already climbed half of the height, only half of it, but he has basically exhausted his physical strength. Han Mo sat on the ground and gasped heavily.

He decided to try his best to recover his stamina and perform the second challenge. Each restart would consume a lot of stamina, and the chance of success in the challenge would decrease accordingly.

Han Mo couldn't help looking in the direction of Shu Ya. He didn't wave, didn't speak, just watched. Both of them knew that each other was looking at them.

Han Mo got up, stood up, motioned to the staff to help him fix the safety rope, and suddenly came the voice of another group of guests behind him.

It turned out to be Zhai Xu. They ended the penalty time and left the Spring Ivy Sushi restaurant first. Not long after they left, Pantene and Li Manli also defeated Lin Botong and Li Yanan and left the sushi restaurant.

But Pantene and the others didn't know the way, the van had no navigation, and they took a lot of wrong roads.

As soon as the group of Zhai Xu and Wang Yang walked out of the sushi restaurant, they met enthusiastic fans, invited them to get on the bus, and sent them directly to their destination, saving a lot of time.

When choosing who to be protected, Zhai Xu and Wang Yang both want to be the protected object. They both have their own little eyes in their hearts, thinking that the protected person will not carry out this project, as long as they rest somewhere and wait. Okay, but Wang Yang spoke faster than Zhai Xu, he took the lead and said to the camera that he was a protected object, and once he said it, he could not change it, and Zhai Xu became a challenger.

Until Zhai Xu was taken to the foot of the mountain and saw the task card. When Wang Yang was taken to the top of the tower, they knew that being protected did not require completing the task, but handed his destiny into the hands of his teammates.

Wang Yang regretted it very much at the moment, because he would rather go rock climbing than jumping from a height of tens of meters.

Han Mo didn't pay attention to the time all the time. Seeing that even Zhai Xu and the others had arrived, he knew that he had spent a lot of time just now.

The staff prepared safety measures, and Han Mo began the second challenge.

There was no way for the camera to follow the rock climbing, so the guests had miniature cameras on their heads, and the other cameramen could only film Han Mo's movements from a distance.

The second challenge started, because I just climbed this route, so I saved some time when I was looking for a foothold, and after hanging at a certain point for a short time, I also saved some physical strength.

Although he didn't know how long it took, he obviously felt that it was faster than the first time, but the speed of physical decline was also much faster.

Han Mo's arms were sore and uncomfortable, and the strength of his legs was not as strong as when he first challenged.

Zhai Xu has also begun to challenge. He is the same age as Han Mo and has a similar body shape. It is hard to say who will climb to the top first. In addition to physical strength, there is also a little skill and endurance.

"Guo Director, this project is so difficult, will all the stars choose to give up their teammates in the end?" Wang Qian couldn't help asking Guo Tao, looking at Han Mo who was struggling to climb up.

Guo Tao didn't answer right away, and he didn't know what the result would be. Anyway, it would be nice to have an audience to watch. Whether it was to successfully rescue a teammate through hard work or to give up a teammate, it was their most authentic performance when their bodies reached their limit.

Zhai Xu had a slight advantage below Han Mo. He could follow the trajectory that Han Mo had walked, so the start speed was relatively smooth, and he quickly caught up with Han Mo.

After the appointment, the greater the physical exertion, and the second time Han Moshi accepted the challenge, he was naturally more tired than Zhai Xu.

Sweat was left behind, Han Mo found a fulcrum and rested for a while. He couldn't leave the rock with his hands, and he couldn't wipe the sweat. He could only shake off the sweat that was about to drip into his eyes.

When Zhai Xu saw that Han Mo had stopped, he was overjoyed. What he thought before climbing was that he would give up if he felt exhausted, and try not to be too embarrassed or injured.

But when he successfully climbed halfway, his physical strength obviously dropped to the extreme, but he didn't want to give up, he wanted to climb to the top, this feeling was very strange, Zhai Xu still insisted on gritting his teeth.

Even Wang Yang was surprised. He thought that Zhai Xu would give up to rescue him early. This bungee jump was inevitable, but Zhai Xu kept climbing.

At this moment, Zhai Xu climbed to the position where Han Mo lost his balance just now. When he stretched out his hand to grab the rock, he suddenly failed to grasp the rock and leaned back, all four limbs left the climbing wall at the same time.

Han Mo knew that Zhai Xu had failed the first challenge, but he didn't have time to think about it. He didn't want to compete with others at the moment, and his only purpose was to rescue Shu Ya.

Every step was so difficult. At first, Han Mo wanted to shake off the sweat from his head, but then he was too lazy to do the sweat, and his vision began to blur.

At this moment, Li Manli and Pantene arrived at the scene of the game, and Li Manli was the protectee.

Pantene is a star, and the scenes of climbing often appear in the movies. She started rock climbing training just to be able to complete these scenes better in the movie. Later, she actually became a rock climbing enthusiast. When she saw There was a look of joy on my face when the last challenge was about rock climbing.

Putting on the protective gear, she simply listened to the precautions given by the staff. Without demonstrating with professional climbers, she immediately started the challenge.

Pantene is tall, and although she doesn't look fat, her arm muscles are very strong. At this moment, this rock climbing project is only a beginner level for her.

Zhai Xu was dropped to the ground, just seeing Pantene climbing up at an astonishing speed, he couldn't help widening his eyes, unable to believe his own eyes.

"I guess Han Mo still can't reach the top this time. He has no physical strength now. If he can't find the fulcrum, he will definitely let go again."

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