Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 218 2 requirements

The page opened on the computer screen is the list that Guan Hui sent to Zhang Liguo. It is all the people who have been recorded in the Copyright Association, including writers and poets. As long as they have published works from all walks of life, they will be included in the roster of the Copyright Association. .

"The Legend of Zhen Huan." Zhang Liguo whispered to Han Mo again, his mind went blank.

Although Han Mo didn't directly answer that he was hm, he didn't need to think much about linking names and letters. hm is clearly the abbreviation of Han Mo.

It turns out that the name of this work is The Legend of Zhen Huan, but the name of Zhen Huan has not been mentioned before in the story. Zhang Liguo knows that something must have happened later, and the name of the protagonist's name has changed.

Seeing that Zhang Liguo's face changed from stunned to stunned to shocked, Han Mo still kept his original expression without any waves.

Zhang Liguo's hand trembled slightly, he wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say, and his heart was heaving violently.

Han Mo moved his body slightly and changed his sitting position. Zhang Liguo thought that Han Mo was about to stand up, so he also stood up immediately.

"Mr. Han Mo." Zhang Liguo thought that Han Mo was going to leave and was going to say to keep the other party's words, but he saw that Han Mo just changed his sitting position, but he had already stood up, a little embarrassed.

Thinking about it just now, I thought that Han Mo was here to ask for a role. Now that I think about it, I blush. The script was written by others. This is a nobleman. I didn't dare to think about it, the more I thought about it, the more embarrassed I became.

Han Mo quietly watched Zhang Liguo's sniper at a loss and did not speak, and ignored him, making Zhang Liguo even more at a loss.

"Mr. Han Mo, this work of yours is very good. I only heard that you can write songs before, but I didn't expect it to be so good. I think" Zhang Liguo was a little embarrassed, Han Mo didn't have too many expressions, and he didn't talk to him. He was polite, Zhang Liguo was not sitting or standing.

Zhang Liguo was sitting down hesitantly, preparing to think about how to say the next sentence, when suddenly Han Moqing coughed, and Zhang Liguo, who had not had time to sit down, stood up again.

Zhang Liguo's purpose is very clear. He still needs good works. He hopes to achieve another peak before retiring and bring his directorial career to a successful end.

It's not the worst that Zhen Huan's biography is not given to him. The worst thing is that Han Mo gave this work to someone else. If Han Mo gave it to someone else, no matter who shoots it, as long as it's not a bad director or a bad actor, it will definitely be done. To become a classic, it is bound to become one of its own rivals,

Zhang Liguo didn't want to see such a thing happen.

Zhang Liguo has a heart, no matter what method is used today, he must pre-book Zhen Huan's biography first, as long as the script is in hand, you can shoot it whenever you want, so that you can have a step-by-step process, first shoot The Legend of the Red Concubine and then shoot Zhen Huan According to legend, Zhang Liguo had a small calculation in his heart.

He decided to open his mouth and said, "Mr. Han Mo, do you have any intention of making this work into a TV series?"

Han Mo smiled and said, "Of course."

Zhang Liguo couldn't help but clapped his hands, "Great." He continued to ask tentatively, "Have you decided which director to shoot for?" Zhang Liguo guessed that Han Mo must have shown this part of the script to many directors. It should be to choose a director who is competent for this work.

The first "Little Han", and later "Mr. Han Mo", now even the honorary title "You" is used, and Zhang Liguo is also willing to go out of his way to get Han Mo's works.

Han Mo pursed his lips. He guessed that Zhang Li would praise the work, but he didn't expect it to be so strong. He was not in a hurry.

"I haven't figured out who to shoot for. I hope to find a responsible and capable director."

Zhang Liguo said with a pleasing smile, "Mr. Han Mo, you can see if I can do it. In terms of strength, you can go and look at my previous works. They are definitely classics. In terms of sense of responsibility, I don't need to say more. I have worked with me. Actors can prove it." It always feels a bit strange for a director who is nearly 60 years old to recommend himself so nakedly in front of a young man.

"I really have to think about this before making a decision. After all, this is a long novel. If a TV series is produced, the management will be very strict. I don't want to make a decision so quickly. When the time comes, I will notify Director Zhang as soon as possible." Han Mo His tone was as calm as when he first entered the office.

But Zhang Liguo couldn't calm down. In his opinion, he could wait patiently for other things, but he couldn't wait for the script, in case the duck that was waiting for it would fly away.

Zhang Liguo said eagerly, "Mr. Han Mo, you can put forward any request you have. We can all discuss it, it's fine."

Han Mo smiled, "Indeed, I have several requirements for this work."

If other people asked Zhang Liguo to ask him, they would be very disgusted, but at this moment, they all feel that the two words are very pleasant to ask.

"You said, if you have any requirements, just mention it." Zhang Liguo said excitedly.

Han Mo sat up straight, raised his head and said, "First of all, I want to have the right to decide the main characters of this TV series."

Zhang Liguo understood that Han Mo meant that Han Mo could decide the male and female lead actors in this TV series, and he nodded slightly.

Han Mo continued to say the second point, "I want this TV series to start shooting immediately, the fastest."

"Start shooting immediately?" Zhang Liguo hesitated.

If it were at other times, this request would be nothing, but he just recently had another TV series The Legend of the Red Concubine that was about to start filming. The list of the main characters was just announced in the media, and the publicity before the filming had not even started.

Zhang Liguo said with a little embarrassment, "Mr. Han Mo, can we change this one? I just have a new drama to be filmed right now, and we don't make a drama overnight, at least we have to look for the role of Zhen Huan for a long time. , and funding, wait a bit, or we will go later and prepare more before shooting?"

Han Mo didn't speak, and stood up with a serious expression, "Since Director Zhang can't meet my requirements, then I have to find a more suitable director to shoot. Such a good work can be done well by anyone."

Han Mo's last sentence pierced Zhang Liguo's heart.

There are not too many choices. If the Legend of Zhen Huan and the Legend of Red Concubine are destined to be in competition, Zhang Liguo would rather hold the former in his hand. The reason is self-evident.

Zhang Liguo swallowed hard and patted the table, "Okay, I promise you these two requests."

Han Mo pursed his lips and smiled slightly.

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