Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 223 Talking about cooperation

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Shu Ya was stunned, so she took out her mobile phone and clicked on Weike. As soon as she logged in, all kinds of private messages and messages occupied her entire personal homepage. Shu Ya didn't have time to read these but found the information released by Zhang Liguo. People forwarded Zhang Liguo's information and Aite arrived at Shu Ya at the same time.

"I can't make a mistake, right? Director Zhang didn't tell me about the new drama, and I haven't heard of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"." Shu Ya couldn't understand the situation.

Peng Ye is even more confused. For this kind of invitation, usually contact her first, and then filter it to Shu Ya. Not to mention that Shu Ya has never heard of it, and even Peng Ye has never heard of Zhang Liguo. There is a new one. In the TV series, not only did he withdraw from "Legend of the Red Concubine" for the new drama, but he also led the team to change jobs together. This time, it was revealed that the female lead was Shu Ya. The key is that Shu Ya herself did not know it.

In an instant, the three people in the nanny's car were all refreshing Weike with their mobile phones. They wanted to know what happened this morning. Compared with the speed at which they refreshed Weike, the speed of netizens' comments was much faster. In fact, it is more than an hour in the morning, and the Internet has exploded. To say that the speed of various topics spreading is really too fast.

A comment from netizen Xingyi Xinlian, "Is there anyone in the media who knows the details of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?

A comment from the netizen bookworm Tao Yu, "It's good to have a makeup photo of Shu Ya, let's feast our eyes first."

A comment from a netizen who went to the end of the world to wander, "Can I release all the news about "The Legend of Zhen Huan" at one time today, don't squeeze toothpaste, wait online, I'm in a hurry."


The more attention the netizens are, the more the major media pays attention. At this moment, whoever is the first to know that even the slightest details are reported, will increase the traffic and clicks. The media people are surprised to find that this news is not only explosive, but more like a Someone is manipulating, and every Weike announcement has the most appropriate node, leading the netizens to move forward. It can't help but guess that there is a behind-the-scenes public relations team to help Zhang Liguo.

Chen Jiannan, a senior media person from Weike News, first contacted Zhang Liguo himself, but did not get through the phone, and then contacted the producer Li Sheng and the heroine Luna without success. When he saw Zhang Liguo's third Weike, he immediately dialed After calling Peng Ye's phone several times, the line was busy, and finally got through after many attempts. When the long waiting sound rang, my heart was infinitely excited.

"Master Peng, it's really hard to make a phone call." Chen Jiannan and Peng Ye had some friendship, and they talked a lot more casually.

Peng Ye originally wanted to swipe Weike online to see what happened just now, but as soon as he opened Weike, he was bombarded by various aspects.

Before I could look here, the phone started ringing nonstop. Everyone's topic is the same, about Shu Ya's role as the female lead in Zhang Liguo's new drama.

Peng Ye sighed lightly, and said helplessly, "It's all about asking me about Zhang Liguo's new drama. The key is that I don't know."

"Don't you know, don't be joking, Zhang Dao led the team to change jobs collectively, and ruthlessly cheated the old club, just to direct the new drama "The Legend of Zhen Huan", named Shu Ya as the female No. 1, you Could it be Shu Ya's agent? I believe Shu Ya if she doesn't know. If you say you don't know, don't make fun of me, it's just our friendship, you're not being kind." Although Chen Jiannan spoke to you, I have great respect for Peng Ye. In fact, there is a mutually beneficial relationship between mainstream media and various celebrities, especially between Weike News and first-line celebrities, which is very ambiguous and subtle.

Peng Ye's face is stunned. Her character is upright, straightforward, and efficient. She has foresight and skill, but she is not scheming. He got angry and raised his voice an octave, "What if I knew I was hiding it? It's not a shameful thing, just act, if you don't act, you won't act.

After being yelled at by Peng Ye, Chen Jiannan was stunned for a while before he said cautiously, "You really don't know?"

"I really don't know. I checked with Zhang Liguo just now, but he didn't answer the phone, and his assistant director also disappeared." Peng Ye is telling the truth. All the information came from Zhang Liguo. Naturally, it comes first. It was time to ask Zhang Liguo, but the old man didn't answer the phone, and Peng Ye was helpless. He didn't know if it really happened or if he was used as a gunman. Now it's embarrassing, and he can neither clarify nor admit it.

Chen Jiannan knew that he couldn't get any useful news from Peng Ye, so he felt a little depressed, and he sighed deeply in his heart, "Even Master Peng doesn't know, so no one knows. Director Zhang can't be contacted now. Come on, I can only continue to wait for him to reveal the news himself."

The two of them didn't have much to talk about either. If it was normal, they would have a few chats, but now Chen Jiannan and Peng Ye were not in that mood, so they hung up the phone in a hurry.

It's not that Zhang Liguo doesn't want to answer the phone calls from Peng Ye and Shu Ya, but every step he takes now is in accordance with Han Mo's instructions. To be precise, even if he answered the phone, he didn't know what to say. He felt like he was on a pirate ship. At this moment, Zhang Liguo was staring at the screen with his mobile phone, waiting for Han Mo's next instructions.

The bold speculation about "The Legend of Zhen Huan" on the Internet has reached a fever pitch. For a time, various comparisons between Shu Ya and Luna swept the entire Internet. Yesterday, I wished I was Luna in the center of the entire entertainment industry. Today is like crossing the street. Like a mouse, anyone who sees it wants to step on it, but it is still hard to step on.

Usually when you encounter difficulties, it is the time to show your usual popularity. Some people encounter difficulties at work, and many friends will come out to help and support. I hope everyone can get through the difficulties together, but some people encounter difficulties, All the people who were originally silent can't wait to come out and make up for it, I hope you will never be saved. Obviously Luna belongs to the latter.

Han Mo looked at Weike and pursed the corners of his mouth.

In this short period of time, Meng Si didn't do anything else. His eyes quickly shifted from Han Mo's face and the screen of his mobile phone. He was observing Han Mo's expression.

Damn, laughed again. Meng Si muttered in his heart, he knew that Han Mo must have a new move, and there was a faint ominous feeling.

Meng Si put his hands around his chest, leaned back in the chair, and slapped his mouth, "What are you going to do again?"

"Let's talk." Han Mo lost his smile, as if talking to Meng Si at ordinary times, very casual.

Meng Si waited a little disturbed, "Come on, talk about something."

"Talk about cooperation." Han Mo changed his sitting position and continued, "Are you willing to invest in "The Legend of Zhen Huan"?"

"Nonsense." Meng Si suddenly sat up straight and small, "Talk about the point."

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