Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 236 With you, I am no longer afraid

Meng thought about it for a long time. Isn't the prince the role that Han Mo initially asked him to stay to be determined, and he didn't care about Han Mo leaving the role. Later, when the TV series started filming, the actors were handed over to Zhang Liguo, and Meng Si didn't worry much.

Now that I was asked by Peng Ye, I remembered it, but because I thought about it for a long time, Peng Ye was an impatient person, how could he tolerate Meng Sihan for so long.

The first sentence can only be said to be arrogant but not popular, but the second sentence immediately screamed, "It takes so long for you to remember an actor, is it Alzheimer's?"

Meng Si hated people saying he was old the most. In his heart, he was still a little fresh meat. Peng Ye not only said that he was old, but also said that he was senile dementia. He is old, and it is unbearable and unbearable.

Meng Si's angry little flame ignited in a flash. Generally, topics related to his appearance and age would make him particularly excited. At this moment, he forgot who the other party was, "You are dementia, you are not only dementia, you Menopause, yes, menopause."

Peng Ye was furious and didn't expect Meng Si to dare to talk to him like this, "Meng Si, remember what you said just now, wash your neck and let the old lady wait." After speaking, he hung up the phone with a snap.

It wasn't until Meng Si heard the beep of hanging up on the other end of the phone that he realized that he just couldn't control it for a while, and what a serious consequence it had caused.

Thinking of this, Meng Si swallowed hard and slowly put down the phone.

Xiao Pang Xie was standing next to Meng Si. Just now, Peng Ye's voice was very loud. The conversation between her and Meng Si was completely overheard by Xiao Pang Xie. Xiao Pang said in a worried voice, "Meng, Boss Meng... ..."

Meng Si's expression froze on his face, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, and he sat down on the sand chair.

Peng Ye took the phone to the corner to call, hung up Meng Si's call and walked to Shu Ya.

Peng Ye is straight,

If you are unhappy, it will be written on your face. Just now Meng Si scolded him for menopause, and he was so angry that he stood up. If it wasn't for something now, he would definitely rush to Meng Si to make him look good.

Seeing that Peng Ye came back with a stern face, Shu Ya guessed that the phone call might have been unpleasant, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Peng Ye didn't want to say that Meng Si scolded her for menopause just now, so he took his expression and said, "It's nothing."

"Come, here, someone is here." Gao Meili pointed to the people who came from a distance.

"It seems to be Teacher Han Mo." Cheng Rui looked in the direction Gao Meili pointed.

"Wow, Mr. Han Mo, it's really Mr. Han Mo." Shen Mei shouted excitedly. In the first few days of fear, Han Mo ran to the set to get close to Shu Ya, and every time he came, he invited everyone. Eating, everyone has a particularly good impression of him.

He is one of the producers, and it is not good to visit the class empty-handed, although he just wants to visit Shu Ya's class alone.

Shu Ya raised her head abruptly when she heard the voice, and pursed her lower lip lightly when she saw Han Mo.

Han Mo saw Shu Ya's position at a glance and walked directly in her direction.

The three girls were very excited to see Han Mo, and hurried up to meet him.

"Mr. Han Mo, you are here to visit the class again."

Han Mo didn't want to explain too much, and smiled.

"Mr. Han Mo, the number of our shows today has changed. Today we are going to shoot a more important scene." Cheng Rui pretended to be mysterious.

"I just don't know who is the actor of Prince Guo. Mr. Han Mo, you are a producer and you must know. Can you tell us about it? Hehe, we all want to know." Gao Meili asked courageously, although Han Mo is a producer, an investor, or a screenwriter. It is reasonable to say that Han Mo is their leader, but because Han Mo is relatively young, although he doesn't talk much, he is very easy-going and has no pretence, so new people, both men and women, have a good impression of him. He also speaks more casually.

Seeing Han Mo coming in, Zhang Liguo hurried over, "Come on."

Han Mo smiled and nodded, and hummed.

Han Mo actually just wanted to have a word with Shu Ya, but he was stopped by Shen Mei and the three of them before he had time. He knew that he had come a little late, and Zhang Liguo was polite, but he could see that he was a little anxious.

Every day there is progress in filming. Too late will definitely affect the following filming. If he walks over to tell Shu Ya now, let alone Shu Ya, he will definitely be caught by Peng Ye and ask endless questions, but he can't explain clearly. , and complicates the problem.

In fact, he didn't really want to play the role of Prince Guo at first. Later, after thinking about it, the only person who had an emotional entanglement with Shu Ya in the play must not let outsiders play the role. He wanted to make this green leaf for Shu Ya, To make Shu Ya's gorgeous flower bloom even more beautifully, so I changed the pending decision to go into battle in person.

Zhang Liguo said softly, "Hurry up and change your clothes and make up."

Han Mo's deep eyes glanced at Shu Ya, but turned and left in an instant.

"What? Change of clothes, makeup? Did I hear it wrong?"

"That's right, I also heard Director Zhang talking about changing clothes and putting on makeup."

"Why is Teacher Han Mo doing what?" Shen Mei asked suspiciously.

Gao Mei shrugged her shoulders and shook her head.

Although Zhang Liguo didn't speak very loudly, Shu Ya seemed to have heard him tell Han Mo to change clothes, so she could not help frowning.

"Xiaoya, Zhang Liguo said something to Han Mo, why did he leave without saying hello." Peng Ye said, looking at Han Mo's back.

"I didn't hear very well." Shu Ya hesitated to answer.

Shu Ya had already changed her clothes and touched up her makeup.

The background actors in the two worlds are different, and it is impossible for Han Mo to write exactly the same script when he wrote the script. He cut some plots between the emperor and Zhen Huan, and made the scenes that were originally very clear and did not have any intimate scenes become more clear.

When he decided to play the role of Prince Guo himself, he increased the emotional role a lot.

Han Mo quickly changed his clothes and walked out.

All of a sudden...the set was quiet.

"Mr. Han Mo!"

"Prince Fruit! Teacher Han Mo is Prince Fruit."

"My God!"

Shu Ya was stunned, her eyes widened.

Peng Ye rubbed his eyes hard, "Damn, it's really Han Mo."

In this scene, Zhen Huan was broken up to go to Ganlu Temple, but Prince Yunli rescued her many times, and never gave up on her, but she was constantly rejected.

In Lingyunfeng's meditation room, it was pouring rain outside, and Prince Guo was playing the flute in the rainy night. Zhen Huan was finally moved and decided to be with Prince Guo.

Zhang Liguo's vigorous and resolute actions did not give everyone too much time for surprise.

"Everyone pay attention, camera position 1, position 2, lighting, Han Mo, Shu Ya..." Zhang Liguo shouted on the set with a loudspeaker.

Shu Ya is a professional actor, even though she had a lot of doubts, she got in right away when she started filming.

On a rainy night, Prince Guo played by Han Mo played the flute.

Zhen Huan, who had already taken her first step, rushed into the rain.

Prince Guo suddenly looked back and it was Zhen Huan, with a hint of melancholy in his eyes that suddenly ignited hope.

The two embrace each other.

"Huan'er is that you?"

"It's me, here I come."

At this time, the camera pulls out the perspective.

Prince Guo said with concern, "It's raining and running here, so your body is gone."

"It's you who don't want your own body. You are still playing the flute here in such a heavy rain." Zhen Huan wiped the rain off Prince Guo's forehead.

"But you are most afraid of thunder and lightning."

"With you here, I'm not afraid."

"Can you say that again."

"With you here, I'm no longer afraid."


This could have been shot in strips, but Han Mo didn't want Shu Ya to soak in the artificial rain for too long, and all the conversations between the two were done in one go.

When the two of them interlock their fingers, they will be privately set for life...

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