Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 390 Mom and Dad are Xuan Xuan's pride

Xiao Pang Xie walked out of Han Mo's office with the computer in his arms again, feeling very depressed. He originally wanted to do everything he could to ask for the candidates for the concert guests, but Han Mo was the most ruthless and the closest to Meng Si. The difference is, don't say anything.

Little Pang Xie, who had nothing to gain, sat back to his seat again.

As soon as he sat down, the phone on the desk suddenly rang. Because he didn't get the answer he wanted, Xiao Pang Xie was a little absent-minded and picked up the phone with no energy.


"um, yes."



Xiao Pang Xie's originally depressed voice became more and more high-pitched. He stood up and ran to Han Mo's office in a hurry.

"Brother Han, Brother Han!"

Xiao Pang Xie, who had just left, suddenly appeared again, in the same way, in the same high-pitched tone, and in the same babble.

Han Mo sighed softly, "Didn't you say it, then you'll know it, don't you need to worry about the guests?"

"No, Brother Han, answer the phone, the landline, I'll take it over." Xiao Pang Xie's excited face can be described in four words, his brows beaming.

Han Mo was too familiar with this expression, he didn't think much about it, he just picked up the landline phone on the table.

"Hello." Han Mo said politely.

"Hello, Mr. Han Mo, I'm Statham from the Gaya International Film Festival. Your film "Youth" is really good. We hope to show your film in the section of excellent foreign language films of the film festival. "

After a few more simple chats, Han Mo hung up the phone.

Xiao Pang Xie never left, standing next to Han Mo excitedly, waiting for Han Mo to talk to him after hanging up the phone.

"Brother Han, Brother Han, what did Gaya's people say?"

"Oh, they want us to bring 'Youth' to the festival."

"Ah!" Xiao Pang Xie suddenly exclaimed, "Brother Han, you are going to be popular, Gaya, it is Gaya, one of the three major film festivals in Europe, we have Chinese films in five years, no, ten years. Any film can be shown at the Gaya International Film Festival."

Xiao Pang Xie fell into a person's lust, "Brother Han, you must take me there, I also want to go to Gaya, let's walk the red carpet and show off in front of the old man."

"Show off your fat and oily figure?" Meng Si suddenly appeared from behind Xiao Pang Xie, startling him, and Xiao Pang Xie subconsciously covered his butt.

Meng Si took two steps and sat in a chair not far from Pang Xie.

Before he could sit still, Xiao Pang Xie hurriedly stepped back several steps and hid out of Meng Si's leg-length range.

At the same time that Statham called Han Mo, people from the Gaya International Film Festival also notified Meng Si.

After all, having been in the circle for many years, Meng Si has a wide network of contacts, and no news will escape Meng Si's ears.

To be invited by Gaya to show his film at the film festival is an infinite honor for any director, and it is the first step to go abroad.

"Xiao Momo, what do you think about going to Gaya this time?" Meng Si still had his hands on his chest, although he was not as shocked as Xiao Pang Xie, but his heart was already surging, and who didn't want to go Gaya walks around, the red carpet, that red carpet is not for anyone to walk on, how many so-called carpet stars, without the blessing of works, how much effort, how much effort, in order to walk around on that red carpet .

Meng Si considers himself to be the most fashionable celebrity in China. Naturally, he wants to go to the Gaya red carpet to show his fashion, but he is no longer the president of Sichen Media. Thanks to him, he is also a producer in "Youth". I have to wait as a scumbag, and I have to follow him in a shameless manner.

Both Meng Si and Xiao Pang Xie were looking at Han Mo with extremely longing eyes. Han Mo looked at Meng Si, and then at Xiao Pang who was not far away from him, and smiled.

"This is participating as a foreign language film, not participating in the selection. There is no award. What can you think of."

At this moment, Xiao Pang Xie also cared about whether he would be kicked by Meng Si, so he took two steps before quickly, "Brother Han,

This is not as simple as participating in the exhibition. Although this time it is only participating as a foreign language film, but next time it may be participating in the evaluation, the meaning will be different. "

Xiao Pang Xie said that Han Mo knew what he meant, but it was only noticed by others. If you really want to participate in the evaluation, nomination, or even come back with an award, it will take a lot of effort, not just fantasize about it. , the work is the most important, the next work must suit the taste of the jury, in order to have the opportunity to participate in the evaluation.

Han Mo smiled and said, "Okay, I'll leave it to you to bring "Youth" to Gaya to participate in the exhibition. I'm busy with domestic affairs, and when I go abroad, it's up to you."

Meng Si was just waiting for this sentence. When Xiao Pang Xie heard the two words, he leaned forward in excitement, but when he heard Meng Si coughing lightly beside him, My heart tightened, and I quickly shrank back.

"Don't worry, Xiao Momo, this is the best thing for me to do." After speaking, Meng Si stood up and turned away cheerfully.

Xiao Pang Xie hesitated for a moment, but followed up, "Hee hee, Mr. Meng, you must add me to the list, I will run errands for you, and you need me most..."

Han Mo looked at the backs of them leaving and shook his head with a smile.


The gate of Golden Sun Kindergarten

When Han Mo arrived, the little guys had already started to prepare for school.

Xuan Xuan saw her father from a distance, and ran towards Han Mo like a little swallow.

After completing the start, run-up, and take-off to complete a series of actions, he jumped onto Dad's body.

"Dad, Dad, today I gave all the clothes to my good friends, they are so happy." The little guy said softly, acting like a spoiled child in his father's arms.

"Wow, my little Xuanxuan is so good. Xuanxuan has always been the pride of mom and dad." Han Mo lightly pecked the little guy on the face.

"Dad, you and your mother are also Xuanxuan's pride." After speaking, the little guy seemed to remember something, and his head drooped a little disappointedly.

Han Mo gently put the little guy on the ground and rubbed the top of the child's head dotingly.

"What's wrong? Mom and Dad are very happy to be Xuanxuan's pride, why aren't they happy?"

The little guy raised his head slightly and squinted his mouth, "Xuanxuan also really wants to show off her parents in front of her friends and tell them that my parents are also very loving. My mother is a big star and my father is a big director."

Han Mo's heart suddenly sank. It turned out that Xuan Xuan had always had such a wish in her small heart. This wish was so simple, but she did not let her child come true.

And the child wisely buried all of this in the bottom of his heart. He didn't say it until now. It must have been buried in Xuan Xuan's small heart for a long, long time.

Han Mo crouched down and gently touched the top of the child's head, "Mom and Dad are very happy to be Xuanxuan's pride. Of course, Xuanxuan can show off her parents in front of the children."

The big watery eyes of the little guy suddenly turned round, "Really? Xuanxuan can tell my good friend that my mother is a big star, and my parents are very loving?"

Han Mo raised his fingers and swept the little guy's nose, "Of course it's true."

"Long live Dad, I love you Dad." The little guy jumped and jumped happily with his arms raised in front of Han Mo.

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