Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 397 Little Tiger lost weight

Chapter 397 Xiaohu lost weight (Page 1/1)

The whole class has been wearing the same style of clothes for a long time. When other children wear them, they also have to wear them. This is the commonality of children, except for one child.

Little tiger.

Because Xiaohu deliberately wanted a smaller size, he couldn't wear it. Of course, this decision was made by his mother, in order to make him lose weight.

Xiaohu cried a few times at home. All the children in the class wore clothes designed by Xuanxuan, and he wanted to wear them too, but the one that Xuanxuan gave him was forced to be one size smaller by his mother, so he wanted to wear it. I couldn't wear it, so I cried at home to ask for a bigger size, so that I could wear the clothes designed by Xuanxuan like the children.

Just a month ago, Xiaohu was still struggling.

But Xiaohu's mother always said that, "You can lose weight successfully, you can wear it. Children, you have to be persistent, and you can't give up halfway through anything."

Every time the little tiger's mother finishes saying these words, she will cooperate with a very motherly action, and gently touch the little tiger's chubby head.

Xiaohu's father has actually persuaded his mother several times, "Why does such a young child lose weight? You used to make him eat hard, and now you are the one who won't let him eat. Don't worry about it, let the child eat well."

But Xiaohu's mother ignored Xiaohu's father, "What do you know, I just know that I was wrong before, so now I want to make up for it. He is a fat man at his age, and 80% of his growth is also a fat man. Now the ratio of males and females is out of balance, if the image is not good, where can I find a wife in the future?

Xiaohu's father sneered, "You are still thinking a long way, and you started worrying about your son's wife when you were only four years old, but what you said makes sense." Suddenly Xiaohu's father frowned, "But I'm also fat, I I still found you, hey, as expected, your image is very important, it is because of this loss that I didn't find someone with fair skin, beauty and temperament."

little tiger mother

After a roar, all you can hear is the sound of a frying pan hitting a fat man

Xiaohu originally thought that his father could win a chance for him, but at this moment, he finally looked helplessly at his father who was struggling at the bottom of the pot, sighed softly, and closed the door silently.

From then on, Xiaohu gave up struggling, after a month of hard work

"Hey, Xiaohu, are you wearing this outfit too?" Mengmeng ran over.

"Little Tiger, you've lost weight?" Rarity also ran over.

"Wow, look at Xiaohu really lost weight, he can wear clothes designed by Xuanxuan." Leyan pointed at Xiaohu in disbelief.

Xiaohu stroked his chubby head and smiled embarrassedly, but he couldn't restrain the little smugness on his face.

"How much weight have you lost, Xiaohu?" The children didn't notice that he had lost weight because they could see Xiaohu every day, only when they suddenly saw that Xiaohu could wear clothes that he couldn't wear because of his fatness. Now Xiaohu is really thin.

"Xiaohu, tell me quickly, how much weight have you lost?"

Several children gathered around and expressed that they wanted to know how much the little fat tiger lost.

In fact, Xiaohu still belongs to the kind of state that looks chubby, but it can be seen from the clothes that he has lost a lot of weight.

Xiaohu stretched out five short and fat fingers, and said naively, "Hee hee, not much, only five pounds."

"Wow, five pounds."

"Xiao Hu, you are really amazing. You have five pounds."

A few children surrounded Xiaohu, all staring at the inconceivably big eyes.

In fact, children have no concept of how many pounds of meat, but when they think of eating the right food, five pounds of apples and five pounds of oranges, they feel that five pounds is a lot of concepts.

For an adult, five pounds may not be a big deal, but for a child, five pounds is not a small number.

"Xiaohu, you are awesome, you can finally wear the clothes I designed." Xuanxuan said with a smile.

The little guy was very happy. She was very happy when she saw that everyone was wearing the clothes she designed, but Xiaohu was the only one who couldn't wear it because the size was not suitable. She always felt a little regretful. Now even Xiaohu can finally wear it, little guy. Very happy.

Xuanxuan is Xiaohu's best friend. She is praised by her good friends. Xiaohu feels that the hardships she has been forced by her mother for a few months are not in vain. After eating less and exercising more, she must persevere.

Xiaohu actually wanted to say that he always wanted to be able to wear clothes designed by Xuanxuan, and he wanted to be thinner, because he would actually look more handsome if he was thinner.

Although I can wear it now, I have only just been able to wear it, but the loose feeling of other children is still very different.

Xuanxuan took two steps forward, "Xiaohu, if you continue to work hard in the future, you will be thinner. My grandma said that thinness is the only way to be healthy."

Chen Yuehong always talked about losing weight at home and eating very little. Every time Han Jun said that she lost some weight when she was older, the old lady would use this sentence to say to him, "You are healthy when you are older." Little guy It's an excerpt from my grandmother's words.

Xiaohu nodded vigorously, "Xuanxuan, don't worry, I will be thinner."

The little guy shook his head and continued as if he remembered something, "But my dad said, you can't be too thin, you need to be healthy, and exercise more to build up more muscles in your body."

Xiaohu nodded harder, "Mmmm, I'll exercise more and become stronger."

All the children were finally unified. Xuanxuan was overjoyed when she saw the good friends who were wearing the clothes she designed. She really wanted to tell her father the good news right away.

But Dad went to Gaya to attend some very important festival. He has been gone for a few days. Fortunately, he will come tonight. The thought of this little guy makes me happier

The Gaya International Film Festival lasted for 12 days from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony, but Han Mo only participated in the opening ceremony's red carpet and foreign language film exhibition, and did not stay in Gaya for so many days.

Xiao Pang Xie wanted to stay in Gaya until the closing ceremony, but Han Mo thought about the child and Shu Ya, and was unwilling to stay in Gaya any longer.

Meng Si remained neutral. He just hoped that he would be more beautiful when he was photographed on the red carpet. Fortunately, the photos taken by the photographers he specially brought from the company were not bad.

Meng Si thinks that he has reached the pinnacle of fashion on the road, of course, this is just what he thinks.

Because not to mention the international one, even the domestic reports are all about Han Mo, and there is only a little bit of his departure in some corners, and they are all profile or back. Han Mo's light.

Meng Si is very unhappy about this, and has been criticizing those media for lack of aesthetics.

However, the Chinese people did not reduce their enthusiasm for Han Megaya's trip because of someone's unhappiness.

On the Internet, in magazines, and in newspapers, there are all news about Han Mo.

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