Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 430 Father's Heart-to-Heart

"Shu Ya is really great. Her father used to object to her singing and dancing the most." Liu Huijuan couldn't hold back her tears. These were tears of excitement and pride.

Chen Yuehong's eyes were also red, and she patted Liu Huijuan's hand lightly, "Sometimes our old vision is not necessarily right, Han Mo's father also objected to him entering the entertainment industry, but now other people's children have made a world of their own, We are all old, and we can't do anything except the silent joy and comfort behind us."

Chen Yuehong handed a pack of tissues to Liu Huijuan, with infinite emotion in her heart, the two children are so good, they have done so well in the cause that the old guys are against, what reason do they have to oppose, apart from self-blame, it is hope Children can get better and better.

Shu Qiang has been standing on the side of the box, singing along with his daughter. He has listened to every song of Shu Ya many times, and he can sing it proficiently.

At this moment, Shu Qiang is not just a father who is proud of his daughter. With red eyes and twinkling eyes, he looks at Shu Ya on the stage excitedly and sings every lyric clearly. He is a fan, a real fan, a fan father who has long regarded his daughter as an idol in his heart.

From the initial incomprehension, to the passive understanding later, and then to see a little bit of her daughter's achievements, she silently supported her with blessings behind her back, and now she has completely become a fan of her daughter.

Shu Qiang will follow up on every TV series played by his daughter, sing every song his daughter plays, and collect her daughter's posters and cover magazines.

Although my wife often complains about the insufficiency of tone, my daughter needs money to sing, but he sings to death. But Shu Qiang didn't care about these at all. He just liked these songs and sang them to himself. In his opinion, this was the best support for his daughter.

"You exist within the depths of my mind

In my dreams, in my heart, in my singing..."

With the end of the last lyric, the audience was boiling, and everyone sang the first song with tears in their eyes.

Shu Qiang wiped the corners of his eyes and tried his best to hide his emotions. He didn't notice it just now. It turned out that he was too excited and stood there all the time. At the end of the song, he quietly sat back in his seat.

Han Jun is also very excited. Although he can't sing Shu Ya's songs, he has already heard them in the early days of Han Mo's creation. The melody of the songs is very good, coupled with Shu Ya's unique voice. The emotion is perfectly interpreted.

In the live atmosphere of the concert, Han Jun's heart could not be calm for a long time, and he glanced to the side inadvertently, just when he saw Shu Qiang's red eyes, he took out a tissue.

Shu Qiang was stunned for a moment, then quickly put away the expression on his face, and coughed lightly, "I don't need it. Just now my eyes got sand, and it's better now."

Han Jun paused for a while when he saw the stubborn old man. He didn't want to take it. He smiled and shook his head. If it was normal, he would definitely have a few words with Shu Qiang, but this time Han Jun rarely said anything because he understood a father. Just like every time he watched Han Mo off the stage and in front of the TV, he was full of emotions every time. If Han Mo held a concert one day, he might be the same as Lao Shu at the moment.

So the two people sitting together at this moment are not two stubborn old men who like to fight each other on weekdays, but the heart-to-heart comparison of the two fathers. Han Jun didn't want to expose Shu Qiang, no matter if he really got sand in his eyes.

The fans at the scene shouted Shu Ya's name in unison. In the whole stadium, apart from the boiling sound, only two words could be heard, Shu Ya.

The music ended slowly, Shu Ya looked around the stadium, the lights were bright, and the colorful trails drawn by the glow sticks. When she was singing just now, she was very attentive and didn't notice the scene off the field. At this moment, she is really real See everything in the gym.

Her heart gradually calmed down. Apart from the high physical requirements of the concert, the rest is the same as her usual singing, that is, she sings with heart to her fans.

Shu Ya is not like many singers, she is good at mobilizing the atmosphere,

Good at singing and dancing. He conquered thousands of fans with his singing, made the scene boil with his emotions, and intoxicated the fans with his beautiful melody.

As Shu Ya said in an interview before the concert, she didn't think about using any kind of thought to interact with fans during the concert, because her fans just wanted to listen to her singing quietly.

What kind of singer will have what kind of fans.

Shu Ya's fans are just like her, and they meet here because they love her songs. Tears filled their eyes, no one wanted to see a different trick, as long as they could hear Shu Ya's singing.

The live media was also infected by Shu Ya's singers, and many of them were Shu Ya's fans, but media reporters were professional after all. The information of Shu Ya's concert is continuously reported.

Shu Ya's concert was not broadcast live online. Many online platforms found Han Mo before, hoping that Shu Ya's concert could be broadcast live online, so that more netizens who couldn't buy tickets could see the scene of the concert.

This kind of concert live broadcast has only emerged recently. Some singers have already tried it. The website will give the singer the money for the exclusive live broadcast in advance. The price depends on the singer's worth, and the platform charges netizens. Money is affordable for netizens.

But Han Mo directly refused. The reason is very simple. It was Shu Ya's first concert. He hoped that the concert would be mysterious, so that fans who did not buy tickets could be interested in Shu Ya's next concert. You can buy tickets to watch.

Therefore, the live news of the media is only short videos, pictures and text news.

At the moment, the micro-customer is all about the content of Shu Ya's concert.

In addition to high-definition short videos and photos taken by the media, there are also live photos and short videos taken by fans on the spot.

Because of the angle and equipment, the fans' shots are not as clear as the media shots, but they are much better.

"So excited, my Shu Ya started to sing. It was the first time I saw the real person of my family Shu Ya, and it was the first time I heard her sing at the scene."

"You can't imagine a scene where more than 10,000 people sing together, we are all immersed in "My Song"."

"This is just the first song, and I can't help but burst into tears. Shu Ya doesn't need to say anything, it has already moved our hearts together."

"To be honest, I'm a fan of Shu Ya, but it's not the first time I've seen a concert. I've seen many singers' concerts before, but none of them are like Shu Ya, who sings at the beginning, just sings quietly, and you can Let the audience boil, this is the charm of singers, no need to show, use singing to explain everything."

"Which city will Shu Ya's next concert be in? Is it a tour concert? Will it come to our Shanghai market?"

"Fans from Shanghai stock market come here to report, let's make a call for Shu Ya together."

This post about fans in Shanghai is full of comments from fans in the same city. This post was immediately pushed to the top, with more than 100,000 likes, and the number of comments continued to increase.

Many fans are unable to go to the live concert due to geographical reasons, and they feel a lot of regrets.

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