Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 433 I like you

Every detail of Shuya has been rehearsed many times, including the speed of changing clothes, and whether it can match the time of the VCR played on the big screen, all of which have been tried many times.

So it just happened that Shu Ya's side was all over, and the VCR on the big screen also came to an end.

Han Mo took the water cup from Shu Ya's hand.

"Little Momo, hurry up and prepare." Meng Si reminded him with his hands around his chest.

Han Mo turned his head and nodded to Han Mo, indicating that he understood, then looked at Shu Ya again and smiled.

Shu Ya also smiled.

There were bursts of cheers in the stadium again, and Shu Ya's name was repeated over and over again from the auditorium.

"Shu Ya!"

"Shu Ya!"

"Shu Ya!"

The little guy ran to the fence in front of the box, "Is mom coming out? Why hasn't mom come out yet?"

"Mom will be out soon." Chen Yuehong touched the top of the child's head and said with a smile.

The little guy opened his eyes wide, holding the fence with both hands, his big watery eyes filled with star-like light, looking forward and waiting for his mother to appear in the center of the stage again.

At this moment, all the audience are in the same mood as the little guy, and the fans are waving the light sticks vigorously, looking forward to the next song.

Suddenly the stage was quiet, and the fans seemed to have gained magical power. The fans who were still shouting Shu Ya's name just stopped screaming, and the audience was silent for a moment.

A beautiful piano sound spread through the air throughout the venue.

Suddenly, fans in the gym shouted, ""I like you"!"

"This song is "Like You"!"

"It's really "Like You"!"

With the same sound from different angles, the fans shouted the title of the prelude for the first time.

"The drizzle and the wind soaked the streets at dusk

Wiping away the rain, eyes looking up for no reason..."

Suddenly, Shu Ya appeared in the center of the stage with the sound of the first song.

This is Shu Ya's first Cantonese song, and it is also a single she released after her new album. At that time, on the official website of the Copyright Association, this Cantonese song sung by Shu Ya occupied the No. 1 position in several charts. one.

Therefore, fans have high evaluation of this song, and it is also a new attempt by Shu Ya to her singing career.

The fans at the scene, the media were all enchanted by this song, just like every song before it.

The media released the news of the song on major online platforms for the first time.

"Looking at the lonely night light

It's the sad memory..."

At the end of the first four lines of lyrics, all the fans were immersed in the song, because the accompaniment of the piano was very soothing and very clean, the fans did not sing along, but listened to Shu Ya's singing quietly.

At this moment, on the other side of the stage, another lifting platform slowly rose with dry ice smoke, and in an instant, fans could only see a white piano.

Then a familiar, deep, magnetic male voice drifted across the stadium accompanied by a beautiful piano accompaniment.

"There are countless thoughts in my heart again.

A moment of laughter still hangs on my face..."

Song duet, this is the concert guest appearance.

piano accompaniment.

The sound is calm and magnetic.

Duet "Like You"!

Everyone at the scene was intoxicated by the singing, and when they reacted, the elevator platform had risen to the highest point.

The big screen shots of the concert, the media's shots, and the anticipatory eyes of the fans all aimed at the man sitting by the piano.

"Han Mo!"

"It's Han Mo!"

"My God, it's Han Mo, it's Han Mo!"

"It's really Han Mo. I thought I was wrong. I can't believe it. Han Mo is actually a guest singer."

"Is this the biggest benefit for me to watch the concert? I am majestic."

The news was so shocking that no one thought that Shu Ya's concert guest would be Han Mo. To be exact, no one dared to think about it. In everyone's consciousness,

It is absolutely impossible for Han Mo to be a guest performer for anyone.

With the current status of Han Mo in the entertainment industry, they could not imagine that Han Mo would be a guest, accompaniment, and singing. Without any prior disclosure, Han Mo appeared like this.

The media almost counted seconds to release the news that Han Mo was the guest of Shu Ya's concert.

There are also fans at the scene who are using various channels to share Han Mo's images with their friends.

"It's really Han Mo, and it's really Han Mo in this video."

"Why didn't I get tickets because of my slow hand? Why, heaven and earth, such a big benefit."

"I usually feel that Han Mo is very cold, and I really can't imagine how he would be a concert guest for others."

"A man who can play the piano is so handsome."

"Can I say, is the "Like You" sung by my family Shu Ya and Han Mo good?"

"I ask the friends at the scene to forward a chorus part to give us some comfort to the hard-pressed masses who were not at the scene."

Not only netizens, but also many celebrities were stunned.

They knew that Han Mo was Shu Ya's manager, but they also felt that it was only a superficial relationship. Because Han Mo took over Sichen Media, everything was logical and nothing else, so no one thought that Han Mo would give Shu Ya a job. concert guests.

You must know that Han Mo's low-key and cold-heartedness is well-known in the entire entertainment industry. He can turn down resources that many stars can't ask for, and he can just silently make movies without doing some gimmicks, always giving People are polite but hard to get close, so many artists have a natural fear of Han Mo.

Especially after he took over Sichen Media, Sichen's artists kept him at a distance even more.

It is such a person, currently, now, at this moment, who is singing as a guest for Shu Ya, who is giving a concert for the first time.

Zhang Youcheng, the singer of Guangdong and Hong Kong, forwarded a short video of Han Mo sitting in front of the piano singing and playing, with the caption, "For fans, it was a wonderful night."

The famous musician Lei Jia, published a Weibo, and wrote about Han Mo and Shu Ya. "The original song and the cover are reproduced again, and the classics are in no particular order."

There are also many stars who followed and forwarded it with texts.

When Zhai Xu saw the news about Shu Ya's concert guests on the computer screen, he quickly opened it. "Han, Han Mo?" He couldn't believe his eyes.

Although he has always disliked Han Mo, but most of it is because of jealousy, but he will not deny the influence of Han Mo at home and abroad now, concert guests? He only knew that he never thought that Han Mo would be a concert guest for anyone.

"Han Mo! Impossible, impossible! Shu Ya has the ability to invite Han Mo, why, why!"

Qinmei, who had been standing beside Zhai Xu just now, screamed. She always thought that Shu Ya would definitely not be able to invite big names, and that the concert guests must be small singers assigned by the company, or even a new artist from the company. The brothers and sisters of the same company will go to the concerts of the brothers and sisters of the same door.

Qinmei opened her mouth wide and stuttered for a long time without saying anything. She likes Han Mo's songs the most. Although her cousin Zhai Xu and Han Mo have always been in a competitive relationship, Qinmei is still in the situation that her cousin doesn't know about it. , I secretly downloaded Han Mo's songs and listened to it, and watched the movies made by Han Mo.

In her heart, Han Mo was so cool, so cold, and so refusing. How many times she wanted to get close to Han Mo while she was working, and there was nothing more than a polite nod. Why today She would come to be a guest of Shu Ya, but Qinmei couldn't figure it out.


At the concert, after the corresponding four lyrics were sung, Han Mo suddenly got up and took down the microphone on the piano.

"I love you~ those eyes are so beautiful

Laughter is more charming

May it be..."


Shu Ya and Han Mo sing together!

The audience burst into thunderous applause.

"Mom, Dad!" The little guy has been carried back to the chair in the box by his grandfather.

First, the old man was afraid of the danger of the child standing on the railing. Second, he saw Han Mo appear, so he subconsciously carried the child back to the box.

Live fans.

fans on the web.

Everyone was shocked by what happened next, their eyes widened and their mouths opened.

Han Mo slowly walked towards Shu Ya.

Shu Ya looked at Han Mo affectionately.

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