Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 469 She can, so can they

Chapter 469 She Can, So Can They (Page 1/1)

three days later

Han Mo returned to India again, this time completely different from the last time.

The first time he came to India was to shoot a movie, Han Mo didn't know what the movie would face, and he didn't know whether the Mahavira he was about to see was really what he expected, let alone his Do the daughters have the same wrestling talent?

Han Mo admires these girls who practice wrestling hard, and Mahavira, who is working hard for the future of her daughters under enormous pressure from the outside world.

However, only girls who have achieved results will be truly successful and recognized by the outside world. The national superiority of men and women has been deeply rooted, and the silver medal is bound to be forgotten, and only the gold medal will become a model.

This time, when Han Mo came to India, his mood was completely different, because he firmly believed that Mahavira and his daughters would surely shock the whole of India.

Han Mo doesn't like to do too many ceremonies, even in his own territory, not to mention in India, he has not been interviewed and has nothing to say. What the film expresses is what he wants to express.

After a brief press conference, the film officially began.

What Han Mo didn't expect was the attendance rate of this movie.

He originally thought that it was a movie about women's rights after all. Even though Geeta had some supporters, but he really asked everyone to pay for tickets to watch the movie, maybe mainstream fans were reluctant. The child can be reversed.

Han Mo's psychological expectation is that the attendance rate is 80%.

But when entering the screening session, the audience lined up to enter the theater. With the crowd of people queuing slowly pouring into the theater, Han Mo was a little surprised.

100% attendance!

And there are also people who have conflicts with the staff outside the theater because they didn't get the chance to screen. Because of the wrong calculation before, the media reporters took up a few more positions, which means that some audiences lost their positions. Entry is not possible.

In the end, in order to quell the anger of the audience, the media reporters who came over were invited out and made some promises for them, so that they could vacate their seats and allow the audience to enter.

The place was quiet, the lights dimmed.

The movie officially begins.

Mahavira is a wrestler whose lifelong dream is to win a gold medal for his country in the World Wrestling Championship.

But for some reason, he did not realize his wish, he retired early, found a job and got married.

He did not get his wish, and Mahavir pinned his hopes on his son. He hoped that his wife would give birth to a son for him and fulfill his unfinished dream.

But his wife gave birth to 4 daughters in a row.

Mahavira already felt that his dream could never be fulfilled again.

But one day his daughter beat the two boys to the point where their parents came to the door, and Mahavira regained his fighting spirit.

He suddenly figured out that a gold medal is a gold medal, whether it is won by a boy or a girl.

From that day on, Mahavir decided to train his daughters to become world champions.

Everyone thought he was crazy. He resisted all the pressure for the future of his daughters. He told the daughters that they were not fighting alone. They were role models for all girls who didn't want to wash and cook for a lifetime.

Mahavira not only taught her daughters how to wrestle, but also how to beat the game.

Opportunities are fleeting, opportunities are fleeting, use every drop of your sweat to fight, believe that you will get more, and fate will succumb to your unremitting efforts.

He will say, Dad can't protect you all the time, Dad only teaches you how to fight, you have to overcome your fears and try to save yourself.

He also blamed himself, watching his daughters train hard, rain or shine, as a father, he felt deeply distressed, he felt that he was not worthy of being a father, but he had no choice, because as a coach he had to do it , when he decided to train his daughters to become professional wrestlers, he had to forget his fatherhood.

When the whole village was watching him laugh, when the neighbors were laughing at him, Mahavir withstood the pressure and carried all external difficulties by himself. He just hoped that his daughters could concentrate on training.

But the daughters didn't understand him, and the daughters felt that their father was forcing them to do things they didn't like.

They cried to the neighbor girl, "How can a father force his daughter to become a wrestler? Let them run at five o'clock and work like slaves. If they resist, cut their heads. God will give no one more Such a father."

The neighbor girl said helplessly, "I hope God will give me such a father, at least he cares about you very much. Otherwise, our reality is this: the moment a daughter is born, she is destined to be in the company of pots and pans. She manages the housework all day long, and when she is of age, she will marry a wife. In this way, she will get rid of his burden, and take his hand to her groom. For the man she has never met, to be a husband and a child, this is all her mission. At least, your father treats you as his own children. He shelters you from the wind and rain, he bears humiliation for you, and he just wants you to have your own future and your own life, what's wrong with him?"

The daughters gradually understood the painstaking efforts of their father, and realized that every battle they fought was not only about defeating their opponents on the field, but every victory was not for one person alone, but for the millions of girls behind them to win together with them. , all the girls who are considered inferior to the boys, all the girls who are forced to do tedious housework, the girls who are married off and have children. Geeta and Babita beat not rivals, but people who discriminate against girls.

They have to use their own achievements and their own victories to prove the mistakes of those people.

Geeta and Babita did it, and they used their efforts to tell everyone that they were no worse than boys, and even better than boys.

"I'm proud of you!" Mahavir said to his daughter.

There was warm applause in the theater, and tears filled the eyes of every audience member. They may have been skeptical about Mahavira's actions before watching the movie, or they may think that girls should not practice wrestling, or maybe they are just With a lively attitude.

But when the facts that they were familiar with were presented in front of them with a more shocking picture, no one could stop a pounding heart.

Geeta in the movie eventually won the Commonwealth Games gold medal, and the game is very real.

The audience stood up the moment the national flag was raised. Without any organization or preparation, all the audience sang the national anthem with tears.

At this moment, the ending subtitle of the film that would have appeared on the big screen did not appear.

In its place is a picture of a wrestling stadium.

The audience was stunned for a moment, not realizing what was going on. At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Live broadcast, live broadcast of the game!"

Geeta, that's Geeta!

I saw a girl in a national wrestling uniform with a gold medal on her neck, with a solemn expression full of respect.

At this moment, the Indian flag was really rising, and the national anthem echoed throughout the stadium, over the cinema, and in every household in India.

Mahavira did it.

Geeta did it.

The girl uses her own efforts to tell the world that she is a role model for millions of Indian girls, she can control her own destiny, and so can they.

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