Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 479 He is my father

Han Mo, Shu Ya, Xuan Xuan, the family happily prepared to go out for a trip.

Although Han Mo and Shu Ya are people who run all over the world, no matter if you have been to the ends of the earth or all over the world, it is just work, and the meaning of work is just work.

But it's different from my family. Even if I just go to play around Beidu, it's a trip, and my mood is different.

Just like any other family, it was equally exciting for this family of three who went on vacation together for the first time.

Although Han Mo claimed to be the prince of storage, Shu Ya still checked the little guy's suitcase. It wasn't that she couldn't trust Han Mo, but it was because being a mother just likes to worry, for fear that the child will forget this, forget that, and insist on her own. Just check it out.

But when Shu Ya opened Xuan Xuan's small suitcase, the first thing that caught her eye was the workbook.

Shu Ya couldn't believe her eyes.

Shu Ya turned her face and gave Han Mo a blank look.

"We're going on vacation this time, why do you still let the children bring homework books. Xuanxuan only started kindergarten after school started, and arithmetic is just an enlightenment stage, don't put too much pressure on the children, and it's not that Xuanxuan can't do it. , it's just that you don't understand it too much." Shu Ya said with a very serious expression.

A few days ago, when Han Mo taught the little guy to count, Shu Ya saw it. She also knew about the two mice, but that didn't mean that the child didn't know how to do math problems, but rather loose thinking.

At least children know that when a tiger has only 1 eye and the other tiger has 2 eyes, they add up to 3 eyes.

Shu Ya felt that Han Mo was going too far.

Han Mo's face is innocent. It is obvious that he is more injured when teaching the little guy arithmetic. After all, the family of three went out to play. He still wanted to calm down. Who wants to help the child with homework?

Shu Ya looked at Han Mo's eyes that still wanted to argue, Leng Daozi's eyes swept over, Han Mo pouted, just as he was about to speak, Shu Ya glared at Han Mo again.

Han Mo thought to himself that he must not carry the blame. He said helplessly, "Xuanxuan has to bring the workbook herself. She said that learning is a persevering process. We, Xuanxuan, love to learn."

Although Han Mo is extremely reluctant to say this, he still needs to encourage children's enthusiasm for learning.

How could the little guy know his father's thoughts, she raised her chin proudly, she agreed with what she said, and then looked at her mother, writing all over her face, "Praise me, praise me."

Just now, Shu Ya, who was still looking at the North Korean ink with cold brows, rubbed the top of the child's head happily when she heard this, and said with a gentle smile, "We Xuan Xuan are awesome. Well, bring the workbook, and you can let Dad continue to teach you when you arrive."

The little guy nodded vigorously.

Han Mo's heart sank when he heard these words, and he didn't understand. It was the same thing, why is there such a big gap between the two of them, he was gentle to Xuanxuan, he was touching his head, and he was also affectionate to him. Leng Daozi rolled his eyes again, which is obviously a different treatment.

Dissatisfied, Han Mo wrote a big dissatisfaction in his heart.

and also

Wait, what Shu Ya just said seemed to be, when she got to the hotel, let him teach, why, why didn't Shu Ya teach herself, Han Mo just wanted to say something, just happened to Shu Ya glanced in his direction, at the moment when the eyes met , Han Mo swallowed what he wanted to say again

All the things that should and should not be brought have been brought. In fact, if only Han Mo and Shu Ya are on vacation, many things do not need to be brought from Beidu. They must be sold locally, but with children It's different. If you want it temporarily, it will be troublesome if you can't buy it immediately.

So the best way is to prepare everything you can think of, and be prepared.

It is a very fun thing to fly in a little guy's heart.

When the plane takes off and lands, the surrounding air pressure changes suddenly, the air pressure in the ear canal changes with the surrounding environment, and the pressure in the tympanic chamber is too late to adjust, a pressure difference will be generated on both sides of the eardrum, and people with sensitive Eustachian tubes will experience pain. Extremely sensitive.

Babies are more prone to pain because the Eustachian tube is not fully developed. Compared with babies, the Eustachian tube can already adjust itself, so there is no discomfort.

Children over the age of two must purchase child tickets and sit in their own seats.

There is a lot of space in the seats, and the adjacent seats do not interfere with each other.

There are three positions in a row, two seats are together, the other is across an aisle, on the other side.

Shu Ya and Xuan Xuan were sitting next to each other, Han Mo was sitting in front of them, and there was an empty seat next to Han Mo.

The little guy sits close to the aisle. She likes to be next to the aisle. Although the space is the same, she always subconsciously feels that there is more space next to the aisle, so she likes to be next to the aisle.

Shu Ya and Han Mo both wore sunglasses. After getting on the plane, Shu Ya put on a mask.

It's not that they pretended to be on purpose. They really didn't want to be affected when they were on vacation. At this moment, they were ordinary people. Like every parent, they wanted to take their children on vacation during the summer vacation and didn't want to be disturbed.

Shu Ya leaned back in the chair, holding the mask, her face was all blocked.

Sitting in a separate chair across the aisle is a boy in his early twenties, fiddling with a tablet.

The little guy was idle and bored, and his eyes inadvertently glanced not far away.

The boy's tablet wallpaper is a big portrait, and the little guy's eyes are bright. She is too familiar with this person.

The little guy didn't hide her gaze, and she didn't know how to hide it at her age, she just looked straight at it if she wanted to.

The boy quickly realized that the little girl had been looking in this direction, and looked up to meet him, only to realize that he was not looking at himself, but at the tablet wallpaper in his hand.

"Does the little girl like him too?" The boy saw that he was a cute child, but he didn't feel anything, so he took the initiative to talk.

The little guy nodded, "I like it."

A smug smile appeared on the boy's face, "He is my idol, the songs he sings are good, and the movies he shoots are also good."

"I know."

The boy hesitated for a while. He originally thought of a little girl, at most Yan control. She must be good-looking and pleasing to the eye. Children also have aesthetics, but he really didn't expect that when he sings songs and movies, the little girl will He said so calmly that he knew.

"Then tell me what movie he made?" The boy thought to himself, the child must not know.

"Charlotte is worried, Fanghua, I'm not the god of medicine, let's wrestle, Dad." The little guy's tone was still very calm, and every movie said every word, as if he casually said his family's name Just as smooth.

The boy was stunned for a moment, he couldn't believe that such a young child could even watch these movies, even the wrestling just released, Dad knew that it was like meeting a bosom friend, and his eyes widened, "Is he also your idol? "

"No, he's my dad."

my dad.

my dad

The boy looked at Xuan Xuan like this, the little guy's words rang in his ears, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

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