Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 496: Yang Guang

Chapter 496 Yang Guang

Yang Guang took out a business card from his body, looked at the words on the card all the time, and then heaved a long sigh. When he got this business card, he was about to fly with joy.

Han Mo not only gave Yang Guang a business card, but also saved Yang Guang's phone number, so Yang Guang really felt that his spring had come. Han Moda can not answer, or block directly. But besides giving the business card, he also took the initiative to save Yang Guang's phone number, everything was completely different.

At least in Yang Guang's heart at the time, this move was very meaningful. He firmly believed that he didn't write too much, but after so many days, he never received a call from Han Mo.

Yang Guang thought about it again, who is he, why would he call him, he must be very busy, and now the new movie is about to start shooting.

As a student of Beidu Film Academy, Yang Guang has half a foot in the entertainment industry. Naturally, he pays special attention to entertainment news on the Internet. Yang Guang saw all kinds of news about Spider-Man immediately, and he also wanted to gain a sense of presence. I have been pouring water on the official websites of Han Mo and Sichen Media, hoping that if Han Mo is lucky enough to see it, I can think of him

But that's not the case, Han Mo didn't contact him.

Schools like Film Academy don’t actually have winter and summer vacations. Even if they do, they are students who don’t have a job, such as Yang Guang, who only rely on part-time jobs to survive.

Many students at Beidu Film Academy have already started to shoot some online dramas and small-produced movies, and some students can even get good resources to play tricks in some well-known crews.

Yang Guang is indeed handsome, and like his name, it makes people feel very sunny and warm.

If you are in another school, you must be a school grass-level figure, but where is the back, there are too many handsome people, and they are all handsome, each with their own characteristics, Yang Guang can only be classified as handsome in the crowd , but handsome is not outstanding.

Yang Guang was walking on the road to school. There were not many people from Beiying during the summer vacation. It was not that everyone was enjoying the summer vacation, but that everyone wanted to find their own resources through the summer vacation. One, maybe he will be spotted by a great director.

There are so many acting students graduating from all over the country every year, but there are very few who can really become famous actors. Most of them sink into the bottom of the sea and never have the chance to enter people's field of vision.

Many actors are late bloomers. In fact, they are considered lucky. Although they are late, at least they are successful, but how many people persist until the end,

Still doing nothing, such people can be seen everywhere, not a few.

A TV series, a movie, how many characters can be remembered, and in many movies, it is difficult to impress people even with the hero and heroine, let alone the supporting roles.

But every year, there are still many boys and girls who are dreaming of being a star, and they enter the film school, dreaming of being a star.

They only know the bright lights on the surface of stars, but they don't know the hardships and obstacles on the road to stardom.

Yang Guang, like every young man with a dream, entered the Beidu Film Academy, the highest school of the Cannes Film Festival, with his best vision.

He thought that what was waiting for him were star dreams and high-quality, high-paying movies. When he applied for the film school, he passed five tests and cut six generals to break out of the tight siege. He was able to enter the Beijing Film Academy as the double champion of the art test and culture class. Tie.

He didn't know until now that in fact, entering this school is not just about the things he started before.

Just like a cross talk actor once said, three points for ability, six points for luck, and one point for the support of noble people. I will give you a platform. If you change Zhang San, you will be Zhang San, and if you change Li Si, you will be Li Si. If Li Si fails, it is because you did not allow He's on, he's probably better than Zhang San, so speaking of one person, opportunity! It's so important.

"Hey, Yang Guang, why are you still wandering around at school? I heard that the crew of Kong Fan's "I'm A Little Annoyed" came to our school to cast roles. All those in our class who are still at school have gone. Hurry up, or you won't even get an audition opportunity." It's all gone." Not far away, students from Yang Guang's class came over and called Yang Guang to line up for the audition together.

Yang Guang was stunned for a moment, but didn't immediately follow his classmates.

Kong Fan knew that he was a mainstay among young directors in China. Although he hadn’t made a big hit movie, the success lies in the large quantity and low cost. The so-called small cost does not mean that the total cost of making a movie is low. , but less money was spent on filming, and most of the money was spent on actors.

Therefore, many of the movies he made relied on the popularity of Xiaosheng Xiaohua to bring up the topic and attract fans to buy tickets to watch. However, there is a limit to the consumption of fans. It is not a long-term solution not to rely on the plot of the movie itself, so he Many of the films I made were scolded from beginning to end.

Even so, Kong Fan brought a new film to Beijing Film Academy to choose a role, and still attracted almost all the students in the school.

Not for anything else, just being able to play a role is too important for these students who are waiting hard, and they are likely to be on the same stage with a big guy.

Yang Guang hesitated for a moment, and followed his classmates to the direction of the auditorium. To be honest, apart from Han Mo, there is no other director who would make waves in his heart. This seems to be in line with that sentence, because of your appearance, everyone can only become a general from now on.

At this moment, Yang Guang has this kind of mentality. Except for Toad, everyone else can only make do with it.

"I'm A Little Annoyed Recently" is an urban light comedy romance film. It has no plot and is full of gossip plots. Yang Guang has heard of this movie before. Yang Guang and his classmates have different ideas. It's Ning Que Wu Lan, he would rather take some part-time jobs, shoot a hard commercial, or walk in the catwalk, earn some money, and go out for a while, than participate in some bad movies.

In his heart, sooner or later, he will go to the film industry. No matter how dangerous he is, he will never give up, so bad movies will become the five stains of his acting career. What a lousy role I played in this movie.

Yang Guang stood in the center of the crowd, and the surrounding classmates who knew Yang Guang subconsciously walked away from him a few steps.

It will be audition soon, everyone knows how he is, Yang Guang has bragged to many people these days Han Mo gave him his business card, at first everyone was envious, but as time went by they found that Yang Guang was not what they imagined The same, hug the thigh.

Everyone is not as envious of him as before, but because Yang Guang's acting class is very good, everyone wants to perform sketches with her, and they all want to get high marks, but they don't want to compete with him for roles.

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