Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 579: Father's Hope

"Isn't it a blockbuster with special effects?"

"What route will Han Mo take?"

"I can't find any relevant information about the plot of the new movie. I just turned it on today, and I don't even have a still photo."

""When Happiness Comes Knocking on the Door"? Why is it called this?"

The bigwigs at the American Film Festival would never have thought that Han Mo would not follow the routine at all. In their hearts, Han Mo would definitely shoot "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" while the iron is hot. , But they did not expect that this time Han Mo not only did not have spiders, but also did not have high technology, and there were not even fighting scenes.

There is no villain in the whole movie, and the only thing the protagonist fights against is life.

One father, one child.

If we must talk about the hero theme, then the protagonist is a hero in his son's heart.

The first scene is arranged for a venue that appears a lot throughout the film, the subway station.

Because the environment of the movie has changed, Han Mo has changed a lot of the plot. The main character is no longer named Chris. He is not a black man, but a down-and-out man who lives in the northern capital and cannot even rent a basement. Father, Li Ke.

Han Mo wants to show the audience hope other than inspiration through a movie.

For his father Li Ke, his hope is his son.

He lost his job, his wife, and the only basement rental house he lived in, but he still had hope, not because of his own success, but just so that his son could live a better life.

Li Ke was so poor that he couldn't even support himself. When his wife filed for divorce, he didn't say a word to keep him. Instead, he begged his wife again and again to leave his son to him.

He is a child who grew up with a single parent. Li Ke didn't know who his father was until he was 28 years old. He lacked the love that belonged to his father, so he didn't want his son to have a similar childhood. He hoped to give his son more love.

It can be said that Li Ke has nothing, and it can also be said that he has many things.

He has no money, no house, no job, but he has dreams to chase and responsibilities as a father.

No matter how hard life is,

Li Ke never passed on any negative emotions to his son.

When they were driven out by the hotel owner, Li Ke took his son to the subway station helplessly. Instead of passing on the pain in his heart to his son, he told his son a beautiful and happy fantasy story.

In the small world in the son's heart, where he is and where he sleeps is no longer so important, what is important is being able to be with his father.

Li Ke, who was kicked out, had to take his son to sleep in the toilet of the subway station.

And Han Mo's first scene was to spend this difficult night with his five-year-old son in the toilet.

Noisy sounds continued to come from outside the door, followed by violent knocking, banging, and cursing.

A little boy was lying in Han Mo's arms. He tightly covered the child's ears with his hands, blocking all sounds from his father's big hands.

The child fell asleep sweetly in Han Mo's arms, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth.

Because the historical background of Han Mo's movie is the northern capital 20 years ago. At that time, the management of the subway station was not as strict as it is now, and some homeless people and beggars often gathered in the subway station.

Han Mo gritted his teeth and his eyes were red. He looked helplessly and flustered at the door panels that were constantly being hit, but he didn't dare to take his hands off his son's ears.

His tears never fell, but flowed silently in his heart.

As long as you survive the night, the next day is a new hope.

In fact, Li Ke's experience is a bit similar to Han Mo's. Although they are not in the same era, they have similar experiences.

They all came to Beijing from a small place to seek development. The same business ended in failure, the same poverty, the same untimely birth, and the same lovely child.

It's just that Li Ke's wife chose to leave him when he was at his worst, but Shu Ya didn't.

The shot is very long, proudly showing Han Mo's complete emotions.

Maybe it's something in common, maybe it's because Han Mo has perfectly comprehended this character long ago. In short, when he was sitting on the floor of the toilet, leaning helplessly against the wall, he was no longer Han Mo, but Li Ke.

Until the end of the shot, Han Mo's tears were still rolling in his eyes, when Shen Fei yelled "Ka". Only then did Han Mo shed tears.

He wiped the corner of his eyes casually, and then hugged the little actor who played his son.

"Brother Han, you acted so well. I cried."

"It's worthless, and I don't know Xiao Momo's acting, why are you crying?"

"Mr. Han's performance is really good. Li Ke's mood as I imagined is very gentle. At that time, I was really afraid that Mr. Han's tears would flow down, haha."

"Xiangzi and I were also discussing whether the tears should be shed or not. Later, I felt that Mr. Han's state was the best. No tears seemed too fake, but the tears shed were a little too much. It was this kind of biting The state with tears in the eyes of the teeth is the most perfect."

Little Pang Xie, Meng Si, Shen Fei, Pu Xiangzi and Jin Taining surrounded him, applauding Han Mo's acting skills.

In fact, Han Mo is just acting as a father. He just fantasized about what kind of state he would be in if he were in the same situation with Xuanxuan.

Li Ke maintains responsibility and responsibility for his son all the time. In addition to this responsibility and responsibility, and his own disdainful efforts, there is another thing that is very admirable about this character. He has never mentioned his experience to anyone.

He made no attempt to win anyone's sympathy with his misery.

When looking for a job, he didn't tell anyone that he needed the job more.

When queuing up at the community welfare station for the night, he didn't tell anyone that he brought his 5-year-old son with him, hoping that others would let him down. Even when there was no bed in line, he turned and left with his son like everyone else.

The progress of the filming was very fast, because Han Mo almost played the role of Li Ke in his true colors. Apart from allowing the young actors to maintain adequate rest, as long as he played his own roles, he was basically on the axis.

"Brother Han, do you want to take a break? The working group works in rotation, so you have to keep going." Little Pang Xie said with concern.

Meng Si was already leaning on the recliner and fell asleep, but at the words of little Pang Xie, she hurriedly sat up straight in her sleep, and then said, "Yes, Xiao Momo, you should also take a rest, everyone else has changed groups, you still want to shoot What?" Meng Si yawned again after speaking.

In fact, Han Mo shot continuously on purpose, because the protagonist is very tired, and every minute and every second is calculated very clearly, because he needs to follow the children to the relief station to arrange beds, and he will lose his shelter later.

Han Mo wanted to better show Li Ke's proper state, waved his hands and said with a smile, "I'm fine, let's continue."

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