Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 647 Freedom does not lie on the outside, but on the inside

"Ha, Jerry, have you read the news? Han Mo actually used a prisoner as the hero, is he out of his mind?"

"When I saw the news in the morning, I used my studio account to repost the news."

"I heard that Han Mo has lost popular support in their own country, and movie fans have stood up to oppose his new movie. I am really worried about his box office."

"However, I heard that the man who just got out of prison was also an actor before, and he seems to be very famous in their country."

"Jerry, that was all 20 years ago. Do you still remember the starlets from 20 years ago? Except for the stars who have been creating classics, the others are just a flash in the pan, and fans will not remember them. Being mentioned again And it's just a person's name."

"Haha, I'm really worried for Han Mo. You must know that falling from flat ground is not terrible. What's terrible is that falling after reaching a certain height will really hurt."

Two directors from the American Film Association were discussing about the new Korean-Mexican film in their office. Their conversation was not an exception. Almost every director's studio in the United States and film companies were discussing similar topics.

In the conference room of Emma Film Company, there was laughter. They were not laughing at a certain movie of their own, but at Han Mo.

"When I think about it this way, that kid is so complacent, he dares to take out any kind of person as the protagonist."

"Does he think that he is so great that whoever he wants to praise can become famous?"

"I still want to be popular, but I think they are going to be black this time."

"They will pay the price for rejecting our invitation to cooperate in the first place."

"We need to let Han Mo understand what a real movie is."

After posting relevant information about "The Shawshank Redemption" on Weibo, Mark's phone calls were bombarded by the media and colleagues.

What people are most concerned about is whether this movie is released in the United States, and whether Mark also agrees with Han Mo to use a prisoner as the leading actor.

Mark has led the film company for many years, and he has long been immune to these questions. Answering questions skillfully is his job, but this is external, but in all fairness, Mark is really a little uncertain.

When Han Mo said that they made their own films and rejected Emma Films, Mark just thought that Han Mo wanted to save face for him, so that Mike Films could stand firmer among the peers.

Mark really did not expect that Han Mo could prepare the script so quickly, and even found the actors.

However, Mark really didn't know the origin of the actor. He also called Han Mo before, but Han Mo also briefly introduced Lu Qingyang's situation to him, and did not take the fact that he was in prison seriously at all. Mark I'm too embarrassed to say anything more.

But now there are too many doubts on the Internet. Originally, Mark thought that these doubts were only in Han Mo's country. After all, only people in his own country knew about Lu Qingyang's situation.

Unexpectedly, because some people with ulterior motives set the pace, even the United States began to question Lu Qingyang, and some people took things out of context and said a lot of very bad things about Han Mo and Lu Qingyang.

The worries in Mark's heart gathered to a certain thickness, and he couldn't help it.

He still clicked on Han Mo's phone number.

Han Mo's cell phone rang, and he glanced at the screen, "Hi Mark, it must be midnight where you are, what's the matter, is there something wrong?"

Mark sighed softly, "Mr. Han, I heard about the new movie."

"I have asked my assistant to send the script to your mailbox, have you read it today?" Han Mo said gently.

When he mentioned the script, Mark was a little excited. When he just finished reading the script, he applauded. He didn’t expect Han Mo’s work to be completed so quickly, and it would have such a high quality. The script is very good."

Han Mo smiled.

Mark fell into depression, "But the United States has been reporting some bad and good comments recently, all about Mr. Lu." Although he was somewhat against Lu Qingyang being the leading actor,

But Mark still spoke very politely.

Han Mo let out a soft "Oh", he could hear the meaning in Mark's words, "Have you read the script?"

"I see." Mark replied.

"After reading the script, why do you still worry about Lu Qingyang being the hero?"

"This..." Mark really can't think of the relationship between the two. The script is definitely a good script, but the protagonist has too many problems.

Mark coughed lightly, trying to express in the most appropriate language, "But... After all, Mr. Lu once lost his freedom for a period of time, and this had a great impact on him."

Han Mo was silent for a moment, and only Mark's weak breathing could be heard through the receiver.

When he spoke again, Han Mo's expression was more serious than before, "Freedom is not in the outside, but in the heart, the heart is like a cage, and everywhere is a cage. Lu Qingyang has already been punished for the crimes he committed, even if he was young and ignorant for 20 years His redemption is enough, he is now worthy of a new life, no one is qualified to make irresponsible remarks."

Mark did not expect Han Mo to speak in such a strong tone. This was the first time he heard Han Mo speak so seriously during his contact with Han Mo. In the past, Han Mo's words were very flat and gentle.

Mark was stunned, freedom is no longer outside, but in the heart...

Turning off the phone, Mark wrote this sentence in the small notebook at hand.


The movie officially started.

Still the same as before, there is no selection of auspicious days, no sacrifices to heaven, no roast suckling pig with red cloth, only Han Mo's sentence, "Start."

"Old Lu, you are a banker. When you were escorted to the prison, your eyes should not be so calm. It should be more hollow, but you have to force yourself to be calm. You can feel it again." Han Mo said to Lu Qingyang.

"The Shawshank Redemption" is a movie with a foreign background in Han Mo's original world, but because Han Mo used domestic actors, some changes were made in the script to make it more in line with the national conditions of the country.

Because many filming locations are in prisons, it saves a lot of cumbersome steps to replace them.

On the first day of Lu Qingyang's imprisonment, everyone was betting on who would be the first to cry on the first night of this group of prisoners.

Because the banker played by Lu Qingyang looks very weak, so Liu Han bet that he will be the first to cry.

But to everyone's surprise, Lu Qingyang not only did not cry, but also passed his first night in prison very calmly.

It was precisely because of this bet that Liu Han lost two packs of cigarettes, but it was also because at this time, Liu Han looked at Lu Qingyang with admiration.

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