Almighty Star Daddy

Six hundred and fiftieth chapters do not understand

Han Mo also thinks the house is ridiculously expensive, but the price is determined by the market. The reason why it is expensive is affected by the relationship between supply and demand. It does not mean that an expensive school district house is necessarily good, but it must be that price and someone can bite their teeth to buy it, otherwise Definitely will drop the price.

No matter what, as long as there are more people who need it, the price will rise and the houses will fall. This is why the housing prices in the first-tier big cities are always high, but in the fourth- and fifth-tier small cities, the housing prices will not only not rise but will reason for the decline.

The influx of people in big cities will increase the demand for the number of houses. If there are more people in need, the price will fluctuate and rise. However, many small cities have a negative population growth and a large amount of outflow. There is no new entrants who need houses, so the price cannot increase. In order to meet the needs of the market and increase the relationship between buyers and sellers, the price will fluctuate downwards.

To put it bluntly, you need it, you have to buy it, and if you have money, you have to buy it if others sell it expensively.

These expensive school district houses are prepared for these parents who must buy school district houses for their children, even if they are expensive, and will insist on buying them.

As soon as Han Mo showed the transaction price of the house, the four old people were so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

Xiaomo and Xiaoya have good financial conditions. If they are children from ordinary families, they can't afford to go to this kind of school. Liu Huijuan shook her head helplessly when she saw the quotation was shocked.

Shu Qiang waved his hand, not because he couldn't afford to go to school, but because he didn't even have the qualifications to go to school.

Hey, the competition doesn't start from the children's studies, but from the parents' generation. Without money, it is impossible for children to go to a good school. Han Jun is a university teacher, and his wife also teaches at the university. In a city like southern Jiangsu, the couple are both university professors. They are not considered wealthy, but they have been married for so many years and have never been worried about money. That's why I was so shocked by the housing prices in Beidu.

Chen Yuehong sighed softly. Many parents bought it with a loan on their backs, and they were desperately trying to give their children the best education so that their children would not lose at the starting line.

The four old people sighed almost at the same time, what a pity for the parents of the world.

Han Mo didn't expect that a room in the school district would make the four elders depressed, so he quickly changed the topic, let's not think about other people's family affairs, is our family's meal ready?

It was only then that Chen Yuehong remembered that the meal was half cooked just now, oh, it's not ready yet, I'll go now.

I'll go as well. Liu Huijuan also remembered.

Han Mo smiled, followed the two old people to the kitchen, looked at the prepared ingredients, you guys have a good chat, I came back early, let me cook.

Originally, Chen Yuehong and Liu Huijuan didn't want to leave in the kitchen, but Han Mo pushed one person's back with one hand, and pushed them all out with a smile.

After they all reached the door, Liu Huijuan and Chen Yuehong stood again, looked at Han Mo who was already washing the vegetables, and then walked back to the living room.

In the living room, the four old people began to discuss the matter of the school district room again, but without the excitement just now.

Before, it was because I couldn’t accept that a small and dilapidated school district house could be sold for so much money, but after I accepted it, I became more at peace.

The two old men changed their minds and continued to do their homework, studying the house listings they were going to look at tomorrow.

Since ordinary families can spend a lot of money to buy school district housing for their children, they can't care less about the price.

Anyway, now that they are no longer struggling with housing prices, everything is much easier. The two old men only consider the size of the house, the lighting, and the distance from the school. Things that can be solved with money are trivial matters.

Ever since Chen Yuehong heard about the housing in the school district at home, she set off a wave of housing in the school district of key primary schools in the dance team.

Everyone in the dance team was inquiring about housing in the school district, not to mention whether everyone could afford it, at least it became a topic of discussion in their spare time. It is enough to see that every family is similar, and children occupy a very important position.

While eating, the little guy ran out of the small room, holding a piece of paper in his hand, which was filled with pictures and pictures.

Han Mo was about to tell the little guy to wash his hands, but he saw the paper in the little guy's hand, and curiously took the paper from Xuanxuan's hand.

what is this? Han Mo couldn't help smiling as he looked at the very difficult content on the paper.

The little guy pursed his pink mouth seriously, this is Xuanxuan's little goal.

Han Mo read the content on the paper more carefully, and made sure that he really did not understand what was written on it.

When the little guy said that he was going to customize a small goal, Han Mo didn't pay attention to it. Now he was holding this piece of paper and remembered that the child couldn't write many words at all, and all he could write were very simple words. , Xuanxuan can be considered to know a lot of characters, but if she wants to write a sentence that can express complex content by herself, she still can't do it.

My small eyes...Han Mo's eyes fell on the top row of crooked small characters, and he suddenly burst out laughing.

There is a small arrow shape drawn behind the word "目". If it weren't for the context, Han Mo might have thought it was a small cut head, but he could guess that it was a javelin if he combined it.

Xuanxuan's little goal!

Then the following is a combination of words and pictures. Xuanxuan knows very limited characters, and most of them are his paintings. Now she has learned some pinyin but has not mastered it proficiently, and some pinyin is mixed in the middle.

After half-guessing, half-confusing, and Xuanxuan's explanation, Han Mo sorted out the small goals that Xuanxuan had set.

Han Mo smiled and shook, and pampered the little guy's head, then let's hang this piece of paper in the room, okay, so that Xuanxuan can see her little goal every day. Han Mo suggested.

The little guy nodded vigorously.

Let grandma also look at Xuanxuan's small goals. Chen Yuehong took the paper and read it carefully several times, but still didn't understand it.

Here, let me see. Han Jun took the paper full of small goals from his wife, and was taken aback when he saw it for the first time.

Grandpa wants to see it too. Shu Qiang saw that Han Jun and Chen Yuehong had seen the little guy's little target, so he wanted to see it too.

Liu Huijuan also leaned over.

This is... Shu Qiang laughed awkwardly, Xuanxuan, what are you writing about? Why can't my grandfather understand any of them.

Others didn't understand either, but they were not as courageous as Shu Qiang, and they didn't have the nerve to ask, and they were afraid that other people would understand, so they didn't understand, and lost face with the little guy, and now they realize that everyone didn't understand. I understand, but he was relieved.

Xuanxuan didn't want to explain to everyone anymore, her little mouth was raised high, Dad understood, Xuanxuan wanted to hang up the little goal.

Disliked by the little guy, the four old people looked at each other confusedly, and stood there silently, watching the lively back of the little guy running into the small room, and smiled helplessly.

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