Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 725: Only care about the image in my daughter's heart

? Han Mo was stunned. What Old Chen said just now was completely unexpected to him. Han Mo looked sideways and looked at Old Chen again.

This is a man who looks older than his actual age. His face is full of fine details, and the skin at the corners of his eyes is slightly drooping, but his black pupils are particularly energetic. Looking into the distance through the dry and cold air, he seems to be watching Looking at the group of people who had come to the end, it seemed that they were looking deeper into the city bureau. His eyes were deep, and they seemed to be full of hope, but there was no hope at all.

Lao Chen subconsciously rubbed his hands full of calluses, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Lao Chen is immersed in the glory he brought to his family after becoming a police assistant. The police assistant is also a policeman and a law enforcement officer. From the simple old Chen's point of view, they are the same, but the salary is different.

Han Mo couldn't help asking, "Just for this?"

It may be that Han Mo's tone was too surprised, and Lao Chen, who had been looking across the road, looked sideways at Han Mo.

The moment he saw Han Mo, he was stunned for a moment, and soon returned to his original state.

Old Chen smiled, and the wrinkles on his face deepened because of this smile.

"Young man, you don't have a daughter at first sight, and you don't understand what it means to be a father. I actually don't care what other people say about my occupation. Although we play in the mud, we are also the best in the mud. But in the heart of the child, it is different. Do you think children don’t compare themselves to each other when they’re young?”

Old Chen smiled wryly and shook his head, "When my daughter was four years old, she suddenly came back one day and asked me why other people's fathers were doctors, teachers, and policemen, while her father was a mason.

I was a little surprised at the time. I carefully explained my job to my daughter. It was not a mason but a bricklayer. Dad is different. As long as he is still building a house, Dad will have a job.

I tried my best to boast about my work. My daughter is young and easy to lie. That time she really thought that her father's job was the best. But two days later, my daughter came home angrily. I asked her what was wrong. The moment I saw it, her tense face suddenly turned into grievance, and she burst into tears.

She said that she had quarreled with the children because they all said that a mud worker is a job that makes mud every day, and it is not a powerful job at all, but the dirtiest and smelliest job.

But my daughter didn't think so. She thought that her father would not lie to her. My father said that masons were very good, so they were very good. So she quarreled with her classmates who laughed at her, and she was punished by the teacher to stand.

I really want to tell her,

In the future, don’t quarrel with others because of Dad’s occupation, but before I said it, my daughter said, Dad, don’t worry, they will never dare to say that masons are not good, I said it, and if they say it again, I will beat them , They are afraid, my father is the most powerful. "

Old Chen's eyes were red, and he sighed a long time, "I found out later that she really fought with the child because of me, so I secretly went to the home of the beaten child's parent to apologize. I don't want to take her there, I think the fight The person is wrong, but she is defending her father's dignity. I don't want her to see her father apologizing to others. I told her not to beat others in the future, but I don't want other parents to accuse her face to face. I would rather be accused of me.

It was at that time that I began to take the examination for the police assistant. I didn't have a diploma, and I couldn't go to other professions, but the police assistant heard that the threshold was relatively low, so it was easier to take the exam. But even so, I have been unable to pass the exam. I am really useless. "

Old Chen had a look of guilt on his face. The first time he mentioned this to someone, it might be because Han Mo happened to be sitting next to him right now, or it might be because he needed someone to talk about it so much.

His wife didn't understand him, his friends didn't understand him, his former workers didn't understand him, and even the comrades from the Municipal Bureau who organized the exam didn't understand him.

He had no one to tell these things to, and Han Mo, who was a stranger, was the most suitable.

If Han Mo couldn't understand the mood of Lao Chen beside him at first, at this moment, as a father, Han Mo can understand Lao Chen's difficulty very well.

Han Mo knew that if he really had no children, at this time, the most persuasive words should be that the three hundred and sixty lines should be the number one scholar, and there is no high or low occupation. Educate children. Although the working environment of masonry is not good, although it is a manual laborer, it is also one of many occupations. It is not shameful to rely on physical strength to eat......

There are a lot of lines of all kinds of tall, and there is still a stomach full of chicken soup.

But Han Mo is not a person who has never given birth to children, Han Mo is also the father of his daughter.

As a father, he also hopes that when his daughter mentions herself in front of the children, she will be proud, proud, and able to talk freely. What made Han Mo most proud was never that others praised him for being so versatile and great, but Xuanxuan raised her little head and raised her chin, bragging for him triumphantly to her friends, and said in a high-spirited way , how about my dad...

Is this vanity?

Yes, he is vanity.

But his vanity is only for the little guy, and his vanity only comes from his fatherhood. Han Mo doesn't care whether his work wins an award, whether he is popular, or even what others think of him, but he cares about Xuanxuan.

He hoped that in his daughter's heart, every time she mentioned her father, she could raise her head high, proud and proud.

He only cares about his own image in Xuanxuan's heart, everything else is indifferent.

So Han Mo can understand Lao Chen very well, why he would rather apologize to others and be scolded than admit in front of his daughter that his job is a dirty and tired mason. He just told his daughter that beating someone is wrong.

Han Mo could understand better why Lao Chen had to take the police examination even after he worked so hard. He would rather be unknown by everyone and try again and again, but he failed again and again and tried again and again.

He just wants to do his best to find a decent job, a job where his daughter can hold her head high in front of her classmates.

Lao Chen's big rough hands subconsciously placed on his knees, the backs of his hands were full of cuts, some were cracks from frostbite, and some were wounds from rubbing.

Han Mo wanted to comfort him a few words, but found that the other party didn’t need to comfort him at all. It seemed that Lao Chen’s goal of taking the police examination in his spare time was already one of his goals. Because of the age limit, you will always be turned away.

Han Mo was even a little worried, what would happen to Lao Chen if he could no longer take the exam.

He couldn't help but look at Old Chen again...

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