Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 750 Not bad

? Stroller?

Originally, Mengmeng saw it and asked curiously, but Xiaohu's unexpected answer attracted the attention of other children in the group.

"Little Tiger, is this a baby carriage?" Le Yan asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, how's it going? It's very similar." Xiaohu proudly held up his semi-finished product.

Rarity also poked her head to watch Xiaohu's semi-finished products carefully, "Xiaohu, don't you usually like small planes and cars the most? How can you put together this today?"

"Yeah, we don't need to make a stroller now, why did you think of doing this?" Mengmeng was even more incredible, she would rather she was wrong.

Strollers are far away for the few children. They are all big brothers and sisters who are working in middle school. No one usually takes a stroller when they go out. They can't afford to lose that person.

Xiaohu raised his head and smiled, "Who said I did it for myself? I did it for my little brother. I'm going to have a little brother soon."

"Wow!" The little mouths of the friends were all opened wide in surprise.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the children, Xiaohu was even more proud.

"Where did the little brother come from?" Rarity widened her eyes as if she had discovered something remarkable.

"Of course it came from my mother's womb, just like me. He came from my mother's womb, but he hasn't been born yet, but I guess it must be a younger brother. I wish I had a younger brother." Xiaohu is already fantasizing about having a little brother in the future. What a joy to be a brother.

Dad just told Xuanxuan about the little brother and little sister this morning, so when he saw Xiaohu's look forward to Bai Oh, he couldn't help but remind the little guy of what happened in the morning, and asked weakly, "It's so good to have a little brother." ?"

"Of course, when I have a little brother, I will have someone to play with me at home. He can play with me in cars, planes, games, and build blocks with me. From now on, I will be the boss and he will be the second child." , He will follow me all the time, so proud." Xiaohu pointed to himself with his thumb triumphantly.

"But will Mom and Dad stop loving her?" The little guy continued to ask weakly.

Xiaohu laughed and waved his hands, "How come, my father is still my father, my mother is still my mother, how could they not love me anymore,

I actually think that one more little brother can share my troubles. In the future, my mother will not only scold me, but also have one more person to scold him. Calculated in this way, on average, I will be scolded many times less every week. I get excited just thinking about it, hey, when will my little brother be born. "

When Xiaohu thought that his little brother would be born in many months, he felt a little lost.

Listening to Xiaohu's words, Xuanxuan seemed to have a younger brother who wasn't so bad, "Then what if it's a younger sister?" Xiao Jiahou asked with great interest.

The other children also nodded. They felt that Xiaohu's guess was wrong, and it was very likely that he was the little sister.

In fact, Xiaohu never thought of being a little sister before, he just wanted a little brother, with whom he could play boys' games, shoot guns, play with cars, planes and tanks, it was exciting just thinking about it. But my sister...

Xiaohu scratched the back of his head and said carelessly, "If it's a little sister, then I'll take her to play and protect her. Who calls me her big brother. Little sisters can also play with me. As for what to play with We haven't figured it out yet, we can play whatever she wants to play."

After listening to Xiaohu's excited speech, Mengmeng thought deeply, "Hey, I'm actually lonely too. Only you can play with me when I go to kindergarten every day. I play alone when I go home. I wish I had a Little sister plays with dolls with me, designs clothes and hairstyles for Barbie with me, reads books and draws with me, but I don’t, Xiaohu is so happy.”

Le Yan also lowered her head, and sighed a long time, "I also hope to have a little sister. My mother bought a super big jigsaw puzzle. I can't finish it by myself. I hope I can have a little sister to do it together with me." , it will be much easier. After completing the homework that my mother gave me, I can also do it together, so I don’t have to face it alone.”

Rarity didn't have any idea at first, but now she hears what her friends say, and she also thinks it is a great thing to have a younger brother and sister, "Then I also want to have a younger brother, and I will share my snacks with him, He can also share it with me, so I will have more than double the snacks to eat in the future."

"Wow~ Yes, the number of toys will be doubled in the future." Mengmeng said excitedly, as if she was going to have a little sister soon.

The little guy who hasn't commented for a long time is also looking forward to it. If he has a little sister, he can exchange toys and snacks in the future. Every time I struggle with what clothes to wear for Barbie, there is another person who can help me out. When my parents have no time to play with me, my little sister can accompany her.

"It's nice to have a little sister, I also want to have a little sister." Xuanxuan blurted out.

"I want to have a little brother."

"I want to have little sisters."

"Little brother."

"Little sister."

Several friends have their own opinions. The girls hope that they can have a little sister. After all, it is easier to have a common language and play with dolls together.

Boys wished they had a little brother so they could play many of the games boys play.

Originally, Xiaohu was the only one who was making a stroller with building blocks, but now the other four friends also dismantled the assembled toys and started making the stroller.


"Dad, Xuanxuan wants a little sister." The little guy held Han Mo's big hand with his little hand, and said with his little head raised.

Han Mo was stunned. He never thought that the little guy would take the initiative to say such a thing. In the morning, the little guy still asked him with tears in his eyes if his parents didn't love her anymore, so he wanted his little sister.

"Xuanxuan, Dad just wants to find you a playmate. It's not because he doesn't love you that he brought up what he said in the morning. You don't have to force it. Mom and I respect your idea first." Han Mo stopped and rubbed gently Rub the top of the child's head.

"Dad, I didn't force it. I really want a little sister." The little guy nodded seriously.

Han Mo didn't understand, he just went to school for a day, how could he change so quickly, could it be what the teacher said? Probably not, it is impossible for Ding Rou to talk about this matter, so could it be what other children said?

Han Mo pinched the little guy's cheek, "Why does Xuanxuan suddenly want a little sister?"

"Because Xiaohu is about to have a little brother, I think it would be nice to have a little sister." The little guy blinked his big innocent eyes and pouted his mouth.

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