Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 785 Xuanxuan's Doraemon

? But this cartoon is the only one that Li Rong has a little understanding of, because the loyal doraemon who can take everything out of his stomach pocket is quite attractive.

So when his son watched it, he also watched it for a while. This is the first time he has watched a cartoon for more than ten minutes since he grew up.

Because he came home a bit late, the cartoon had been on for a while, and there were only the last ten minutes left. Li Rong sat beside his son, originally wanting to check his phone, but was attracted by the picture on the screen.

After growing up, Li Rong was always busy with work and had no time or energy at all. In fact, he had no desire to watch cartoons. This was the first time in a long time that he watched cartoons that he had always thought were very naive. After ten minutes, he couldn't take his eyes off anymore. Not only did he look at it, but he also learned about the relationship between some characters from his son. This was the first time that he was so close to his son.

Even when it was time to play the ending song, Li Rong was still a little unsatisfied. I can't help but sigh, no wonder I always feel that there is a generation gap with my son. It turns out that cartoons are developing so well now, and I don't even know it.

Li Rong memorized the name of the cartoon firmly, and just happened to hear news about this cartoon on the radio in the car, and Li Rong became interested.

"Mr. Han Mo, have you watched "Doraemon"?" Li Rong finally found something to talk about. He heard Xiao Pang Xie's tone of voice just now, and they should all know about this cartoon.

Han Mo said casually, "I haven't had time to watch it yet."

Although he produced this anime, but he was busy in the hospital when it premiered yesterday, so he really didn't watch it, so when Li Rong asked, Han Mo told the truth.

"Brother Han, you haven't watched it yet." Little Pang Xie was a little surprised. Yesterday was the premiere. He was watching the TV all the time yesterday. This is the first time he has been watching cartoons in front of the TV since he grew up. .

Han Mo gave a light "um", "I had something to do yesterday, so I missed the time."

After confirming that Han Mo did not watch it, Li Rong was still a little happy. When others know about this animation but have not watched it, it is the most suitable for chatting. He can simply tell the other party and sigh.

"I haven't watched cartoons for twenty years. I watched it yesterday with my son. It's really great. Teacher Han Mo, you must be too busy with work, so you don't have time to get in touch with children's world. Now children watch it. The toys of Doraemon are completely different from when we were young. If you watch Doraemon, you will definitely be impressed by the creator’s creative ability.”

Hearing Li Rong praise "Doraemon" in front of Han Mo,

Little Pang Xie sneered.

"Xiao Pang, don't laugh. Although I am old, I can't stop my enthusiasm for watching cartoons. There are indeed many well-made cartoons. We are really too lonely." "Doraemon" cannot extricate itself from the praise.

"Mr. Han Mo, guess how the author of this animation conceived? What kind of original intention did he have to create such an excellent work?" Li Rong turned his head and asked Han Mo.

Han Mo pondered for a moment, before he could speak out.

Little Pang Xie spoke first, and said with a smile, "Director Li, tell me, what kind of person is the author of this work, and how did he conceive it?"

Han Mo glanced at little Pang Xie from the rearview mirror, and little Pang Xie seemed to have noticed it, and smiled.

Li Rong didn't know the change in their expressions, fell into thought, thought for a while and said, "I think the author should first be an old man over fifty years old, with long hair, a goatee, and gold-rimmed glasses. "This is what Li Rong can imagine the artist looks like. He thinks that cartoonists should all be dressed up artistically, and their behavior should be a little special.

Little Pang Xie glanced at Han Mo from time to time, and Han Mo drove calmly, without any change in expression.

Li Rong continued, "Maybe he was often bullied when he was a child, and then he wanted to have a helper who could defeat those classmates who bullied him, but he couldn't find one, so he was bullied all the time..."

Little Pang Xie couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Hey, don't laugh. I see countless people and deal with people every day. I still have this insight." Li Rong was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Pang Xie's smile. He thought he was seeing countless people and would never Mistakes, and although he seldom watches cartoons, he reads a lot of books. Every time he sees some articles or articles he likes, he will analyze the author's own personality and experience.

Little Pang Xie tried hard to stop laughing, waved his hands and said, "I didn't laugh at you, I just think the author's image is funny. As for being bullied, how did you think of it?"

Although little Pang Xie was asking Li Rong, he was looking at Han Mo in front of him.

"I bet you that the author of the story came up with this idea just to make up for the regrets he had when he was a child. After all, the character design is like that." Li Rong is quite proud of his own analysis. He feels that every character has real life. The shrinkage of the vagina cannot be completely imagined.

Xuanxuan started to look out the window. She heard "Doraemon" on the radio and then shifted her gaze to the car. At first, she heard the adults talking, but she didn't quite understand that "Doraemon" was drawn by her father. Ah, when did Dad turn into a long-haired old man, the little guy wanted to say something, but little Pang Xie on the side kept blinking at her.

"Uncle Pang Xie, why do you keep blinking? Are your eyes uncomfortable, and that..." The little guy didn't understand little Pang Xie's eyes, and she wanted to correct Li Rong. It's not that image.

"Ahem, Xuanxuan, you continue to look at the scenery outside, it's so beautiful." But before the little guy could say anything, he was interrupted by little Pang Xie.

Han Mo began to realize that little Pang Xie was just joking, without any malice, and he himself didn't want to make too much publicity. It didn't matter whether he wanted to tell others that "Doraemon" was written by himself, as long as he liked the animation itself.

But now that he mentioned the original intention and idea of ​​creating animation, Han Mo didn't want to let them talk nonsense.

Han Mo suddenly said, "The author didn't want to have a helper because he was bullied when he was a child, but he wanted to create a beautiful fairy tale for his daughter and become her omnipotent Doraemon. I hope I can give my daughter what she wants. Everything, and the other characters are actually just for the sake of the plot, to create some conflicts and jokes." Han Mo spoke calmly.

Li Rong originally turned his head slightly backwards, looking in the direction of little Pang Xie. He was stunned for a moment when he heard Han Mo's words, and turned his head to look at Han Mo, "Mr. Han Mo, didn't you not look at it? How did you know so clearly. "

"Because my dad is the author, but my dad doesn't have a goatee and pigtails, and he's not a grandfather." The little guy said softly, spreading his hands.

"As...the author..."

Li Rong's expression froze on his face, and the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely.

PS: If I have a Doraemon, it will become bigger, smaller and more beautiful~

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