Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 799 Please love children more than the pretty marks on the test paper

? Xiaohu's father and Xiaohu embraced affectionately, and there was warm applause from the bottom of the stage. Many audience members applauded while wiping away their tears.

Guo Tao couldn't control his emotions when the child hugged his father on the stage. At first, he couldn't understand why Han Mo created this show. In order to cooperate, he tried his best to do his best. Simply because of a sense of responsibility.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that it was actually Han Mo who taught him a profound lesson. No, it was not Han Mo to be precise. He just built a platform. Dad had a profoundly instructive lesson.

In this class, every father like Xiaohu's father will get reflection, which is profound and intense.

Guo Tao picked up his phone, found his wife's number in the address book, dialed it, and walked aside, "I'm going home for dinner tonight."

"Not working overtime?" The wife on the other end of the phone asked in surprise.

In the past, Guo Tao didn't realize that whether he worked overtime would affect his family. Now when he heard his wife's rhetorical question, he smiled wryly and shook his head. How long did it take for him to go home to spend time with his wife and children?

He said in a low voice for a moment, "Yes, I won't work overtime and go back to accompany you and my son."

"Okay, okay, I'll cook a few more dishes today, and I'll wait for you to come back for dinner." On the other side of the phone, my wife said excitedly.

Guo Tao knows that he has made too many gaffes, whether it is his wife's birthday, his son's birthday, or important festivals and anniversaries.

Every time he promised his wife that he would accompany them for dinner, but in the end he failed to fulfill his promise because of the work in the station.

Every time the son and wife lived in hope and disappointment, but they didn't have any complaints, they just did their best to silently support Guo Tao. Guo Tao can still clearly remember that his wife was so happy every time he called From his tone, one can imagine how disappointed the two of them were when they received a call that they couldn't go back.

Guo Tao sighed for a long time, put the phone back on his body, walked towards Han Mo, and said softly, "Thank you, Mr. Han."

Han Mo didn't speak, just smiled. Of course he knew why Guo Tao wanted to thank him. Han Mo hoped that this program would let everyone gain not only the actions of a certain day after watching, but also hope for a long-term, qualitative one. Change.

The program still needs to continue. Xiaohu and Xiaohu's father are the first participating families to play.

Although their stories left a deep impression on everyone, in fact, not much time has passed, and Zhang Mingli is very good at controlling time.

Xiaohu and his son waved goodbye to everyone amid warm applause. Although Xiaohu still had tears in his eyes, he smiled happily in his father's arms.

Wang Qi was also very moved, she watched Xiaohu walk off the stage with her father, wiped the corners of her eyes, but when she turned her head and saw Song Yingxiong, she froze for a moment.

"Director Song, what's wrong with you?" Wang Qian asked in surprise.

Song Yingxiong kept covering his eyes, not paying attention to the other people around him. Hearing Wang Qi's voice, he quickly put away the expression on his face and wiped it vigorously a few times.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine, oh, it's true, I can't control it." Song Yingxiong originally thought that he would not be seen, but now he felt very embarrassed.

Guo Tao comforted him softly, "I was also touched by that little boy, cry if you want, you are all fathers."

Song Yingxiong let out a long breath, "Your children are still young, and there is still a chance to make up for it. My girl is already in her third year of college. Thinking about it, I feel ashamed. I thought it was normal for me to answer those questions incorrectly. After all, children It's too far away from the age of four or five.

But now I realize that it is not that I missed the four or five-year-old stage of my child, but that I missed her entire childhood, including the teenage years when she went to middle school. Now the girl is very polite and respectful to me, but she is not close. My daughter has her own circle when she grows up, and she doesn’t need me as a father. I regret it now, and I can hold my daughter in my arms like a cute little girl At that time, I didn't accompany her well. Now sometimes I really want to let her go home for dinner during the holidays, but what my daughter says is that she is busy with studies and has no time. Now that I think about it, isn't that what I once said to her? "

Song Yingxiong sighed as he spoke. When he was young, he was much better than the current Guo Tao. He worked hard for his career and didn't care about his family. Now that he is older, he just wants to keep the achievements he made when he was young, and he has no special utilitarianism, so he spends more time with his family, but now he can only spend time with his wife, and his daughter doesn't care about him at all.

Song Yingxiong hated himself very much why he didn't wake up earlier, why he didn't realize that he should spend more time with his daughter. He really wanted to turn back time and go back to when his daughter was four or five years old.

If God gives him another chance to start over, he will definitely be like Han Mo, and be a good father like him.

Han Mo patted Song Yingxiong's shoulder lightly, "There is still a chance, now you can be a good father."

"Am I still in time?" Song Yingxiong asked.

"It's in time, as long as you want, it's in time at any time." Han Mo smiled.

Song Yingxiong nodded vigorously.

The programs recorded later include not only fathers, but also mothers. Relatively speaking, mothers are better, but because mothers pay more attention to children's learning, they don't pay much attention to children's psychological changes and needs.

What one of the girls said to her mother set off the climax of the show again. She said, please mother love her more, not the beautiful scores on the test paper.

At the end of the program, the program group played short stories previously recorded in five groups of families.

In fact, the answers to the questions raised by the program group can be found in the short film.

what does that mean?

It proves that in fact, every question that parents can't answer is that the child has already revealed it when they were around them, but they didn't observe carefully and didn't think about understanding the child.

You may feel that children are young, and their opinions are not important. In fact, it is not the case. Both adults and children are independent individuals. They can be properly guided by adults on the concept of right and wrong, but they cannot ignore children's ideas. Listen to children more the sound of.

If every parent can really get this information in the program, then Han Mo feels that his goal has been achieved.

After the recording of the program, every parent left the studio holding or holding their children with different thoughts. It's just that compared to when they came in, the corners of their eyes were more crystal clear, and their faces had more kind smiles.

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