Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 824 Broadcast

a few days later

After the recording of the second episode of "Mom and Dad Listen to Me", Han Mo didn't worry too much in the later stage. It's not that he doesn't care about the show anymore, but that the later stage of the show is easy to do. It doesn't need a funny atmosphere, and it doesn't It is necessary to supplement the guest's voice-over with text.

Just broadcast the program in the simplest and most authentic way. Every scene is full of real feelings, and every sentence is unscripted and the most real.

Why Han Mo's program can move so many viewers, because his program is real, and only when every guest on the stage can express their true feelings and move themselves can they move the audience.

The program has been scheduled to be broadcast at prime time today, and people all over the country are looking forward to the broadcast of the program. Of course, the people of this country do not include their counterparts in Korea and Mexico.

The variety show broadcast on Apple TV in prime time is "Happy Camp". The show has been leading the ratings for many years in a row. It's wonderful, and the ratings don't fluctuate too much, and it's basically in a relatively good state.

Basically, it is the first and second place in the ratings of the same period. Even if it is second, it is not much different from the first program, so they call this natural fluctuation, and they will not take it too seriously. It is impossible to return to the first place one.

There are two other programs that are in a similar state to "Happy Camp". They are also old-fashioned variety shows. Many viewers grew up watching this show, from elementary school to junior high school to high school and university. I always think of watching these programs because the time period is very fixed. It was broadcast at this time period more than ten years ago, and it is still the same now. Sometimes the audience may not necessarily like to watch it, but it is indeed a habit.

So these programs have never worried about the ratings. Although everyone can't be number one, the fluctuations are not very obvious. His long state.

Some new programs are also unwilling to broadcast at the same time as these old programs. The ratings are difficult to beat them. There have been people who were not afraid of death before. When they gradually tried the pain of being crushed, the major TV stations also Learn to be good, and avoid collectively. Beidu TV station arranged a program at this time period before, but the ratings have been crushed. After a few episodes, the program was stopped.

This time period is very good. Many program groups want it, but they dare not. It was not until Han Mo's program appeared that this situation was broken.

Several programs broadcast at the same time began to discuss how to fight against South Korea and Mo, and how to innovate on the basis of the original. The first issue of Han Mo took the route of children, which was very successful, and the ratings crushed them. They are also the route of parent-child this week.

The participating guests are all with children. In the show, the stars interact with the cute babies, and there are also some jokes.

But they didn't know that although the second episode of Han Mo's program was also a parent-child program, the direction was completely different.

The show is about to start, and discussions have already started on the Internet.

"I'm really looking forward to the second episode. I don't know what problems the second episode will cause parents. Will there be any children who will cry on stage again?"

"Hey, to be honest, those children shed tears on stage in the first episode, it's so sad. In fact, they just want their parents to spend more time with them."

"When I was young, my father didn't go home often. I didn't know until I was older that my father and I are a family. Can you believe it?"

"I'm not the same. When I was young, my dad always went on business trips and rarely came home. Once my dad came back and cut his hair short. My mother asked me to call him uncle, so I really called him, because I really didn't recognize it. My Father."

"I'm similar. I have very vague memories of my dad when he was young. He always said how handsome he was when he was young. Unfortunately, all I see is his old appearance now."

There are discussions about the content of the program on the Internet, but everyone really doesn't know that the second episode of the original program has changed. It is no longer about children, but about adults.

The show officially begins.

"Brother Han, do you think our second episode can be number one in ratings?" Little Pang Xie was walking around the office anxiously.

In this episode, everyone insisted on gathering at Han Mo's office. Han Mo didn't want to watch the show with them at all, and originally refused, but Meng Si called Han Mo and begged Han Mo for an hour, insisting that everyone gather at Han Mo's office to watch together .

He didn't mean that he had to be with Han Mo, or because of the ratings of the show, but because Meng Si couldn't watch TV at home, so he could only watch TV in Han Mo's office for some reason.

"If you change the theme, there will usually be an adaptation period, but it doesn't matter. Even if the ratings are not as good as the first episode, it won't be too bad. We can't always be the first. Those old programs in the past didn't pay attention to the actual ratings. There is no need to pay too much attention to benign fluctuations." Song Yingxiong is more aware of the status of each program, and Song Yingxiong was a little hesitant when it was originally scheduled for this time slot by Beidu TV Station, after all, there are so many old variety shows.

But Han Mo once again surprised him, and once again proved himself right with practical actions.

"I think our ratings for this episode must still be number one, and it's likely to be even higher than the last episode. I'm sure our second episode will also have a higher audience rating than the first episode." Guo Tao said confidently .

"Director Guo, what you said is too full. I don't think it will be as amazing as what you said. The first issue is already very good. I think it is impossible for us to surpass the first issue in the second issue." Wang Qian Shrugged.

"Just watch it if you don't believe me, absolutely." Guo Tao is very optimistic about Han Mo's second episode.

Seeing the members of his team arguing about the show, Han Mo smiled and waved his hands, "Don't worry too much about the ratings, let's see the audience's reaction."

"That's right, I'll see what everyone says on the Internet." Little Pang Xie turned on the laptop.

The audience didn't expect the second episode of the show to be different from the first episode.

"The last episode moved me, and this episode made me cry. I followed the program and answered it just now, but I was not as correct as Shen Fei."

"I cried too. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. The child wants to raise but the relatives don't wait. There are many things that can't wait."

"When the first group of guests came out, I was still thinking, could it be that the age group was changed, to see if the mothers of this age group could understand the voice of the child, but I didn't expect it to be the opposite, and let the child answer the parents' questions. question."

"This angle is really good. We all make the same mistakes, making the parents who love us the most become the most familiar strangers."

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