Almighty Star Daddy

Chapter 829 I like you too

Wang Qi was planning to go to Han Mo's office to deliver a list of program guests for Guo Tao, but just arrived at this floor, when she got out of the elevator, she heard someone talking in Han Mo's office. She heard a familiar voice.

Then came the long speech by little Ponchet.

There was a smile on the corner of Wang Qi's mouth until

"Did Wang Qi really reject me?" Little Pang Xie asked loudly.

Wang Qi's expression froze on her face, she held the folder tightly with her hands, her heart pounded violently, the whole world fell silent, only the sound of her own heartbeat could be heard, and every violent impact vibrated in her ears long time.

She really wanted to appear in front of little Pang Xie right away, tell him that things were not what little Pang Xie thought, and then scold him fiercely, not even understanding the meaning of the smiling face, why is he so stupid.

Wang Qi was a little scared for the first time. He was afraid that little Pang Xie would really think that he didn't like him, so he gave up.

Thinking of this, Wang Qian's heart felt a little pained, could it be that she gave up?

Wang Qi wanted to take a step forward, but her legs seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't sell them at all, and her heart was still beating violently.

"Brother Han, tell me. You are someone who has been here. I have never talked to a girlfriend before. I don't understand girls' minds."

Little Pang Xie's voice drifted to Wang Qian's ears again, every word was so clear, he was waiting for Han Mo's suggestion.

Wang Qi was also waiting, her heart beating in her throat, hanging anxiously.

Han Mo didn't speak immediately, but smiled.

Little Pang Xie could see Han Mo smiling, but Wang Qi couldn't. She didn't know what was going on in the office. Although she only waited for more than ten seconds, she didn't answer right away. To Wang Qian, it was like waiting. centuries.

Unknowingly, Wang Qi's palms were covered with sweat, leaving fingerprints on the folder.

Time passed by second by second.

Han Mo's eyes flickered for a while, he picked up the paper on the table with a smile, wrote a few words, and handed it to little Pang Xie.

Little Pang Xie looked at the words on the paper, widened his eyes, covered his mouth and wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to be too excited in front of Han Mo.

Little Pang Xie cleared his throat,


Han Mo glanced at the door again, nodded slightly, and hummed lightly.

Little Pang Xie held the paper in both hands, and held it on his chest happily.

All this happened silently in the office, and Wang Qi who was standing at the door didn't know it.

"Thank you Brother Han, I see." Little Pang Xie suddenly folded the paper and put it in his pocket.

Wang Qian didn't hear what Han Mo said, so she knew what? What the hell happened. And why is little Pang Xie's voice so calm? Could it be that Han Mo also mistakenly thought that she was rejecting little Pang Xie?

Could it be that what Han Mo said just now was to let little Pang Xie give up? That's why little Pang Xie said that he knew it. Could it be that he just wanted to stop contacting her?

Wang Qi drew countless question marks in her heart, and each question mark was a prick in her heart.

She regretted so much, why she had to be shy at that time, and didn't speak clearly, knowing that little Pang Xie was stupid and careless, she couldn't understand the meaning of her smiling face in the context at that time. If I had said, "I agree" at the time, wouldn't these things have happened.

Wang Qi really regretted it. She had never been so coy in her work. How can she be so stupid when she encounters her own feelings? Wang Qi has never been in a relationship, and she doesn't understand many things, not even the feeling of liking someone.

Until that day when the show was being recorded, everyone was joking about little Pang Xie, and she also joked with her, but after returning home, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she felt, so she took the initiative to send a message to little Pang Xie to comfort him.

After going back and forth, she chatted with little Pang Xie, and gradually found that she had a good impression of little Pang Xie, and little Pang Xie was a very humorous and interesting person, who knew everything, like a know-it-all, no problem could trouble him , I have any difficulties, just talk to him, he can help solve it.

When little Pang Xie confessed his love, Wang Qian was very happy. At that time, she didn't know how to answer, so she deleted and wrote, wrote and deleted many times, but in the end she only sent a smiling face, because she was too shy to say anything else.

"After listening to your words, I understand what to do. It won't be like before." Little Pang Xie said with a smile.

Wang Qi's heart skipped a beat, she fell from the cliff to the bottom of the valley, and suddenly said "I see", "It's not like before", what exactly does it mean.

"Then I'm going out, you go first." Little Pang Xie was about to get up and go out.

Wang Qi was dumbfounded. She knew that Han Mo must have told little Pang Xie to let him give up, telling him that she didn't like him.

No, I got it wrong, little Pang Xie got it wrong, Han Mo got it wrong too, they were all wrong, not as they understood it.

Little Pang Xie had already stood up and pushed back slightly. The chair was moved back a short distance, making the sound of rubbing against the ground.

"No, you misunderstood, I agree, and I like you too." Wang Qi closed her eyes and rushed into the office. She could no longer care about so much, and the words in her heart burst out like her steps.

She didn't even know how she walked into Han Mo's office, let alone how she said these few words.

All she knew was that after she had finished speaking, she opened her eyes, and Han Mo and little Pang Xie were looking at her.

Han Mo smiled.

Little Pang Xie was stunned.

"Qi Qian, you, what you just said is true?" Little Pang Xie couldn't believe his ears. He never dared to think that Wang Qian would say that she liked him.

Wang Qi had already said it, although she didn't know how to say it herself, but since she said it, she was not afraid of anything. Wang Qi nodded, "Really."

Little Pang Xie rushed over and hugged Wang Qian, "Thank you, thank you, I like you, I like you so much."

"I really didn't expect you to appear suddenly. It turns out that you really like me too." Little Pang Xie was so excited that he hugged Wang Qi even tighter.

"Okay, this is Boss Han's office. Boss Han is watching there. You don't feel embarrassed, but I'm still embarrassed." Wang Qian said as she broke free from Pang Xie's hands.

Little Pang Xie also felt a little embarrassed, smiled and put down his arms, turned to Han Mo and said, "Brother Han, you are still smart, you have already seen it, only I am stupid."

Wang Qi was stunned for a moment, did Han Mo see it? So Han Mo knew the meaning of the smiling face just now?

Wang Qi looked at little Pang Xie with questioning eyes.

Little Pang Xie took out a neatly folded piece of paper from his coat pocket, unfolded it carefully, and turned the side with the words facing Wang Qian.

The note was very clear, "Smiling face = agree".

It turned out that Han Mo saw the meaning just now, so why didn't he say it directly? Wang Qian was sure that she had never heard Han Mo say this, so why did she write a note.

Han Mo smiled and didn't speak. In fact, Wang Qian had just arrived at the door when Han Mo saw her. The reason why he wrote a note to Pang Xie was that he didn't want Wang Qian to hear it, so that Wang Qian would say this by herself.

Little Pang Xie didn't understand, but Wang Qian understood the mystery all at once. Han Mo must have discovered her when she was standing at the door eavesdropping, so she had to use the aggressive method.

At this time, Wang Qi felt that she was too embarrassed to confess so loudly just now, and ran out of Han Mo's office with a smile covering her face.

"Sissy, what's wrong with you? Why are you running?" Little Pang Xie was still at a loss.

"Brother Han, I'll go after Qianqian." After speaking, little Pang Xie also ran out of the office.

Han Mo smiled and shook his head. Little Pang Xie had also found his home, and Han Mo was really happy.

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