Almighty Student

Chapter 10737: Very satisfied

There was nothing on his side, but Heida ran back.

"My lord, I am mainly responsible for your safety. I just heard about the situation here, so I rushed over as soon as possible." Heida explained hurriedly.

He is also a Venerable after all.

Although it is the guard of the son of Black Venerable.

But he also has some arrogance of his own.

"You mean, what I said doesn't work?" The son of Black Venerable looked at Heida coldly.

Hei Da did not reply this time.

He understands.

In the future, this person will definitely become his new master.

If you offend the other party now, it is not worth the loss.

However, he was really upset in his heart. After all, he was a venerable. He was so insulted by someone who was not in the realm of the venerable. He was also very depressed: "The subordinates know their faults."

"Go chase me, if you can't catch up with the other party, you don't have to come back, I don't need waste!" The son of Black Venerable said very rudely.

He saw Heida's displeasure!

But no matter how unhappy Hei Da is.

Be honest in front of him.

Because Heida is under his father's.

If Heida dares to be honest, then he will let his father kill Heida and Heida's family.

"Yes!!" Hei Da also moved his body and disappeared in place.

Xia Tian also saw such a scene, and he also saw the weakness of the team.

What he fears most is that there is no gap between the three people in the team. In this case, it would be difficult to pry the team apart, but now he has discovered the team's biggest problem.

That Hei Da obviously didn't accept the son of Black Venerable, but he didn't dare to disobey the son of Black Venerable.

The son of Black Venerable doesn't like his subordinates not to listen to him.

and so.


In summer, just let their conflicts deepen.

By the time.

The team naturally collapsed.

In the end, when there was only one son of the Black Venerable, it was easier for him to kill the opponent.

"My lord, my investigative ability is not bad, let me investigate, and I will definitely catch human beings to you." Xia Xia said respectfully.


The son of Black Venerable nodded slightly. He liked the compliments of others the most, which was the main reason why he inspected everywhere.

Because in his father's territory, his father was very strict with him.

The attitudes of his father's subordinates towards him are all in a superior manner.

Let him have no dignity.

But it's different on the outside.

Even the top-notch Venerables, as long as they heard that he was the son of the Black Venerable, they would treat him with respect.

"En!!" Although the son of Black Venerable is very satisfied with Xia's words, he actually didn't look at Xia Xia. In his opinion, after he came out, only masters at the level of Beast Venerable are worthy of following him.

The power of the law of summer is too low.

"Here!" Summer also seemed to be investigating for a while.

Then began to fly forward.


The son of Black Venerable also didn't expect that Xia Tian found the direction so quickly, and then followed: "If you look in the wrong direction, don't blame me for being polite."

"My lord, don't worry, if I look in the wrong direction, you will kill me!!" Summer said very confidently.

He even knew where Quxi wanted to go, so how could he find the wrong direction.

Hearing the words of Xia Zun, the son of Black Venerable was relieved a lot.

Followed directly.

Along the way.

Summer showed a lot of investigative methods.

And every time the direction is determined very quickly.

This made the son of Black Venerable look at him with admiration: "Not bad!!"

"My lord, my greatest ability is investigating. Back then, the Griffin King was pursuing humans, but he lost his way. I helped him catch up. It is precisely because of my special ability that the Griffin King became a brother with me. "Xiamen said directly.

"Very well, find me that human being." The Black Venerable Son shouted.


When the summer catches up, there are more and more traces in front.

This made the Black Venerable Son even more convinced that Xia Tian had not found the wrong direction.

"My lord, Hei Da is looking in the wrong direction." Hei Er reminded.

"Don't worry about the waste, after I have caught the human, I will clean him up." The Black Venerable Son said coldly.

Obviously he also wanted to see Hei Da make a fool of himself and couldn't catch human beings. In this case, he could later mock Hei Da, saying that Hei Da was really useless.

He wanted to step Heida under his feet.

Hei Da is more upset.

The more he wanted to do it.

"My lord, we are getting closer and closer to him. I will catch up quickly and delay her a little bit!" Xia Xia suggested.

"No, your strength is not enough, you can't stun the snake, Hei Er, you go over." The son of Black Venerable said.

"My lord, I want to protect your safety, the master said, we must not all leave you." Hei Er said hurriedly.

He also understands.

Now the Black Venerable's son is getting angry with the Black Venerable. Normally, he shouldn't say such things, but he doesn't want the Black Venerable's son to have an accident, otherwise, how can he go back and explain to the Black Venerable?

"Where is there so much nonsense, this is the site of flying fairy beasts, can there be any danger for me here? And there is also the Black Eagle King." said the son of Black Venerable.


"But what? You're amazing now, don't you even listen to me?" The Black Venerable Son scolded.

"Master said"

"My words, do they work without my father's words?" The Black Venerable Son said coldly.

"I'll go!!" Hei Er also understands that if he continues to say this, the son of the Black Venerable will definitely get angry, and things will become even more troublesome.

He also didn't want things to become like that.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense," said the son of Black Venerable.

Hei Er flew straight forward.

"My lord, it's better to be careful. There are still dangers around here," Xia Xia said.

"Isn't there still you?" said the son of Black Venerable.


Summer nodded slightly.

that's it.

They rushed for about five minutes.


A huge law of light and law of water appeared around!

"My lord, be careful!" Xia Tian also grew bigger for the first time, and then directly protected the Black Venerable's son under his wings, and took all the attacks around him.


The explosion was loud.

"It's done." Hongfeng said.

All of this was arranged by Xia Xia, and all the attacks were prepared in advance by him, including the explosion just now, which Hong Feng deliberately made.

The explosion was loud, but in fact, Xia Tian didn't suffer any injuries. The injuries on his body were all made by Hongfeng. It looked scary, but it didn't hurt him in any way.

"Open it!!" The son of Black Venerable felt that there was no movement outside.

"My lord is shocked." Xia Xia bowed deeply.

The eyes of the Black Venerable Son looking at Xia Tian were obviously different.

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