Almighty Student

Chapter 10745: Death of Hei Da

Black thinks.

It was Summer who calculated him, otherwise, he would not have become so passive, let alone encounter such a horrible scene below.


A big mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

Hei Da didn't have the thought of fighting at all.

He can't handle one of them.

Two suddenly appeared.

This made him even more afraid to fight. He was in the water, and part of his combat power would be suppressed. Now that these two guys join forces and consume them by themselves, they will undoubtedly die.

"No, I must break through." Hei Da was also thinking of a solution at this time.

He wanted to rush out from here.


He could not imagine what would happen.


He is ready to commit suicide.

If he really reaches that point, he must commit suicide, because if he commits suicide, he can be reborn, and his bloodline is strong enough to be reborn. Even the Black Venerable doesn’t know about this. This is the trump card he left to himself. .


If this death is used, then he will no longer be black.

He had already calculated it before, no matter who caused him to lose his life, then he will only seek revenge in the future.

Xia Xia must be one of his targets for revenge.


as well.


Hei Da wanted to sprint up, but was severely beaten down by Sea Bone King.

"The situation below seems to be wrong, let me support it!" Hei Er is also a little anxious now. He feels that if this goes on, Hei Da may really have an accident, even though he thinks he has already managed the Sea Bone King.

There should be no danger below.

But he still had an ominous premonition.

"Don't worry, the most difficult Sea Bone King has been killed by you. Isn't he still not able to deal with some of the little guys below? If he can't handle even little guy, then what qualifications does he have to follow me?" Hei Tian Ya said directly.

He wanted to teach Heida some lessons.

Who told Hei Da to point his fingers at him usually, and he didn't listen to him.

Hei Er also understood that Hei Tianya was avenging his personal revenge.

But he has no way.

Who made Hei Tianya the one who has the final say here?

They have no right to speak here.

"Boss Ya, you can first let the quasi beasts under my hand explore the way and see what's going on below." Xia Xia suggested.


"Alright!!" Hei Tianya nodded slightly.

He also saw that Hei Er was a little dissatisfied with him, but if he sent someone to investigate, it would be fine.

"Thank you, sir." Hei Er said respectfully.

Hei Tianya discovered that Hei Er is now more and more able to be a human being.

Of course.

There is also summer credit.

It was summer that made Hei Er recognize himself a little bit.

Moreover, Xia Xia gave him advice, always at a critical moment, to help him dispel the doubts of Black Er.

call out!

The flying fairy beasts of ten quasi beasts flew straight down.


The powerful lethality rushed directly into the sea.

They are also waiting.

Waited about ten minutes.

"My lord, I always feel that something is wrong, let me take someone down and have a look!!" Hei Er waited for ten minutes, but still didn't wait for any news, which made him feel a little weird.

"Bring more people down," Xia Xia suggested.


Hei Er nodded.

Xia Xia raised the token in his hand: "All the flying fairy beasts of the quasi-beast-sovereign level listen to orders, you open the way for Mr. Hei Er, and the power of law is more than 100,000 points to be the pioneer, and other flying beasts can open the seaside entrance. , Don’t let the bone seal on the sea take shape."

After hearing the order.

Those flying fairy beasts also moved.

Followed Black Er and rushed down.

"Boss Ya, I am worried that something will happen to the black conference. It took too long for him to go down. My people did not reply after they went down. This proves that there is either a seal below or something more terrifying. The Bone King is dead, but the white bones here show no sign of disappearing. I am worried that the Sea Bone King is also in feign death." Xia Xia already knew all this.

But he didn't say in a hurry.

It's only now because he has calculated that the time is almost the same.

And Hei Er had already rushed down, and it was too late to come back.

"Yeah!!" Hei Tianya's eyes were also bright, if it weren't for Summer to say these things, he would not be able to react at all.

"Presumably, Mr. Bi Ya had expected it a long time ago, I just want to talk about my opinion!!" Xia Tian said.

"You say!!" Hei Tianya looked at Xia Tian.

"Boss Ya, I admit that the two of them are very strong, but these two people are rebellious. If you have them by your side, what you want to do is very difficult. It is better to ignore them for the time being and let them. Self-five, as for your safety, as long as we go to another place, we can let the local masters follow and guard, then those beasts will definitely be grateful and proud to be able to protect you, and if we don’t go to anything dangerous As far as the place is concerned, there is no need for any guards at all. You stand here, don’t feel angered, and give others a feeling that you can’t look directly at it. At first glance, you are the most noble existence. Who dares to do it to you?” Hold it very high.

Hei Tianya was also very satisfied at this time.

"You're right. Leave them alone. Let your people withdraw. Humans don't care about it for the time being. Let's go to the headquarters of the Dark Night Forest, and then to the patio!!" Hei Tianya also felt that Hei Da and Hei Er would follow. Many things have become inconvenient for him. Even before he asked for gifts from others, both of them would stop him.

When others treat him respectfully, those two people will also show a disdainful attitude.

It seems to be higher than him.

He disliked this feeling very much.

just now.

It was the best time to leave these two people behind, and summer was right.

Who dares to attack yourself?

And as long as he only walks to the position of the teleporting black hole, there will be no danger.

As for his father, it would be much more convenient.

His power of law has grown by 10,000 points now. No matter what he did wrong, his father would not care, he would only be happy.

And if he goes to the courtyard to catch those humans and get more Realm King Pills, then his father will be extremely happy after he returns.

I thought of this.

He was very excited: "Let's go!!"

Summer also ordered directly.

Let all flying fairy beasts retreat.

Those flying fairy beasts of the quasi beasts who were diving suddenly received the order, and they also started to fly upwards.


Hei Er's brow furrowed and he suddenly felt that something was wrong.


He found that all the flying fairy beasts on his head were gone, and the bone seal appeared again, sealing him underneath.


He saw a more terrifying scene.

Hei Da is dead.

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