Almighty Student

Chapter 10759: Prime culprit

Although Hei Tianya had already ordered the destruction of all mutated fairy beasts, there was no other way.

If you can, who wants to kill so many of his own people.

And the price paid is very painful.

Mutual casualties.

Environmental destruction and so on.

If they can really reverse the situation here, then they are all heroes.


at this time.

They also followed the summer.

Begin to kill quickly.

boom! boom!

There were constant explosions around, but the rush of the fairy beast had covered it all.

As they move forward.

It is also very low-key.

"Great!!!" Hei Tianya waited for so long, and finally waited for the news of summer again. The news to him this summer is even simpler: they have discovered humans and are now on their way to arrest each other: "You really Didn't disappoint me."


Hei Tianya believes that he is Bole.

And summer is Chollima.

I gave the summer a chance to display his talents.


I should also thank summer.

It is because of the appearance of summer that makes them show up like this.

"Notify all my brothers that our elite team has found traces of humans, and let everyone hold on. As long as our elite team catches humans, they will be able to torture clues to the disaster, and may even find a way to rescue them. When the time comes, everyone won't have to fight." Hei Tianya passed the order down the first time.

In this case.

But it greatly increases the morale of the team.

It also allows everyone to see hope.

Will not attack aimlessly.

Endless battle.

"My lord, if it can be done, then you are our hero, no, you are the hero of our entire Black Venerable Area!!" Although Ten Samurai Tianjing saw Heitianya for the first time.

But their impression of Hei Tianya is very good.

He also admires Hei Tianya very much.

Although I could occasionally hear some willful things about Hei Tianya before, in their view, only when something really happened can one see a person's true ability.

They all saw it now.


Another place.

Although they have been very careful in summer.

But it was still exposed.

The other party was very cautious, and there were a lot of masters nearby. When those masters were attacked, humans found that there was a problem.

And when a large number of masters were killed.

That human already knew something was wrong.

and so.

Now a large number of fairy beasts began to attack their team in the summer.

"My lord, the enemy's offensive has begun to be fierce. We are now more dangerous than the courtyard." The people around wanted to **** Xia Xia away from here.

"We are here in Longtan Tiger Den. If we are not dangerous, we can't show the strength of our elite team. But it is precisely because of the crazy attacks of those mutant beasts, so I can be more sure that our direction is right. , Humans must be ahead." Summer is also very curious now.

Who is leading this war?


These quasi-beasts are also crazy about attacking everything around them.

"Everyone keep moving forward. We can't stop, otherwise we will be attacked continuously, and then it will be dangerous." Summer is very clear that they can't stay in one place for too long, otherwise the opponent will lock their position. , Let the mutant fairy beasts behind them begin to attack their points continuously, no matter how strong their strength is, there will be a day of exposure.

charge! !

Their team just kept charging forward.

Summer’s words let them see hope and understand the dangers of staying in place.

They can only survive and become the heroes of the Black Venerable region only if they keep advancing.

But if you stay in place, you can only die.


Just as they continued to charge, a huge attack came.

"Be careful!!" Xia Xia hurriedly shouted.

The two quasi beasts in front hurriedly opened their biggest defense.


The bodies of the two of them were lifted out.

If it hadn't been reminded by the summer, the two of them might be seriously injured.

"Beast Venerable!!" Summer frowned.

Even the Beast Lord has been recruited?

The quasi beasts at the scene are all ready to fight.

If there is a Beast Venerable.

That would be difficult.

"It's Venerable Dragon Wing!!!"

Suddenly someone shouted.

"Who is that?" Summer asked.

"The two mutated races this time are our Wing Clan and Ben Clan that are at war. The Dragon Wing Venerable is a master of the Beast Venerable of our Wing Clan." A Quasi Beast Venerable explained.


He is also a member of the Wing Race.

"Beast-sovereign level masters are here, then our path must be right." Xia Xia glanced at the masters around him: "You third-change quasi beasts and your second-change quasi beasts Zun stays here to stop him, and the others move on with us."

Thirty masters were left in the summer.

This number is already very scary.

And these thirty masters are the strongest among them.


"Remember, your task is not to kill him, but to drag him. As long as you are okay, you can prevent him from catching up with our team." Xia reminded.


Said the master of thirty quasi beasts.

"Careful!!" Summer glanced at them, and then rushed forward with the team.


More and more powerful fairy beasts appeared around.

There are more and more fairy beasts with a power of 50,000 or more, and a lot of them with a power of 80,000. They even start to attack like cannon fodder.

The fairy beast with a power of 100,000 points is a frontal charge and a suicide attack.

And the quasi beastmaster also appeared.

The two sides immediately fought together.

"My lord, leave it to us here." A hundred people made a way for Xia.

"Well, let the rest of you kill with me here. The culprit is right in front. We must catch him." Xia Xia shouted loudly.



Xia Xia glanced at Wan Fei and Wan Tian: "Go around, remember, don't fall in love with war, block his way!!"


The two of them also understood that it was time for them to make contributions.


Both of them must perform well.


Xia also sighed.

The human breath can already be captured here, that is, the enemy is in front of him.

And his front.

There is a mountain now.

That enemy should be hidden in the mountains.


Although there are not many enemies around, the strength is very powerful.

"Cover me, let's grab the humans!!" Xia Xia flew directly up with a movement.

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