Almighty Student

Chapter 10949: Final collision

  Ten tops.

The pressure brought by    is completely different from just now. As long as summer finds the trajectory of the top attack, he can dodge.

  Available now.

  It is much more difficult to capture the attack tricks of ten tops at the same time than to observe one.

  And the trajectories of their actions are intertwined! !

  It is almost impossible to dodge completely.

  The old mountain master frowned at this time. He didn't worry that summer would not be able to resolve this trick. What he worried most was that this would irritate summer, but summer would smooth the existence of the iceberg area.

  How strong is he?

  No one can imagine.

   Such a powerful existence.

   is not what a normal person can imagine.

  This is already strong to a certain terrifying state.

   "Looks good!!" A smile appeared on Xia's face.

  This trick.

  The lethality to others is absolutely unimaginable, but for him, it is not that dangerous at all.

  His eyes have accurately found all the attack trajectories of the ten tops, and at the same time calculated the best dodge route.

Of course.

  This route is also not passable by normal people.


  Summer's body moved, when he moved.

  The law of the sun appears.

  Use the ice of the law of the sun to use the trajectory of some tops to delay their actions.

   just right through.


The old man frowned. He obviously did not expect that Xia Tian could escape this attack. In his opinion, it was almost impossible for Xia Tian to avoid this attack, but Xia Tian avoided it perfectly. It made him feel a little incredible.

  Even if he is knowledgeable.

  This trick has never seen anyone hide so.

  "Is it a coincidence?" The old man had such thoughts in an instant.

   can be very fast.

   Such an idea was abandoned by him.

  Because when the top continued to turn back, the summer escaped perfectly again.

  The number of tops has been increased to ten.

  The pressure on the surrounding wind curse threads has increased.

  So there is no need to fight back in summer.

  As long as he can dodge all the time, the surrounding wind curse threads will naturally break without attack. When that happens, the wind curse top will have no power.


   Summer's body completely disappeared from the scene.

the speed is very fast.

  Ordinary people can no longer see the figure of Summer, nor can they see the tops, but they can hear the sound of tops hitting. With ten tops, the trajectory of their actions is completely random. It is very normal to hit each other.

  "This!!!" The old man saw clearly, and Xia Tian avoided all his attacks.

  His wind curse thread is breaking a little bit.

  If this continues.

  It won’t take long.

  The silk thread will disappear completely.

  Boom! boom! boom! boom!

  The surrounding silk thread is completely broken, at the same time.

   Ten spinning tops attacked towards the middle together.

"No, they are not attacking you, they are going to explode after colliding together, and the surrounding space has been completely enclosed, the explosion will only be in this space, and because the space is compressed, the power of the explosion will be even more terrifying!!" Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.


  No nonsense in summer, I want to use Promise.

   "Let me come!!" Xia Si said.


at the same time.

  Countless silk threads wrap summer's body.


  The powerful explosive force is wrapped in a three-dimensional space of one thousand by one thousand.

  Summer is also in this space.

  In the entire space.

  Everything is destroyed.

   "Are you done?" The people from Kamikaze Mountain said very much.

  But soon!

  They saw a black ball appear there.

  The black thread gradually dispersed.

  Summer appeared there.


  "Emperor Grade Thousand Silk Beast!!!" The old man saw at a glance what was blocking his attack.

   is exactly the defense of Emperor Pin Qiansi Beast.

  Able to own Emperor Pin Qiansi Beast.

   is able to have such a powerful calculation ability, under his attack, he is completely at ease, he has already guessed who the other party is at this time: "You are summer, right!!"


When    heard this name, the people at the scene appeared a little bit of doubt, but soon some of them called out: "Butcher Summer, he is Butcher Summer!!!"

  When the name Butcher Summer appeared, everyone on the scene was stunned.

  They are too familiar with the name.

  In the entire Shenzhou, almost people with a little strength have heard of this name.

  Now they finally understand.

  Why is this young boy in front of him so strong?

  If it's summer, then everything should go well.

   "What? It's summer!!" A trace of fear appeared on the face of the mountain master of Kamikaze Mountain.

  He has heard of how strong summer is,

  Even the Celestians are afraid of him.

  So many celestial dogs were driven to extinction by him.

  Such skill and reputation.

  He actually provokes such a person, if it weren’t for Lao Shanzhu and Taishi uncle here, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

  He is also scared for a while now.

   "That's right!!!" Summer said lightly.

  I heard summer admit.

These people on the scene stepped back. Although they all hate Kamikaze Mountain very much and hope to see summer teach Kamikaze Mountain, they are more afraid of summer. Even if summer has not done anything to them, summer butcher is called The first appearance made them feel terrified.

  They can’t even imagine.

  If summer is angry, what will be the consequences?

   "It's interesting!!" A smile appeared on the old man's face: "The outside has already made you vivid, I also want to see how capable you are."


   Just when everyone thought that the old man should not make another move after guessing the identity of Summer.

  The old man shot.

  And this time.

  He condensed a huge black battle axe.

   Above the battle axe.

  Densely dense wind curses, these wind curses seem to cover everything.

   is extremely powerful.

   "Let me see, you, the legendary Butcher Summer, how capable you are!" After the old man finished speaking, the battle axe in his hand was cut directly.

   seems to be a breakthrough.

  There are thousands of wind curses on it.

  When every wind curse explodes, it has extremely powerful power.

  This blow.

   is enough to destroy an army.

  This is the top powerhouse.

  "Good come!" Xia's finger stretched out at the same time.

  Mie Xianzhi.

  At this moment, he also used his own stunts.

  Frontal collision.

  In the previous summer, when he met the top players, he would avoid his edge, but this summer is different, he has to face the old man.


  He is also quietly gathering the power of the origin of the soil.

  Ready to fight back! !

  Vertex reading URL:

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