Almighty Student

Chapter 10972: Red Phoenix Destruction

The gate of life and death! ! !

"The connection here is not only the gap in the universe, but also the gate of life and death, and the gate of hell!!!" Xia Xia finally understood what was going on at this time.

The Lan clan let him in.

The real purpose.

This is the gate of hell.


When Xia Xia moved forward, he saw a familiar figure.

"Little Red!!!"

There is the gate of hell.

A figure appeared at the entrance to the gate of hell.


When the summer was about to pass, he felt a strong suction.

"The Bamboo of Wind!!"

When the wind bamboo was thrown out in the summer, a step appeared.

Wind stairs.

Then in the summer, I walked down the steps.

Swirl Flower! !

He threw the flower of the swirl to the top of Xiao Hong.

Then Xiao Hong opened her eyes slowly: "It's you!!!"

"How can I save you?" Summer asked.

"Have you brought rootless grass?" Xiaohong asked.

Xia Xia directly threw the rootless grass over, Xiao Hong held the rootless grass in his hand, and then began to rush towards the gate of hell.

"What are you going to do?" Xia Jia hurriedly called.

"Go get what belongs to my father!!" Xiao Hong said.


Xia Xia rushed over in an instant, and directly grabbed Xiao Hong's arm: "If you go in like this, you can't get out!!"

"I'm not afraid of death. My brother has been saved anyway. I am in this world. There is nothing to miss. There is nothing to worry about!!!" Xiaohong wanted to break away from Xia's hand.

But the summer still didn't let go: "Where is the second wind?"

Xiaohong shook her head: "It's impossible for us!!"

She knows very well.

What are the rules of the Lan clan?

She and Feng Er, it is impossible for her to be together in this life. She respects her brother and respects the rules of the Lan clan, so she will not disobey the Lan clan.

"Your brother agreed!!!" Xia Tian said.


"This is a deal between me and your Lan family. I came here precisely for this." Xia Tian said.

Xiao Hong was lost in thought.

"Where are your father's things?" Xiao Hong was still hesitating when Xia saw it.

"In the entrance of the gate of hell, I haven't completely fallen in yet, but my father's things will completely fall in within ten years at most. Then, we will have no chance at all!!" Xiaohong came here. It is for this.

For so many years.

They tried many times.

All failed.

This time.

She also wanted to use her life to gamble once.

"I'm going!!!" Xia Xia rushed directly up with a movement.

"Mr. Xia!!" Xiaohong wanted to stop when Xia rushed past, but it was too late.

She didn't want to involve summer.

But the summer has rushed past.

When summer rushed to the entrance of Hell's Gate.

He suddenly heard a voice, a call that seemed to come from ancient times.

[Promise, attract! ! ! 】

He didn't care about the call, and directly used Promise's attraction to **** the corpse in front of him. The corpse was almost completely weathered, but there was always a force enveloping it, so it looked complete.

"What?" When Xiaohong saw that the summer was really successful.

She was also very surprised! !

Xia Xia's strength has always been very mysterious to her.

But she didn't expect that summer still hides so much terrifying strength.

"Go!!" Xia Tian also injected a force into Xiao Hong's body.

The armor of the wind formed on the two of them.


But when summer turned around, a force came out of hell.

"What?" Xia Tian looked back, but saw nothing.

He checked his body again.

The same is not found.

Then he began to observe his body.

The same is not found.

"Forget it, go out first, wait until you go out." Summer also knows that this place is very dangerous, continue to stay here, there may be unexpected things at any time.

Although Xiaohong still didn't understand what was going on.

But she also did what summer said.


The two of them started to fly forward quickly.

The moment they walked up the steps.

In front of them.

A light suddenly appeared.

"Don't go over!!!" Xiaohong hurriedly shouted.

"What's the matter?" Summer asked hurriedly.

"That's not an exit, there are mirrored reactions everywhere, and normal exits over there, but once we pass, there will directly involve us in the endless universe!!!" Xiaohong reminded.

There are two dangers here.

One is in the endless universe.

One is the gate of hell.

As long as you are careful about the gates of hell, you can still guarantee that you will not fall into it.

But the endless universe is different.

Because here is the junction with the universe.


If you are not careful, you may fall into the endless universe.

"Then let's go around!!" Summer said.

"No, the surroundings are even more dangerous. Once this mirror appears, we can only wait, and when the mirror disappears, we can pass!!!" Xiao Hong said.

"How long will you have to wait!!" Summer asked.

"I don't know, it may be a few hours or a hundred years!!" Xiao Hong's face was also a little ugly.

"No, the armor of wind on our body can't last long. We must rush out while the armor of wind has not completely dissipated. Is there any other way?" Xia Wei asked again.

"There is one more!!" Xiao Hong gritted her teeth, then rushed directly to the gap, and shouted at the same time: "Help me tell Feng Er, I'm sorry for him, don't wait for me!!!"

See her move.

Summer knew what she wanted to do.

The body moved.

Rushed over first.

Block her back directly.

But Xia Xia's own body was sucked into that mirror image.

Seeing that summer is about to be completely involved.


at this time.

The withered red phoenix reappeared, broke away from Xia's body and fell into the mirror image.

"Hongfeng!!" Seeing Hongfeng fell into the mirror image, Xia hurried to chase him.

But when he rushed past.

The mirror has disappeared.

"No!!" Summer roared wildly.

For so many years, Hongfeng has been with him, and accompany him in the North and South wars.

It can be said.

Hongfeng has become his closest person.

But now.

Hongfeng completely left him.

Although the previous Hongfeng fell into a coma and may never recover, at least he was by Xia Xia's side, and Xia Xia also had the opportunity to think of a solution.

But now.

Hongfeng completely disappeared.

Will never come back.


Will Hongfeng really disappear into this world completely?

Brotherhood for so many years.

Now Hongfeng was about to leave the summer, how could he accept it.

He understands. l

Just at the last moment, Hongfeng relied on his last trace of obsession to help him and break the mirror image.

"What are you going to do?" Xiaohong was even more anxious when she saw Xia's actions.

"I can't abandon my brother!!" Xia Tian turned his head and rushed to the exit of the universe.

Hong Feng was sucked into that exit through the mirror image.

If he doesn't hurry up, then Hongfeng will be completely sucked into the universe. At that time, he may face the turbulence of time and space.


When Xia Xia rushed to the exit, she shouted: "Sister, help me!!!"

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