Almighty Student

Chapter 10987: Xianxian

"It is possible that the Celestial Clan must have gathered all the top scientific cultivators in the Celestial Clan. No matter what methods they use, they should not put the top scientific cultivators outside, and the Celestial Clan does things. Ruthless, it shouldn't let them leave the Celestial Clan, so this person might still be a Celestial Clan now!!!" Shenwu analyzed.

Of course.

"There are some truths, and of course there are exceptions. Let’s be careful and investigate again to see if there is any news about him. However, I think it should not be possible to investigate. We can start the investigation from the scientific aspect to study what is Science cultivators, and then investigate the most famous science cultivators nearby. You should be able to investigate more information from them!!" Summer's survey method is very simple.

  He just wants to start investigating from other aspects.

Only in this way.

  It is possible to investigate the news of Jinhua.

  "I will investigate!!" Shenwu disappeared again.

  He can't buy the news of Jinhua, but he should be able to buy other people's news.

that's it.

  Continue to wait here in summer.

  It turned out that it was not Shenwu, but another person. This person had not seen him in the summer, but he had seen this person's wanted order. Although the other party has changed appearance, he can still see through the other person's appearance at a glance.

  When the man came in, he looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Xia Xia.

  Fifth place: Xianxian (don’t care about life or death.)

  To kill the celestial beings, you can make a request with the heavenly clan, and reward forty trillion celestial crystals and 20 precious treasures.

  Tianzu offers a reward: 3S!

"This banal immortal has heard about it. It seems that he is a lunatic cultivator. He can do anything for the sake of cultivation. He even does not hesitate to attack the heavenly people. He has even studied the body structure of the heavenly people and the cultivation of the heavenly people. , To the Celestial Clan, he is a lunatic."

   "It's him!!" Hongfeng said.

  Zhanxian’s mouth raised slightly.

  Wearing a royal blue silk fold straight, with a white geometric horn belt tied around her waist, she has long flowing hair, and under her brows are peach eyes with bright eyes and teeth. His body is perfect and windy.

  No matter how you look at it.

   can't even see that he is a slaughter lunatic, a person who makes the heavenly people feel fear.

  "Drink?" Summer raised his glass.

  Zhanxian was not polite, and came over: "Do you know me?"

   "The same is the end of the world!!!!" Xia sighed.

   "We are not the world's fallen people, I am a normal person, and you are a lunatic!!!" Zhan Xian said.

   "A normal person will stare at the Celestial Clan people to kill, staring at the Celestial Clan people to study?" Xia Xia asked puzzledly, he already knew what the banal immortal was thinking.

  The slanderous eyes turned to summer.

"That's different. More than 700,000 people in my clan were killed by the Celestial Clan, so I live to avenge the Celestial Clan people. In order to avenge them, I will do whatever it takes? Do I want to understand the Celestial Clan people from the bottom line? So? I study the Celestials from all aspects, I look for their strengths, their weaknesses, absorb their strengths, abandon their weaknesses, and then kill them!!!" Zhanxian said.

  "How effective is it?" Summer asked.

  "Not as good as you. The Celestial Clan people I have killed for so many years have not killed as many as you, but my methods of killing may be more terrifying!!" Xian Xian explained.


  "Then how did you restrain their halo? Don't let them escape?" Xia Tian thought that the halo of the Celestial Clan was actually a very troublesome thing.

  When he was fighting with the Celestials.

  This halo is to be calculated inside.

   "That's something that was researched by those scientific cultivators of the Celestial Clan. There are many advantages and disadvantages," Zeng Xian said.


  "What are the disadvantages?" Summer asked.

   "Anything that scientific cultivators researched? All have shortcomings? These shortcomings are deliberately left by those scientific cultivators, they are leaving a way for themselves!!!" The corner of Zhan Xian's mouth raised slightly.


  At this time in the summer, I understand what Zengxian means.

"more specific!!"

"When those scientific cultivators first joined the Celestial Clan? They were also worried that the Celestial Clan would harm them and kill people in the future. Therefore, in the cultivation methods they researched, and the things they researched, there are some assassins left. These assassins are normal people I don’t know, but if one day, when the Celestial people want to deal with them, they can also have a dead fish. The Celestial Aura was researched 10 million years ago and is one of the most successful scientific experiments. , This Celestial Clan halo is almost a life-saving treasure." Xianxian waved his right hand.

  A halo appeared in his hand.

   Fortunately, a magic array was arranged around in advance in summer.


  This sect will come out with a halo, it will definitely cause quite a stir.


  Zhanxian’s finger touched the brightest point in the inner ring.


  The halo exploded instantly.

  But Zhe Xian had already prepared.

  The explosion did not spread.

   but was directly trapped by him.

   "This sudden explosion can kill a Celestial Clan almost instantly!!!" Zhan Xian looked at Xiaxia and said.


   Summer also had a halo in his hands, but he didn't expect it.

  The weakness of this halo is actually here.

  He also checked the halo before. He found that the bright spot is the source of strength and is guarded by the formation. If you attack rashly, it will trigger the opponent's teleport function and directly help the opponent escape.

  But he didn't expect it.

  The safest place is actually the most dangerous place.

  There is actually the weakness of the halo.

   "It's really interesting!!" Summer's eyes lit up.

   "I still have a lot of interesting things here, do you want to make a deal?" Zhenxian asked.


   "What deal?" Summer asked.

"I can tell you all the secrets of the Celestial Clan that I know. Those secrets are very important to you now, and they are also of great help to you. And like this kind of scientific experiment, the Celestial Clan has many more. I also have some news, I can tell you all, but I want something from you!!!" Zhanxian looked at Xia Xian.

  He wants to make a deal with Summer.

  This is also the purpose of his coming here.

  The news that appeared in the first hall in summer is not a secret. He also rushed over as soon as he heard the news.

  He also wants to see this legendary summer.

  What is the difference.

   Then is his real purpose.

   "What do you want from me?" Summer is also very curious, what exactly does this slander want.

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