Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11470: True strength


When everyone saw blood dripping from Xia Xia's body, they all thought that Haotian must have successfully broken through Xia's defense. As long as they could break through Xia's defense, the battle in the back seemed to be much easier.

at this time.

Those Celestial masters also seemed to see hope.

"Is it really successful?" Haotian suddenly appeared a little because.

When this drop of blood fell on the ground, no one could see it. This drop of blood formed a small whirlpool, very small, and could not be seen by normal human eyes.

Haotian Blade.


Haotian launched his own attacks again, and more attacks than just hit Xia Tian. This time, Xia began to dodge easily. Those attacks seemed to stagger Xia Xia’s body. Although there were a few attacks, he almost hit Xia Xia. But in the end, it was Xia Xia that relied on his strong physical tenacity to escape.

His defense is very strong.

But it doesn't mean that he has to keep the opponent's attack head on.

This is equivalent to a boxer. Their physical defenses are already very strong. Normally, if a child hits them, it is no different from tickling them, but if thousands of children keep attacking What?

and so.

No matter how strong the body's defenses are and the attacks that can be avoided, it is best not to carry them hard.

"My attacks can't be missed so much. Although they are all instinctive attacks without aiming, my instinct is stronger than aiming!!" Haotian's gaze fell on the ground in front of Xia's feet.

"As expected to be the first person in China, the problem was discovered so soon." Xia Xia praised.

"I know my abilities very well. If it's normal, my attack would never go wrong so much, so this must be the problem with the drop of blood just now. I didn't expect that a drop of your blood could actually play such a big role. !!!" Haotian's knowledge and experience are very terrifying.

Moreover, his observation and combat thinking are not what ordinary people can imagine.

"I have been able to make Haotian today, although there is a part of luck, but in the final analysis, I will never make detours casually, the same mistake, I will not go the second time, if you can't find your attack and defense If you rush to attack, then it is really my problem." Haotian is different from others.

No matter when.

He is very calm.

"Mr. Haotian, if you don't use all your strength, I will let the army go!!" Tianjin reminded.


"No hurry, I want to see how many secrets he has!!" Haotian nodded slightly, but apparently he also accepted Tianjin's suggestion and was ready to do a big job.


His body rushed up instantly.

The attack on the Haotian Blade has changed.


Xia punched it out.

The impact and the Haotian Blade compete head-on.

"No, he is borrowing the power of this world to attack you, so no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible to rely on your own strength to compete with this world!!" Hong Feng hurriedly reminded.

This is how Haotian is against the sky.

Now he has begun to gradually merge with Shenzhou.

He played out the attack.

You can use the power of China to crush the summer.


Xia snorted heavily.

Jie Wang Jue!


The Jie Wang Jue in Xia Xia began to spin frantically. When the two of them began to collide, the powerful force that Haotian played out was also gradually absorbed by his Jie Wang Jue.

After the powerful force is digested.

Began to flow into Sanluo Vientiane.

"I see how long he can borrow!!" Summer began to fight Haotian.

Although Haotian borrowed the power of Shenzhou, he did not rely on this power, and relied on his rich combat experience to make many unexpected attacks.

Summer combat experience is also very rich.

But Haotian made many attacks that he couldn't even imagine.

If it weren't for the peculiarities of his eyes, he would really get hit many times.

Once hit.

Then he will be completely passive.

"You're really not easy!!" Haotian can be considered to have found out. He has played hundreds of rounds with Xia Tian. No matter how unexpected he is, what kind of attack he makes, Xia Tian can perfectly resolve it. This way The strength can only be described as terror.

And because summer's body is very tough, so when fighting.

Summer's reaction speed is also very fast.

"Mr. Haotian has met his opponent this time!" Tianmu said with emotion.

"No, Mr. Haotian doesn't even use half of his strength now, and he hasn't used spiritual power from beginning to end, let's wait!" Tianjin also understands that a master like Haotian, He is extremely powerful, and there are not many people who can make him interested.


The two shocked, and there was a sore sensation on Xia Xia's arm.

"Spirit power!!!" Xia Tian understood that to make herself feel this kind of pain, it must be spiritual power.

Haotian finally began to use his true skills.

"If you are not fighting for the heavenly clan, then I will definitely continue to fight with you for a few years to study your overall state, but now other people can't wait, I can only hurry up!!" Haotian Said lightly.

Finally used the power of the spirit.

The reason why Haotian is the first person in China.

It is because, in the entire Shenzhou, among the masters that everyone knows, he is the only one who can perfectly control the power of the spirit.

Everyone knows the power of the spirit.

But no one has seen the destructive power of spiritual power.

right now.

Everyone can finally take a good look at the legendary power.

Haotian Blade, spirit!

For an instant.

The golden light on the Clear Sky Blade is even better, as if the overwhelming light is covering it. Although there is only one more power, the power on the Clear Sky Blade is not at the same level at all. Wherever it passes, the space is covered. Ripped in an instant.

Although almost everyone here can tear up the space.

But this ability to tear open space in an instant is still very bad.


Xia Xia's body escaped the attack of the Haotian Blade.

This contains spiritual power.

He won't pick it up easily.


At this moment, the torn open space directly sucked summer in, and then the space was restored to its integrity.

This is the ultimate move.

Haotian also knew that Xia Tian's reaction was very fast. His own blow could not hit Xia arbitrarily. Then throw Xia Xia into the turbulence of time and space. In this case, the battle would be over.

"Unexpectedly, it would end in this way!" Everyone shook their heads.

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