Almighty Student

Vol 9 Chapter 11533: Priest apologizes

When did their Celestial Clan suffer such grievances?

Xia Xia made it clear that it was here to bully them.

Is this a condition he said?

It's just telling the Celestial Clan people that they will clip their tails and behave in the future.

How can this be accepted by the Celestial Clan.

Since the establishment of the Celestial Clan.

No one has ever treated them like this.

"Mr. Xia, you don't seem to be here to talk!!" The Lord of the Three Palaces also said embarrassedly.

"If you are not satisfied with the first two options, I have a third option!!" Xia suddenly said.


The Lord of the Three Halls lit up before his eyes, and he thought that summer was going to let go: "Please speak."

"The Celestial Clan got out of the ancient battlefield, or maybe someday went to a powerful Zerg, and he would give up their nest!!!" Xia Tian said directly.


"Presumptuous!!" The priest couldn't help it anymore, "What are you!"

His voice just fell.

Xia Xia's hand was already on his neck: "I should have reminded you, tell me to be polite!"

He lifted one of his fingers.

This finger immediately entangled the power of the spirit.

When I saw this scene.

The thirteenth class were all looking stupid. Summer is too awesome. They realized today that the temper of summer is not unchanged, but stronger than before.

It’s in the chamber of the Lord of the Three Halls.

He actually said that if you do it, you must do it.

The Lord of the Three Halls hurriedly stepped forward: "Mr. Xia, calm down!"

"Don't say I don't give you face, now if he apologizes, I will give him a chance to live, otherwise, if my finger falls, he won't even have a chance to be reborn!!!" Xia Tian said directly.


The face of the Lord of the Three Halls was also full of embarrassment.

The temper is too hot in summer.

The Celestial Clan still has to provoke him: "Mr. Priest, apologize!!"

"Impossible, I absolutely can't apologize to him!!" The priest's face was flushed, but he still refused to accept it. He thought that Xia Xia was the enemy of their Celestial Clan, if he apologized.

After that, how could he raise his head in the Celestial Clan?

And he didn't believe that Xia Tian would really kill him.


No nonsense in summer.

That finger pierced directly through the priest's body.

This is the real cruel man.

Not much nonsense, just do it.

"Relax, I didn't kill you directly, but injected the power of the spirit into your body. The power of the spirit will destroy your internal organs, your dantian, your soul, then your bones, your flesh and blood. You will truly experience the countdown to death!!" The corner of Xia's mouth raised slightly.

Waiting for death is always more terrifying than direct death.

Especially the countdown to life.

"The Lord of the Three Halls, he killed people in front of you, don't you care about it?" Another priest said hurriedly.

"I'm taking care of it now, he also has other ways to continue killing people, don't you understand?" The Lord of the Three Palaces asked.

That's right.

He has nothing to do with the summer.

Moreover, the Prophet had already issued an order before, asking everyone to cooperate with the summer as much as possible. Although there is no need to take the initiative to show good, but try not to provoke the summer.

Plus, summer people are very smart.

He has many ways to kill people silently.

"In other words, the rules of the ancient battlefield no longer exist from today. We can kill whoever we want, right?" the priest said angrily.

"You still don't understand. The reason why you can stand here and yell at me is because the rules protect you. If there are no rules, you are dead. If you really intend to break the rules, then there is nothing. People can restrain him, don't tell me you don't know what kind of existence he is now!!!" The Lord of the Three Halls is also very clear, although the news here and outside is not circulating.

But the Celestial Clan must have a way to get news from the outside.

Before Xia Xia came, he had just defeated the army of the Celestial Clan, and Haotian was still there.

Now those top masters in China have called Xia Tian the first person in China.

Such a terrifying existence.

How can it be so easy to deal with.

The face of the priest on the opposite side was also very ugly: "This matter, the two of us can't do the Lord, we need to go back and report, and wait for the reply from the above, let him let us go first!!!"

"I can't do what you guys do?" Xia Xia asked.

That's right.

They came here to negotiate and found two people who couldn't be the master, so they didn't respect the third hall master.

The third hall master is also a little unhappy: "Whether he can let people go is your business, it has nothing to do with me. Didn't he give you a chance, as long as you apologize, he will let people go."

"No apology, we are Celestial Clan people, how can we apologize to him!!" The Celestial Clan man said hurriedly.

"Then you just watch him die." The Lord of the Three Halls walked outside after speaking.

"Three Hall Master, what are you doing?" the Celestial Clan man shouted.

"Someone outside is looking for something to do with me, I'll be back soon!!" The Lord of the Three Palaces has already expressed his attitude, and he hides first, so that even if the priest of the Celestial Clan is really killed in summer, he will not see it.

This made the two Celestial priests begin to despair.

Especially the Celestial priest who felt his death.

He can already sense his current physical condition.

worse and worse.

Life is also passing by little by little. He believes that he will die here in at most ten minutes.

"Save me!!" He didn't want to die.

He has been here for so many years in the ancient battlefield, he has long been no longer the Celestial Clan people outside.

The Celestial Clan people in Shenzhou absolutely protect the dignity of the Celestial Clan 100%. Their beliefs are unshakable, but those who spend a long time here on the ancient battlefield will have a stronger sense of interest.

"We apologize!!" Another Celestial priest said.

Summer ignored him.

The priest whose life was passing hurriedly shouted: "I'm sorry, I was wrong!!"

Hear what he said.

Xia Xia slowly withdrew his spiritual power and put down his body.

At this time, he looked as if he was tens of thousands of years old.

Very vicissitudes.

Although he survived, it will take some time for his physical condition to recover.

The Lord of the Third Hall also walked back directly. Although he had just gone out, he actually knew what happened inside: "Since you two can't be the master, then you should find someone who can be the master to come over!!!"

"No, I don't have time to wait for them here, so let them make the choice. Next time I see the Celestial people, their attitude is their choice." After the summer, he walked outside. : "I really look forward to your Celestial Clan being able to harden up. After all, I really want to kill you all!!!"

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