Almighty Technology Giant

Vol 2 Chapter 347: : Eagle sauce beats up 25 babies

Seeing that PHC2.0 has entered the last week countdown from the release date, but there are still many moths on the earth. Perhaps this is the birth of an extraordinary company and the creation of extraordinary things, which has created this extraordinary era now.

The coastline is really the rhythm of the past. Last year was the tide, and this year it does not stop.

The current global hot spot is undoubtedly the battle between CSAC and SIA. This is a confrontation between the scientific and technological circles and the business world destined to be entered into the annals of history. Netizens around the world are in their respective forum communities or social networks. There has been much discussion.

Some netizens in China say that CSAC has won because there is one more letter than SIA and it is still C. How can I lose? Although I don't know why, but many people like it, it seems to make sense.

More domestic netizens are enthusiastic about this. Although CSAC is hated by countless people abroad, how many people hate it and only more people love it.

This is a confrontation between the technology industry and high-end manufacturing. It is also the first voice in the world to launch a comprehensive challenge to the North American SIA system.

Even more exciting is that good news followed, first of all, the Samsung Group became the first "traitor" of the North American SIA, and the head of ASML also rushed to the news of the city. Although these well-known multinational companies in the ICT and integrated circuit industries are international members of the North American SIA, their importance to the SIA is self-evident.

Their jumping against the North American SIA is definitely a big blow.

Ye Hua and CSAC Huaxia Semiconductor Industry Alliance are crazy fans in China.

Because Ye Hua and CSAC made the Wassenaar Agreement a joke. Although the agreement contains a series of lists, there is no doubt that the most important thing is the ICT and integrated circuit industry;

Because Ye Hua and CSAC finally let the hordes of Europeans and Americans proudly lower their heads, and the low-key businessmen of the heads of ASML were exposed by an anonymous person;

Because of Ye Hua and CSAC, the North American SIA is as close as the enemy, and it is extremely deflated.

This battle for the commanding heights of science and technology is by no means limited to the simple commercial battle between the multinational giants on both sides. One thing is certain that SIA will never sit still. This is not the style of Eagle Sauce.


As the domestic release date of PHC2.0 is approaching, the offline stores in the Mainland have again lined up in advance, and the market demand is too large. As of now, the global shipment of the previous generation PHC is less than 30 million units, and There are hundreds of millions of middle-income groups in the world, and the domestic market alone is unimaginable.

As soon as this PHC2.0 conference was released, not only its performance far surpassed the previous generation, but the price also dropped sharply. The base of potential consumer groups has undoubtedly further expanded. The scale of natural market demand is larger than in the past. The good product is definitely a tight-fitting product that doesn't worry about sales.

In this high-tech competition, CSAC and Ye Hua dominate the situation, but the North American SIA does not wait to be beaten and do nothing. The actions of SIA on the bright side are everyone's eyes on. But Lao Mei's actions in the back of the CIA are extremely frequent.

On the bright side, Ye Hua is the active attacker. The North American SIA is passively seeking defense. The CIA is undoubtedly the active attacker and is frantically seeking opportunities. Ye Hua is currently on a conservative defensive posture and the gentleman is not standing under the wall. Naturally, Ye Hua knew that Ye Hua knew that he had moved the old American's lifeblood. At this time, don't go out without a reliable security guarantee.


Facts have proved that Eagle Sauce will not sit still and finally shot.

On May 7th, SIA counterattacked. Instead of facing Ye Hua or CSAC directly, it was to attack the "traitor" first, or even to death.

The hardest thing to start with is the number one "Anti-Bone" Samsung Group.

This time the Samsung Group was hit.

The Americans have even been determined to take the Samsung Group straight to the ground and are not relentless.

How hard is North America's determination to punish "traitors"?

The first move was to start a big move directly, and the first move was to offer a standard move that is not easy to use. Standard and Poor's generally does not take a shot, and the shot is not ordinary.

Speaking of which, many people may not know what the world's three largest rating agencies are, namely S & P, Moody's and Fitch.

In fact, the three major rating agencies in the world are the masters of world economic companies and countries. Because of the authority of these three major agencies, even the United States can't shake its position.

Some people say that "there are two big powers in the world, one is that the US imperial can destroy a country by an aircraft carrier, and the other is that S & P can destroy a country with a credit rating."

Shows its power.

On May 7th, Standard & Poor's gave the Samsung Group a "SD" rating on both its long-term debt rating and short-term debt rating, that is, selective default.

A “CC” rating was given to the entire South Korean credit, in other words, the whole South Korea is currently more likely to default.

Do n’t forget that Korea ’s economic lifeline is basically controlled by the United States. Even Samsung ’s 50% of its profits go to Wall Street. Other Korean companies have never done it before, basically working for Wall Street.

As soon as Standard & Poor's released the rating information, the market value of the Samsung Group plummeted, the Korean index also plummeted on the same day, the capital fled madly, the panic index continued to spread, and the international foreign exchange market experienced a large shock. Let alone the rate of depreciation of the Korean won People, foreigners are scared when they see it.

Before the S & P index rating was announced, one dollar was exchanged for 1,129 won, and after the rating was announced, one dollar was exchanged for 1,267 won, and at a glance, it was far from bottoming.

The result is a horrible bank run. In less than half a day, everyone does not go to work. The major banks are lined up in a long line, either converted into dollars, or the money is taken out and spent.

Supermarkets were robbed, jewelry stores were robbed, and gold jewelry was robbed.

Imagine that the local Koreans saw the Korean won in their hands every hour, and its value depreciated a lot. Seeing the Korean won in their hands was as anxious as throwing it away.


On the afternoon of May 9, Daegu Bank Headquarters, Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Seoul.

"President, president ..." The head office manager of Daegu Bank rushed into the president's office in panic. "The total deposit reserve is only 2.4 trillion won, and the run-up phenomenon has been ... According to this trend, only the critical point is left. It's been less than 10 minutes ... "

"President !!! Call an ambulance soon!" The general manager was frightened, and before he finished speaking, the leader muttered a whisper, "It's over."

Passed out on the spot.

This run is a sudden and concentrated crisis under the influence of the credit crisis.

As a kind of financial risk, bank runs are just the most terrible kind. The run-through phenomenon this time is not a credit crisis caused by poor bank management or other reasons, but rather no news, no preparation, no Plan ahead.

Americans are really fierce, not at all softened.

Faced with the slump of the Korean won, a large number of depositors demanded withdrawals at the same time ~ ~ Banks were unable to pay at all, which further triggered panic and caused more severe runs, which had already entered a nauseous cycle.

Large-scale runs can completely cause bankruptcy and bankruptcy. Large banks and small banks often have short-term borrowing funds, and the failure of one bank often affects other banks like the domino effect, eventually leading to the complete collapse of the financial system. It even triggered an economic crisis.

The American's blow will be interpreted to the extreme fast, accurately and ruthlessly, and the authorities will not be able to save the market at all. Besides, at this time those predators in the international foreign exchange market are also making up the knife, holding a lot of dollars in their hands to wait for the opportunity.

The melon-eating netizens of the rabbit family next door looked shocked and couldn't even understand why S & P on the old US side just announced a new credit rating, downgraded to CC, and two SDs to Samsung Group.

The Korean economy collapsed?

S & P has such terrifying energy?

There is no doubt that S & P's energy is indeed terrifying, but it is not invincible. Economies of the order of 10 trillion US dollars can ignore it, but small economies are absolutely terrified, not to mention who believes that the truth is true. Is it as simple as S & P's simple tuning?

This is obviously a prepared and premeditated economic war.

In the afternoon of May 9th, even more bad news came.

Daegu Bank declared bankruptcy and liquidation. As the first local bank in South Korea, it had 276 branches at home and abroad. The bank established in 1967 ... closed down.

As if overnight ... Sudden death! !! !!

If Daegu Bank was in crisis before it declared bankruptcy, then after the bankruptcy, the disaster began.


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