"Really, really, Xiaobai..."

"Did I really call you husband?"

After a while, Su Qiyan gradually calmed down. She really wanted to know if she really called Xiaobai husband.

If it was true, she really wanted to know her state at that time, why she couldn't call him husband when she wanted to, but called him husband in her sleep.

And she was completely unconscious last night. She only knew that Xiaobai was by her side, and she felt very relieved.

"Of course, so I regret it now."

"I regret not using the sound stone to record your voice at that time."

Every time he mentioned this, Lin Bai felt extremely regretful. What a good opportunity, it was wasted in vain.

Seeing Lin Bai beating his chest and stamping his feet, coupled with the trust he had left in her and his actions of doing what he said, Su Qiyan couldn't help but believe it a little.

Besides, Xiaobai shouldn't joke with her about the title.

"Fortunately you didn't stay, or I would have bitten you to death..."

Somehow, Su Qiyan felt relieved. If she had really stayed, how would she face Xiaobai? She would be so shy that she would have to find a crack in the ground to hide.

She looked up at Lin Bai with a fierce look, and two sharp fangs appeared in front of Lin Bai.

Seeing her cute movements and her hands constantly gesturing in the air, Lin Bai was immersed in her expression.

"So cute, and this good daughter is my family..."

Narrowing her eyes, Lin Bai unconsciously expressed her inner thoughts. Su Qiyan's gesturing hand suddenly stopped in the air, and the expression on her face froze.

"I treat you as my husband, but you treat me as your good daughter!?"

Angry, Su Qiyan put one hand on her waist and raised the other hand to grab Lin Bai's ear.


The pain in his earlobe made Lin Bai gasp and he quickly raised his hands in surrender:

"Subconsciously, completely subconsciously..."

But the corners of his mouth that he couldn't suppress betrayed his mood at the moment.

Seeing the smirk that couldn't be suppressed on Lin Bai's mouth, Su Qiyan was even more furious. While letting go of his hand, she opened her mouth and bit his neck.

"Lady, be gentle."

After a while, a strawberry wrapped in teeth marks appeared. Lin Bai rubbed his neck covered with saliva, and looked up at Su Qiyan's fair neck again.


Although the strawberries were still red, Lin Bai still laughed wickedly and put his hands on her shoulders. Su Qiyan's heart trembled and she stammered:

"You, what do you want to do...?"

"My wife, let's play a game, okay?"


She shook her head wildly, and Su Qiyan's body on the bed kept retreating, but Lin Bai held her shoulders, and the powerful movement could not make her retreat a bit.


Both figures fell down, and Su Qiyan moaned softly. Even if she wanted to resist Lin Bai's actions with all her strength, she could only lie on the bed and let him do whatever he wanted because of her weak body.

After more than half an hour, Lin Bai wiped the sweat from his forehead and gradually got up. If it weren't for the breakthrough in his realm that awakened his consciousness, he might not be able to stop until now.


Su Qiyan lay weakly on the bed, breathing heavily. The light yellow cheongsam with floral decorations had been torn into several holes by Lin Bai.

All the places that should not be covered were covered, and the places that should be covered were not covered at all.

"Xiaobai, you...you..."

"You actually did this to me!"

The sexual intercourse that Lin Bai told her in the morning was one of the links.

I thought he was joking, but I didn't expect Xiaobai to actually do it just now.

"My lady is fragrant and soft, I like it very much."

Closing his eyes to savor it, Lin Bai looked at her white neck, which had already had two more strawberries.

He licked the corners of his mouth secretly and smiled gently.


Turn away and stop looking at him. Su Qiyan hummed lightly, and the same feeling as yesterday was transmitted throughout her body again.

But today she was even more powerless, wrapped in numbness. She didn't know how many times she had experienced it just now. She only knew that even if she wanted to raise her hand, it was extremely difficult.

"My lady, help me, and I will naturally help you."

Lying on his side beside Su Qiyan, Lin Bai hugged her waist as thin as a willow branch, smelling the jasmine fragrance wafting from his nose, and his mind was peaceful.

"How is it?"

"Not very good, this game is not fun at all."

"You are always bullying me..."

Su Qiyan pouted her lips, and her soft tone came into his ears. Lin Bai was a little embarrassed and scratched his forehead with his hand.

"How about you bully me next time?"

"For example, I'm at the bottom and you're on top..."

Lin Bai gave an example, Su QiyanYan was still somewhat expectant, but after hearing this, her delicate body in his arms twisted slightly.

"Isn't this the same?"

She stretched out her hand and pressed on Lin Bai's chest, as if she wanted to push him away, but soon gave up, because she couldn't exert any strength now.

Su Qiyan had no choice but to open her mouth and bite his arm again, looking up at Lin Bai with a faint look.

She saw him staring at her with a smile, and Su Qiyan blushed. Just as she was about to put her head into his chest, Lin Bai hooked her chin.

"No, I don't want it...!"


No matter how she struggled, Lin Bai finally blocked her mouth. A sour and sweet taste rushed into her mouth, and Su Qiyan's pupils suddenly shrank...

"Ah~ stinky little white, you bullied me..."


Her nose twitched, and Su Qiyan's tears slid down her cheeks from her eyes. She broke free from Lin Bai's arms and kept rolling on the bed.

She was like a bullied child.

Her lips moved, and she could not stop her tears from falling when she felt the breath in her mouth.


Looking at his wife crying loudly, it was the first time that Lin Bai saw Su Qiyan lose control of her emotions, and he quickly reached out and held her in his arms like a princess.

"Okay, don't cry, my wife."

"My wife is my little baby, I will feel bad if she cries."

"Oh~ It's all your fault, you stinky little white!"

"I will never be with you again!"

Su Qiyan looked pitiful at this moment, and her crying made anyone who heard her feel sad.

Lin Bai saw her like a child crying in an adult's arms, smacking her lips from time to time, and crying even louder, with snot bubbles coming out one after another.

He wanted to laugh at this moment, but after all, it was he who made his wife cry, and if he laughed, it would definitely not end well.

"My wife, be good, don't cry..."

Suddenly, he felt that he was not coaxing his wife, but coaxing his good daughter.

And the impression of a good daughter always lingered in his mind.

Thinking of seeing others coaxing babies in his previous life, Lin Bai came to the bed with Su Qiyan in his arms, shaking his arms, and even singing a nursery rhyme.


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