In fact, Lin Xuan still didn't count the amount of food he was eating. At the end of the meal, the entire Earth Bear was on the huge grill. Moreover, Lin Xuan had consumed a lot of himself because of the Dragon Elephant Art. Energy, if Xi did not give Lin Xuan enough favors from Paradise Mountain, some of which were converted into consumption, it would be very good for him to recover himself and break out of the "shell", what a breakthrough!

Therefore, at this time, Lin Xuan became hungrier the more he ate, and the more active the cells in his body became. Most of the whole earthly bear entered Lin Xuan's mouth, turned it into food, and sank into the body. When Lin Xuan needed to transform again, out.

"You... hiccup... are you full?"

Holding the huge bear leg, he took a hard bite, the meat on it overflowed with oil, and he couldn't help burping, but within a few seconds, Lin Xuan felt that he was... hungry again!

So, now he is caught in a vicious circle, he will be full after a few bites, then he will be hungry again in a few seconds, he will continue to eat when he is hungry, and he will be full after a few bites...

After eating the whole violent bear barbecue, it finally got out of the vicious circle and became normal.

The two women stared blankly at him as he devoured a whole three-meter-high, several-ton heavy bear, and removed three or four tons of bones, as well as about two tons of meat and dozens of kilograms of bone marrow, oh roar , really not human!

"Eat...are you full, are you full?"

Lin Zhenxing doubted whether he really ate, did he really feel full after just two or three bites? Could it be that his stomach was lying to him? Is there really such a big gap between people, I... what a waste, You can only eat two or three bites! Woohoo~!

Lin Zhenyue didn't doubt herself, but she affirmed Lin Xuan's appetite and confirmed that Lin Xuan was a guardian, not a warrior pretending to be. The deceased's uncle and uncle have seen it, and it is said that ordinary guardians do not have such an exaggerated appetite!

Lin Xuan sucked the bone marrow indifferently. Phew~ This roasted bear paw is served with murderous honey. The top ingredients are often cooked in the most simple way. Simply bake, wow, that collagen, that sweet and delicious melts in your mouth. The bones that were left were all shattered and sucked again.

After eating and drinking enough, Lin Xuan is ready to recharge, while the two girls need a good rest. If it wasn't for the refreshing effect of meditation, how could they have the energy and spirit to persist for two days, these two days They didn't dare to rest, for fear that they would die unknown, and died of unknown AOE.

Randomly found a basement, Lin Xuan sat quietly outside the door, and they slept inside. To be honest, Lin Xuan was quite grateful to the two girls. When he fell into a state of dying, it was Xi who exhausted his energy He swiped "Heavenly Mountain's Grace" countless times, and when they fell into despair, neither of them gave up on him, nor did they use Lin Xuan as a bait.

The grace of dripping water, the repayment of the fountain, and the grace of saving lives, promise each other with one's body, it's not too much!

So, which one to marry is really nerve-racking!

Marry your elder sister, the younger sister-in-law will be unhappy, marry a younger sister, the elder sister-in-law will be unhappy, the trick is that the elder sister and younger sister have the same face, if I make a mistake one day... It's quite exciting to think about it!

Cough, no, I can't think about it anymore, women will only affect the speed of my knife drawing!

After eating a whole earth bear, the energy in Lin Xuan's body immediately overflowed. The energy and nutrition that the human body can absorb actually only accounts for 10 to 20 percent of the total, and the rest will escape through various parts of the body. Spread out, and practice or practice, blood, and occupation can increase the absorption and utilization of energy through a certain cycle.

The Dragon Elephant Art has now been pushed to the third level by Lin Xuan. The speed and efficiency of absorbing energy is much stronger than before. The continuous energy pours into all parts of the human body, and the body cells stimulated by the Dragon Elephant Art are greedily devoured. With the energy pouring in, he strengthened himself, and Lin Xuan also made himself stronger in this strengthening.

You can't make a fat man with one bite, and so is practice. No one can become a strong person overnight. Step by step, reaching the peak is the reality. It's just that some people rely on high talent to go faster.

Just today, Lin Xuan killed nearly 40,000 wild monsters. The main reason was that those rabbits reproduced too fast. They were weak but born fast. Maybe this is the survival rule of the prairie rabbit race. Today alone, Lin Xuan killed more than 10,000 people by "waiting for the rabbit", more than a third of the number killed.

It can even be expected that in the real dungeon, there are about 20,000 rabbit monsters, and when Lin Xuan is fighting with other powerful monsters, they will come to commit suicide... It's really touching!

For other people, the real copy this time is definitely a nightmare, even despair. Three people or one or two people face the pursuit of hundreds of thousands of wild monsters, let alone killing all the wild monsters, it is not easy to survive!

But for Lin Xuan, the real dungeon this time is a welfare dungeon. If you really go to the wild to kill wild monsters and brush the activation progress of the third skill, it will be as short as two years and as long as four years, and this is just a template skill. , if two skills need to be activated, that is double the time.

It's not that Lin Xuan's strength is a problem, but that there are not so many wild monsters gathered for him to kill, and most of the time is spent on hunting for wild monsters.

But now, more than 100,000 wild monsters are "getting together", which is really great. Now in the "Wall of Sigh" professional template card, the third skill is almost half gone. Tomorrow, the state of the war will be very good. The third skill may be fully activated. At that time, standing on the ground will have a steady stream of stamina. After turning on the skill, it will never be knocked down, but it only needs to consume qi and blood.

Thinking of this, Lin Xuan couldn't help but feel more and more satisfied with his "Dragon Elephant Art". The blood will be even bigger.

Lin Xuan can already think of his third skill being activated and possessing unlimited physical strength. The first and second skills are completely reduced to passive skills, no longer injured, and can even recover quickly after being injured. The introduction of the first skill is "Not subject to any "Body damage", then real damage, soul attack, causal supernatural power, etc. are still effective, but the problem is not big, the activation of subsequent skills, these will become a bubble!

As the night got darker, the bonfire lit at the entrance of the basement made crackling noises from time to time. Lin Xuan occasionally stopped to practice, fiddled with the fire with a wooden stick, and added firewood from time to time to make it burn more vigorously.

When fiddling with the fire, he occasionally raised his head to look at the glistening green eyes in the shadows. It was the shadowy wolves who were watching here, but they were afraid of Lin Xuan's power. Not scattered, even the pile of broken bones still exudes the breath of the king of the earth.

After midnight is dawn, and the battle will begin!

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