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064 Golden Lion's Devil Fruit Ability Awakened

"Yi Si, I can join forces with you, with me joining, I believe we can overthrow the world government.

Golden Lion backed away, avoiding Yi Si's attack.

"Are you kidding me Shiki? How can I join forces with pirates?"

Yi Si's long knife was covered with Conqueror's Haki, and rushed towards the Golden Lion.

"Lion Majesty Earth Coiling!"

Looking at the approaching Yi Si, the Golden Lion figure continued to back up. On the ground behind Yi Si, the pieces of cloth gathered together to form a huge lion head.

The lion's head opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Yi Si.


The moment Yi Si approached the lion's head, he turned his head and swung the long knife, chopping the lion's head made of stones behind him into two pieces.


Golden Lion suddenly appeared behind Yi Si, brandishing two famous knives, slashing heavily from top to bottom.

"Boom! 15"

Yi Si turned around and swung his long knife to fight, two explosive forces centered on the two of them and stirred up all directions.

Both of them exerted their strength, and then they went backwards.

"Yi Si, why not join forces with the pirates?" Golden Lion asked Yi Si standing in front of Yi Si with knives in both hands.

"We have Shiki's identity, I am a world nobleman, and you... are just a pirate, are you qualified to join forces with me?" Yi Si responded contemptuously.

"It seems that we have no chance to join forces."

Golden Lion shook his head regretfully, and then quickly attacked Yi Si.

If the two just competed in swordsmanship, Golden Lion was slightly stronger than Yi Si.

Because no matter how you say it, Golden Lion is also an old pirate of the sea, and he is also a great swordsman.


During the swordsmanship duel, Golden Lion found a flaw in Yi Si, and both of them swung their famous knives and swept away.

At this time, Golden Lion's knife was very close to Yi Si, Yi Si wanted to leave the place quickly, it was almost impossible to dodge this attack, but he didn't panic.


The Golden Lion's knife slashed at Yi Si's body, cutting him off in half.

However, it was not as blood splattered as Golden Lion imagined, instead it made his face a little dignified, because what was in front of his eyes was not Yi Si but a chopped wood.

This is exactly the wooden double in Wood Style, when Yi Si is attacked, he replaces himself with a wooden double.

"Can this be avoided?" Golden Lion glanced at Yi Si in the distance with a gloomy expression.

He originally thought that the attack just now was a must. Although it couldn't kill Yi Si, it could at least hurt him.

But unexpectedly, the attack was dodged.

"Your swordsmanship is very strong, but mine is more than just swordsmanship." Yi Si said calmly.

Yi Si has not trained hard in swordsmanship, so swordsmanship is naturally inferior to that of Golden Lion.

"Don't underestimate my ability Yi Si." Golden Lion sneered.

"Shark Weeditun!"


The ground began to shake under Yi Si's feet.


Suddenly, a huge shark made of stones swallowed Yi Si in an instant.

The ground was like an ocean in the eyes of the shark where the rocks gathered, and it quickly brought Yi Si to the bottom of the island.


Numerous large rifts appeared on the ground, Yi Si crushed stone sharks rushed out of the ground.

"You may not know that my Devil Fruit has been awakened a long time ago, and I can control all non-living bodies within a certain range of my range." Golden Lion laughed ferociously.

"Has Devil Fruit awakened? It's really troublesome." Yi Si patted the dust off his body, and said coldly without even looking at him.

"Damn it."

The veins on Golden Lion's forehead popped out, and Yi Si's attitude made him very unhappy.

"Slash Wave!"

Golden Lion raised his two knives high, and then shot out a shark-fin-like sword aura in front of him. The sword aura tore through the ground at high speed, and rushed towards Yi Si with a terrifying aura.

"Your attack is too slow Shiki!"

Yi Si turned his body slightly, dodging the slash easily.

He has the Observation Haki that can predict the future for a short time. In his opinion, the sword energy of Golden Lion is too slow.

"Don't get too complacent, Yi Si!" Golden Lion roared.

From the beginning to the end, he felt that Yi Si's aura was overwhelming him, which made him very unhappy.

"If I'm not proud of my strength, should I still hide it?" Yi Si spread his hands and sneered.

“Wood Style Wood Clone!”

Several trees appeared on Yi Si's body, followed by several Wood Clone.

These avatars are dressed exactly like Yi Si, and their appearance and demeanor are so similar that ordinary people can't tell them apart.

?" The scene in front of me froze suddenly, why did so many Yi Si appear?

Although Golden Lion has seen in the sea, he can use clones of Devil Fruit powerhouses, but with his strength, he can easily see through which one is the real one.

After all, the avatar and the real person are bound to have some differences and flaws, but the avatar released by Yi Si in front of him, he can't tell who is the real body at all.

Because the breath of the avatar is also extremely similar.

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