Alternatives To The Celestial Dragons Home

066 The Luo Jie Pirates' Decision

North Blue, a certain sea area.

There is a world-famous pirate ship named Oro Jackson on the sea.

This pirate ship is exactly Luo Jie's ship.

After they got the news that Byrnndi World was on an island in North Blue, they quickly went to North Blue.

However, they encountered a storm on the way, which caused them to lose their way, so they haven't arrived yet, and they are still on the way.

"Captain Luo Jie, according to the information we just received, not only Marine's people have gone to North Blue this time, Yi Si and his men have also gone." Jabba stood beside Luo Jie, reporting the information he just received .

"Yi Si?"

Luo Jie frowned when he heard this name. The last person he wanted to face in this sea was Celestial Dragons Bernard Yi Si.

"Do you want to move on, or return to Captain Luo Jie?" Rayleigh asked seriously.

Byrnndi World killed Tom and made them very angry, they all want to avenge Tom, but now Yi Si is also in that battlefield.

If they go, they may be stayed by Yi Si, so they have to carefully consider whether to go or not.

Luo Jie frowned and remained silent for a long time before asking: "Rayleigh, do you think we should return?"

When Rayleigh heard this, he was immediately stunned.

Jabba on the side was also silent, not knowing what to say.

"Rayleigh, Jabba, you have to know that Tom is not only our friend, but also the benefactor of our Luo Jie pirates." Luo Jie spoke earnestly, twitching the shoulders of the two of them and said heavily.

No matter they bought Treasure Tree Adam back then or asked Tom to design the boat, they didn’t have enough money to pay. Tom valued their determination, so he was willing to help them design the boat at a very low price and buy Treasure Tree Adam for them. Material.

Luo Jie didn't have much interest in the design of the Pluton battleship, so he went to pursue Byrnndi World.

It's all because Byrnndi World killed his friend, or rather their Luo Jie pirates' benefactor, Tom.

"Let's go, Yi Si is strong, but we are not weak. 々." Rayleigh took a sip of wine and smiled lightly.

"I have to kill Byrnndi World, otherwise it will be difficult for me to face my dead friend Tom." Anger appeared on Luo Jie's face when he thought of Byrnndi World.

"Captain Luo Jie, keep going forward, just right, I want to see how strong Yi Si's men are." Jabba laughed.

The Luo Jie pirates continued to sail towards the battlefield where Yi Si was, and they were not timid to return because of the presence of Yi Si on the battlefield.

on the island.

Yi Si is still fighting the Golden Lion.

Yi Si's Wood Clone has caused a lot of trouble for Golden Lion, but Golden Lion's Devil Fruit ability is also not simple.

Golden Lion finally destroyed all of Yi Si's Wood Clone, but at this time Yi Si had already arrived in front of him and swung a knife towards him.


Yi Si's saber slashed at Golden Lion's shoulder, but at the same time, Golden Lion's two famous knives also slashed at Yi Si's waist and abdomen.

Then the two backed away separately.

"Jiehahaha Yi Si, your swordsmanship is still a lot worse than mine." Golden Lion laughed ferociously.

Although Yi Si's knife was cut on his shoulder, which made him very uncomfortable.

But at the same time, both of his knives fell on Yi Si's body. In this wave of injuries, in his opinion, he won the victory.

"After being hacked by me, you can still laugh out loud Shiki?" Yi Si stared at Golden Lion like he was looking at an idiot.

"I was only slashed by you once, and you were slashed twice by me. If you continue to change your injuries, I will win sooner or later." Golden Lion grinned and responded calmly.

But the next moment his smile stopped abruptly, and the wound on Yi Si's waist and abdomen was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And there is a trace of white steam.

In the blink of an eye, Yi Si's wound was completely healed.

"."You? How is that possible?" Golden Lion was stunned again.

The speed of the wound recovery is too fast, you must know that his knife is a famous knife, and it is covered with Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki.

The power of Haki and sword energy remains in his wound, no matter how exaggerated it is, it is impossible to recover so quickly!

"Are you surprised, Shiki? That's why I said, I don't understand you laughing after being hacked by me." Yi Si smiled and shrugged with contempt on his face.

"Damn, no wonder Lockes is not your opponent." Golden Lion now knows exactly how Lockes lost.

Fighting against this kind of monster, if you can win, you will have a ghost (get Qian Zhao).

At this time, Golden Lion had the idea of ​​running away. He thought that someone would come to help him fight Yi Si.

But all the pirates on the island are restrained by the people around Yi Si, and it is impossible to help him.

"Don't dare to fight, do you want to escape Shiki?" Yi Si sneered as if he had seen through Golden Lion's inner thoughts.

"I don't believe I can't hurt you Yi Si today." Golden Lion said with a grim expression.

He knew that it would be difficult to defeat Yi Si today, but he was not convinced, no matter what he wanted to save face, it was impossible for him not to get angry at being so despised.

The thought of running was put aside first, and now he had to give himself some psychological comfort and trauma to Yi Si's group trip. .

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