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092 Yi Si Becomes The Sixth Old Star?

"Ka Ka Ka...

Members of the CPO organization opened the door of the highest hall for Yi Si.

There are five elders in the highest hall, and they are the Five Elders, the highest leaders of the World government.

"You're here, Yi Si." The bald old man said while sitting on the sofa.

"What can I do for you?" Yi Si walked to the center of the hall and asked.

"I came today to explain something to you." The old man with long straight hair said slowly while stroking his beard.

"What's the matter?" Yi Si asked slightly puzzled.

"You are now the sixth old star." The old man with a scar on his forehead said solemnly while sitting on the sofa.

"Huh? Liu Laoxing?" Yi Si was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

What happened, how did he become a sixth old star?

"To Yi Si, now your status is equal to ours. Your strength and your contribution to the World government are enough to take this position." The old man holding a sword in his arms explained.

"Is it too early? I'm not old now." Yi Si shrugged helplessly.

"This is a symbol of status. As the sixth elder star, your status in the world government will only be lower than Lord Im." The old man in a suit said calmly.

"We have already consulted Lord Im for instructions on this matter, and he also agreed with you to take this position."

They knew it was impossible to hold Yi Si firmly now.

Their current approach is to push Yi Si to their current status, announce to the world that Yi Si has become the sixth old star, let him taste the sweetness, and then subtly assimilate Yi Si's use and want him to work for Yim.


This is the result of their serious discussions.

"Sorry, I don't want to be a so-called bfbh old star." Yi Si responded with a faint shake of his head.

"Why did you reject Yi Si? This is a symbol of supreme status." A Five Elders asked with a slightly puzzled brow.

Yi Si chose to refuse, which made the Five Elders a little uneasy. They thought that Yi Si chose to refuse because he wanted to pursue a higher status.

Such as Im's position!

"It's too troublesome to become a sixth star." Yi Si responded with spreading his hands.

"Trouble? How can it be trouble?" Several old men asked suspiciously.

Their current position is at the highest level of World government.

This is a status that countless people want to pursue but can't reach, why Yi Si finds it troublesome.

"I like to be free. If I sit in your position, I need to deal with documents every day, isn't it too troublesome?"

The reason why Yi Si refused to become Five Elders was because it felt too troublesome. He only likes to be free and has no pursuit of status.

"No, you can entrust us with the processing of documents. You are the sixth old star in your name, and you have the same status as us, but you don't have to be as busy as us." The bald old man responded slowly shaking his head.

"Yi Si, if you sit in this position, not only will there be no harm, but you will taste the sweetness of power." The old man in the suit said solemnly.

"Come with us and serve Lord Yim, Yi Si." The old man with the sword in his arms said.

Now they have to figure out a way to get Yi Si to agree to take their position.

As long as Yi Si agrees to sit in this position, the five of them can often find reasons to have tea and talk with Yi Si, and change his inner desire to rebel.

Let him obediently serve Im.

"Okay." Yi Si nodded after thinking for a moment.

After becoming the sixth old star, Yi Si doesn't have to deal with documents, and these old men won't pester him all day long to try their best to get him into position.

At the same time, it can also eliminate Five Elders' concerns about him. He really has no idea about overthrowing the World government.

In other words, he doesn't do things he is not sure of. If one day in the future his power is so large that he can destroy the world, then he will choose to rule the world.

After all, he has nothing to lose by ruling the world.

"You agree?" Hearing Yi Si's answer, the bald old man was slightly startled and asked in disbelief.

They thought today would be a tough verbal battle, but Yi Si agreed!

"I agree to take this position, but I won't handle any documents, I'm still me [even if you have any troubles, don't come to me." Yi Si stated his conditions.

"Okay." Five Elders agreed, as long as Yi Si takes this position, everything will be fine.

"Since there is nothing else, I'll go first." Yi Si glanced at them and said.

"Of course." Five Elders nodded, and did not dissuade Yi Si from staying, after all, he has agreed to be a person of the same status as them now.

"Ka Ka Ka...

Yi Si opened the door and left the hall, leaving only the Five Elders in the highest hall.

"The boy Yi Si will be of the same status as us in the future. We must assimilate him well and let him obediently serve Lord Yim." The bald old man looked at the background of Yi Si's departure and smiled.

As long as Yi Si becomes a person of the same status as them, wouldn't they have a way to assimilate him?

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