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113 Electromagnetic Strength And Roar Of The Black Dragon

The iron sand sword in Misaka Mikoto's hand collided with the black dragon.

At this moment, Akunologia has not changed. After hitting with the giant sword on his back, his whole body slammed to the side, knocking down a mountain next to him.

Within a certain range, Misaka Mikoto's magnetic field power, even such a strong Yi Si, is constantly searching and thinking there.

This is a very powerful force. If you can get it, and cooperate with some of the abilities you already have, you can definitely explode to a stronger state.

And this magnetic field ability is really similar to a person's ability, that is, the later Supernova Kid.

Kid is also very powerful, ranking very high among the supernovas, and even in the later plot [it is very likely to become the E.

His ability is also similar, electromagnetic force, which can gather all the metal fragments, swords and bullets to his side, turning them into arms, swords and walls.

But the character who will appear after that incident, the current Kid, seems to have not been born yet.

This era does not belong to their latecomers, but if Kid sees the power of Misaka Mikoto, he will be very, very surprised~.

"It's really powerful. This ability to manipulate electromagnetic fields is very similar to superpowers."

Tornado floated beside him, looking at all the movements of Misaka Mikoto, and he was also very surprised.

"Let me just say, Misaka Mikoto's fighting power is not weak."

"You guys have your own management, but Misaka Mikoto's electromagnetic field is very strong. In fact, the biggest problem is that he doesn't have a better way to protect himself and is not very sensitive.

Of course Yi Si knows the strengths and weaknesses of everyone in the team.

Those who are relatively strong, such as Tornado and the others, actually have absolute advantages in terms of ability or pure ability, but they are more fragile when they are under the ability

For example, the black dragon Akunologia has a very strong physique and is extremely terrifying.

Akunologia was approaching there with his strong body, even if he knocked down a mountain, this guy would run out immediately, and he showed his strength in front of Yi Si again.

For a long time, Akuno Nokia has the idea of ​​challenging Yi Si, the most powerful captain and the most powerful hand, Akuno Nokia also wants to fight well with the opponent.

At this time, Akunokia has turned into a dragon form, but it belongs to a relatively small dragon. If he changes completely, his huge body will extend a hundred meters across here.

Coming down from the sky like a mountain.

In that case, there will be no comparison between the two. Although Akuno Nokia has become a dragon at this time, it is not so terrifying and magnificent.

The opponent flew over in the air, and there was already a huge energy ball in his hand. In the grasp of Akuno Nokia, two dragon claws grabbed the energy ball. Every second, this energy ball seemed to become Akuno Nokia. The strongest force in your hand.

"Accept the offer."

Akunokia threw the energy ball over, and Misaka Mikoto had been waiting for it all.

Misaka Mikoto can only use his other skill Thunderbolt at this time.

This is a powerful current released through Misaka Mikoto's bangs, which can even reach 1 billion volts.

This blue and white intertwined terrifying lightning is extremely powerful and can reach far places in an instant. It is also an attack that Misaka Mikoto placed high hopes on. The super powerful lightning flash penetrated the black energy planet in an instant.

This is also because Akuno Nokia did not attack with all its strength. If Akuno Nokia released all the lightning power, the power would be much greater than imagined.

But the power of this small energy ball attack is much smaller. After everything was pierced in an instant, the powerful energy beam hit Akuno Nokia's head, which made this terrifying and tyrannical dragon even feel a bit of pain and pain. fear.

The super strong Akunologia shook his head, as if he felt the opponent's strong will and terrifying power, but the contest between the two never stopped, maybe this matter is not so simple and easy to solve.

"What a powerful energy, it seems that I can only use my own divine power, little girl, I hope you can bear it.

Akunologia just opened his mouth, quietly absorbing the surrounding air, and in an instant, this invincible black dragon "doesn't know how many powerful and terrifying storms gathered in his body.

The roar of the black dragon came, it was just a roar of the black dragon opening its mouth and an attack like a powerful storm.

…… Ask for flowers ………………

In an instant, terrifying black energy swept across the world, and King Neptune, who was in the palace, was constantly shaking throughout The Fish Men Island. At this time, he was startled again.

All he knew was that Yi Si was fighting there again, the most unique character in this world government, which he respected and feared at the same time.

The endless flashes of light in the distance are shining, and Tiger is also watching this scene.

As the leader of the Sun Pirates in the future, Tiger's combat effectiveness is still very poor.

The other party is very young, but anyone with some experience can see how terrifying the flash in the distant sky is.

After a frightening flash, there is infinite energy shining on the world, and the whole world seems to be filled with this energy.

He looked at this scene in shock, and he didn't know how to describe the surprise in his heart. The whole world was shrouded in it, and he couldn't believe it at all, but these things were very real.

After a burst of bright and infinite flashes, another burst of light shot straight into the sky. This is Misaka Mikoto's last skill, the real lightning strike.

Clouds of smoke in the sky changed into powerful lightning, and the maximum voltage in an instant had reached 1 billion volts. This was the final blow.

If this skill is useless, Mikoto Misaka will definitely lose.

In fact, now Misaka Mikoto can also see that this monster is not something he can handle. Under the impact of the thunder and lightning, the dark and bright thunder and lightning exploded together in the middle.

At this moment, it seems that everything is devouring each other, from a complete state to illusory fragmentation.

The whole The fish men island kept shaking, Yi Si finally made a move.

He doesn't want this The fish men island to be destroyed under such a powerful force, otherwise it doesn't matter if he wants to accompany these murlocs to a new island, the key is that they basically live in this underwater world, sending them to There is no good on shore either.

Yi Si uses this unfathomable divine power at this moment.

Countless pieces of paper attached to Armament Haki floated in the air, forming a huge ball of paper in the center of the violent explosion. After the dazzling flash, these pieces of paper withstood the powerful impact and slowly swallowed up everything. .

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