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116 The Story Of De Reiss Rosa

"Thank you.

King Riku stood up quickly, he had heard that Yi Si was a different Celestial Dragons.

King Riku had encountered many Celestial Dragons before, and each of them was an existence with an arrogant personality that was not quite right.

They are often domineering and domineering, using the power in their hands to control everything. Anyway, there are not many good things, but the existence of Yi Si has greatly changed the public's perception of these guys, and perhaps these perceptions have only changed because of one person.

"King Riku. Let's go, I feel a little uncomfortable with so many people looking at me here.

"Yes, Yi Si scale."

They naturally acted immediately.

King Liku even prepared a very interesting event for Yi Si, which was the fighting of sword fighters in the bullfighting arena.

But right now there aren't any overly powerful people or masters, so there's really nothing to see.

Seeing the two guys below fighting each other, Yi Si was not interested.

Seeing that Master Yi Si is not interested and unhappy, King Li Pu next to him immediately becomes nervous, and Wu heard that the other party is the strongest fighter in the world.

"Master Yi Si, is it because the two of them performed poorly, should I change some other people to perform here?"

"No, Uchiha Madara Senju Hashirama, let's go up and perform together."


These two guys are old rivals and good friends. When they heard that Yi Si asked them to perform, they couldn't wait to jump on it. They can also be regarded as performing for these people.

And Yi Si didn't bother to watch their fight.

These two guys can always reach a very peak state when you come and go, but this time Yi Si wants them to fight in a small arena, he needs to carefully control his attack power.

As for Yi Si, what he cares more about is King Liku in front of him, and he is interested in communicating with him.

"King Riku, you are the king of this country, do you have anything to say to me `〃?"

"I have nothing to say, I am just a little king, and the country I am in is also a member of the World government. Now the World government is getting better and better. It not only protects the people, but also does a lot for the people. Most pirates, there's nothing better than that."

The cheers of the crowd are precisely because of this. Those ordinary people naturally only want to have a safer and more peaceful life.

The appearance of Yi Si has greatly changed the situation of the rampant pirates, allowing the people now to have a better life, and everyone is just happy and cheering.

"Actually, this country originally belonged to Celestial Dragons, you should know."

"I vaguely know something about this period of history. It seems that it really belonged to the Celestial Dragons earlier, but the Celestial Dragons left this country."

Liku Wangjian knew some of the history here, but he didn't take it seriously.

Later, when Doflamingo invaded, he was also shocked. He didn't expect the Celestial Dragons' queen merchants to come back.

"Actually, this place is already under your control. You people have been working hard to maintain everything here. I think it's very good. I hope you will persevere."

"Don't worry, Master Yi Si, we will insist."

King Liku didn't know why Yi Si said it, but Yi Si did have other thoughts about this matter.

The New World of De Reiss Rosa exists in an extremely dangerous position. There will be many pirates operating here. I don’t know when turmoil and battles will break out here. In the end, it will be a mess , anything can happen.

Next, Yi Si hopes to send some people over here to form a so-called garrison army to prevent any accidents and protect the people here.

While the two kings were communicating, the ring exploded again and again, one after another, frightening the people around them.

"What kind of existence is that? Why is it so powerful?"

"No, it's much stronger than the most powerful sword fighter."

The people of these small countries have never seen any outstanding figures. Of course, they can only look at all this with their narrow eyes. They have never seen such an amazing battle, which naturally makes them a little surprised.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama seldom fight against each other these days. They used to have a hostile relationship, but now they are best friends. There is no need to fight each other to the death.

But since Captain Yi Si said it all, they want to have a good fight. Everyone uses different powers. Both of them have Grandmaster ninjutsu, some powerful and terrible powers.

But at the same time, under such circumstances, it is the best choice for them to use physical jutsu to fight, because ninjutsu will only bring them a lot of damage, and may destroy many things around them at any time.

The two of them used some melee combat methods very cautiously, and the relentless battle between you and me was very fierce.

When they were fighting, the two of them stopped at the same time, and some strong people present also felt that there was another battle on this road, and it was a small island next to it.

Yi Si also turned his head at this moment, his Observation Haki, which is unparalleled in strength, can hear that terrifying and shocking sound in an instant [this thing should be in the nearby


His Observation Haki immediately locked on that position, it was nearby, and it was extremely clear, obviously there must be a battle somewhere.

"."Go and have a look. "

Yi Si just said something silently, and the tornado flew towards there. After all, this tornado is the most powerful master and also has a strong combat power. Of course, he flew towards there immediately, at an extremely fast speed .

As soon as Tornado arrived there, he saw someone fighting, and the forest had already been turned into a mess.

A powerful guy is constantly destroying the surrounding things. I don't know what kind of monster it is, but it is super powerful and crazy.

This is a very fat and strong guy, he is Quinn, he is the subordinate of the Kaido of the Beasts, and he does not know when he came here.

In fact, Quinn left Wanokuni precisely because he wanted to collect some herbs here to make some of the next biological weapons.

He has a strong research ability and has been collecting various herbal substances for a long time.

It is very effective to make some highly poisonous herbs with these herbs to attack the enemy, and even the virus it develops can infect many people in a short period of time, but at this time he has not had any real achievements. I heard that there is a special virus nearby. Because of his race, he specially came to see Zhu.

This is just a survey.

Unexpectedly, there was already a battle just after he came in. The guys in the jungle didn't seem to welcome him very much, and they knocked down several of his subordinates directly. The extremely angry Quinn turned into a terrifying Brachiosaurus form. .

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