After being completely summoned to this world, Senju Hashirama, directed by Yi Si, played the effect and level it should have.

Compared with Uchiha Madara's pure combat ability, Senju Hashirama is obviously superior, so if there is anything that needs to be brainstormed, Yi Si will generally leave it to Senju Hashirama to do.

During the continuous entanglement of Wood Style ninjutsu, a large warship appeared directly on the sea. What kind of style can match Yi Si, Senju Hashirama is very clear.

"Every time I see such a picture, I feel unbelievable. Is it really made by you, an idiot? And it's still in such a short period of time!"

"What kind of strange ability is it? After watching it for so long, I still can't adapt to it."

Misaka Mikoto couldn't help scratching his head, he couldn't understand Senju Hashirama's approach and the effect he showed.

Misaka Mikoto and Senju Hashirama don't exist on the same plane, and they can't empathize with and understand many things that happened in each other's plane. This is an inevitable result.

When doing things, Yi Si knew that something like this was bound to happen.

But Yi Si doesn't care about such things, anyway, as long as it's finally her, there will be no problem.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand, as long as you know what I can do, you can't do it all.

"So every time there is a task, the adults will let me go out at the first time, this is the gap between us. y

After Senju Hashirama heard what Misaka Mikoto said, he didn't care about his image at all, and directly showed his stinky fart side.

Normally speaking, it looks like you still want to make yourself endure? Who else can easily endure such a result?

The electric light on Misaka Mikoto pointed directly at Senju Hashirama, and he knew at a glance that he was about to fight.

But the simple murderous aura had no effect at all, but another powerful murderous aura came directly from his side.

Of course it is none other than Senju Hashirama's old opponent, Uchiha Madara!

When Senju Hashirama expressed his importance just now, he included all the people around him, but he stood behind Senju Hashirama, without considering Uchiha Madara's feelings at all.

"When did your ability become the strongest? Who admitted this? If you really want to be the strongest, use all your strength to try!"

Senju Hashirama's direct expression made Uchiha Madara very unhappy, a little emotion can be brought out and have a great impact.

Just looking at Uchiha Madara's appearance, it's just a threat to make a joke, there is no real 480 meaning to do it, after all, if it is really done, what is the situation now, who has the answer?

"Okay, stop bickering, both of you, this is not a place to fight, if you really want to fight, I have prepared a new battlefield for you!"

Yi Si directly persuaded and said that under the current situation, one can understand how serious it is.

The current Sabaody Archipelago is not as appropriate as imagined. There are dangers everywhere. As long as you feel it with your heart, you can completely detect it, so Yi Si is also very curious about what will happen after he goes there. .

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