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163 Pirates, Completely Crazy!

Just finished speaking.

This leader died under Rayleigh's sword!

"Well, it's not bad."

"But, that's all."

While waving a sharp long sword, Rayleigh released an astonishing sword energy, destroying the surrounding defense measures.

The Jailor Beast rushed up from the bottom, opened its mouth wide, and bit down on everyone!

"Go away, you beasts!"

Jabba sneered, standing alone in the front, relying on his own overpowering strength, forcibly blocked all the Jailor Beasts' attacks, and knocked down one Jabba Jailor Beast after another with his own steel fist!

Looking at it this way, I really don’t know which side~ it’s the real beast!

Although the jailer beast is fierce.

But Jabba is stronger!

In a short time.

Most of the jailer beasts fell.

And the one who beat them was none other than Jabba!

"No, it's too weak!"

Jabba came back, stepped over the Jailor Beast, and directly surrendered.

As the core character, Luo Jie is naturally not inferior to his two left and right hands. Holding a big knife, he is like a war god from the depths of hell. Every time he swings vigorously, a large whirlwind will be formed, which will be countless Prison soldiers get blown away!

"Luo Jie, I want to order your head!"

Several prison leaders planned to attack Luo Jie.


They haven't come and shot yet.

He was beheaded by Luo Jie!

at this time.

Due to a series of changes caused by Luo Jie, Marko and others.

Let the prisoners trapped here see hope, they look at Luo Jie and others, as if seeing salvation!

"Luo Jie, let us out! We are willing to fight these damn Marines for you!"

"Don't worry, after I come out, I will never do anything to you!"

"Let me out, I don't want to stay in this crappy place any longer!"

"As long as you can let me out, I am willing to spend the rest of my life as an ox and a horse for you! Please, let me out quickly.

The prisoners have literally been stuck here for far too long.

So long that they are going crazy.

They gradually forget what the sun looks like outside.

Years down.

But it can only be in this kind of ghost place where you can't even see the sun.

This would drive anyone crazy!


The arrival of Luo Jie and others, to them, is like a bright sun shining in their hearts!

...asking for flowers...

At the same time, they are very clear that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss this opportunity, who knows when the next opportunity will be?

Rayleigh glanced at Luo Jie and said.

"Captain, I suggest that these people be released!"

"At this time, more combat power is a good thing."

Luo Jie took it for granted, and then opened his hand [Release all the internal criminals here.

When all the prisoners here are released.

The gap in combat power between each other has been pulled even bigger!

"Just because of you people, you want to come to rob the prison?"

"Simply ridiculous!"

Accompanied by a voice full of killing intent.

I saw a terrifying figure slowly coming from the depths.

When everyone turned their attention to the source of the sound, they were all stunned.

If you want to ask why...

The person who appeared before them was none other than Uchiha Madara!

"It's you, Uchiha Madara!"

Luo Jie's pupils shrank, and the moment he saw the other party, he felt that something was wrong.

Why does Uchiha Madara appear in such a place?.

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