In Roswald St.'s view.

Only Kong can hold the tiger Yi Si steady!

Besides, he really couldn't think of anyone else who could contain Yi Si!

"In addition to Kong, we may also invite Five Elders!"

St. Roswald's footsteps suddenly froze, and he said thoughtfully.

"Presumably this matter is so big, the Five Elders will definitely know about it. However, they have never interfered with the internal affairs of our Celestial Dragons. Not long ago, I had already discussed this matter with Five Elders."

"they said....….."

At the end of the old housekeeper's words, he fell silent and couldn't say a word.

"Say it, why don't you talk to the end?"

Saint Roswald gets more and more irritable the more he thinks about it!

"Five Elders they said, once Yi Si decides to do something, no one can stop him!"

The old butler sighed.

"What? Even the Five Elders guys can't suppress this brat Yi Si?"

St. Roswald was really in a hurry. He was so furious that he couldn't help smashing the antiques he snatched from an ancient place not long ago!

The Ross family represented by the Roswald Sanctuary is the scariest family in the entire Celestial Dragons family!

There is even a saying that has been circulating.

Better offend the Celestial Dragons than offend Saint Roswald!

One can imagine.

What a terrifying force Saint Roswald and the family behind him are!

Not to mention the pirates outside, or the Celestial Dragons themselves, or even Marine.

No one dared to offend Saint Roswald.

after all.

As long as you offend Saint Roswald, there will be no good end in the future!

But at this moment, on the Celestial Dragons side, someone dared to offend St. Roswald. Not only that, but this person also wants to snatch a third of the territory from St. Roswald!

This person, none other than Yi Si!

After the duo of Yi Si and Uchiha Madara came to the Roswald sanctuary house.

But it was discovered that in front of the door, there were dozens of heavily armed soldiers standing here.

"A group of watchdogs~"."

Yi Si sneered coldly.

What kind of master is there, and what kind of slaves will naturally be there.

After hearing the taunting words, these guard soldiers almost couldn't help but shot at Yi Si.

"Where is the wild boy, dare to mock us?"

"Get off, get off! This is not a place for you to plant waste!"

"Go away!"


I don't know what happened to these guards, they didn't even recognize Yi Si.

The corner of Yi Si's mouth raised slightly, he glanced coldly at every guard, and said, "." Don't you know who I am?"

" you dare to speak like that when you know who I am?"

"You even said that that fellow Roswald St. made you do this on purpose?"

Yi Si's words stunned the guards in front of him.

They didn't realize what Yi Si's words meant!

But I don't know why (good Zhao).

They are suddenly a little scared of the crowd!

A strong sense of uneasiness instantly dominated their hearts.

Make them very uneasy!


Suddenly, a cold snort like thunder rang in the ears of every guard!

"A bunch of goddamn guys!"

"Dare to speak wild words?"

"Is it true that I don't exist?"

Uchiha Madara said coldly, while releasing his powerful and boundless aura. .

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