"The first stage of the Asura plan has been able to compete with the twelve god generals, but he can't beat the twelve god generals, he just entered the threshold of the strategic level."

Chen Enzhi touched his chin and said: "Now this twelve god generals, who divide part of their forces to maintain the seal of Sirius, can stalemate with Shura, and it seems that it will not take long to suppress Shura.

"But the second stage of the Asura test, in our expectation, with the data of this experiment, the next Asura will become stronger and have the combat power to rival the twelve god generals."

"And the third-stage Asura is already considered to be a complete body, even if it is Ares, the strongest of the twelve god generals, Asura is not afraid."

"Ares?" Mu Yue said suspiciously.

"You don't know yet, the strongest of the twelve god generals who are famous for their wars, the strongest twelve god generals, the god of war, Ares, that guy, but he is recognized as the strongest in the world."

Mu Yue nodded.

He had heard a little about this person.

The twelve gods will be similar in strength to each other, but only this war god is one notch stronger.

However, after all, it is the highest combat power of the League of Nations, and his chance of encountering the God of War is too small.

On the big screen, Shura's data in all aspects is declining, and in the fight with the Winning Array, he has gradually fallen into the downside from a tie at the beginning.

The elemental chains began to bind the darkness, faintly, as if to tear a hole in the darkness that shrouded the entire city.

At the entrance of the College Holy Land.

Asura said with a heavy face: "Twelve God Generals, you can't kill me." "


Huan Wei smiled slightly and said, "I didn't want to kill you, but you have to know that what I am best at is not killing, but sealing." The

next moment, a huge golden cage condensed from the top of Shura's head, and then fell straight down.

Seeing this scene, Wan Qianming, who was not far away, said excitedly: "Teacher Win Array has been able to spare energy to use other magic, which means that in the confrontation with this monster, he has already won." Next

to Chi Jingxin and Long Qingxi, one left and one right, the three faced the huge skull, and they were also ready to completely eliminate this guy.

Although this huge skull is not weaker than the fourth-level pollutant, Wan Qianming is the strongest in the management of the Academy Holy Land, once second only to [Forbidden Ahead], and now he is the first person on Academy Island.

It was also only a matter of time before this giant skull was destroyed.

As countless thunderbolts condensed in the sky, a deafening thunder sound sounded in his ears.

In the sky, it was as if a thunderbolt giant bird appeared, illuminating the gray sky and coming straight towards the huge skull.

When the two sides made contact, the skull was torn apart by the lightning giant bird, completely turned into smoke, and dissipated in the air.

And the metal cage condensed by the Winning Array also locked up Shura.

In the cage, countless elemental chains appeared out of thin air, locking Asura inside circle after circle, unable to move.

"Success?" Chi Jingxin asked.

Hearing this, the corner of Long Qingxi's mouth twitched and said, "Jingxin, generally say such words, and the final result is the opposite."

As soon as the words fell, the black mist thickened again, and the elemental chains were torn apart along with the metal cage.

As if he had gone crazy, Asura made the black fog that shrouded the entire Academy Island come alive.

The darkness in the sky seemed to be alive, constantly tumbling, and it seemed to be getting lower and lower.

A strategic-level attack can cover a city.

And the scene in front of him brings a doomsday-like scene to the people in the city.

Today's weather is already rainy.

Rain pierced through the black fog and poured across College Island.

The surrounding sea seemed to feel the dark fury, and the waves washed the shores of Academy Island wave after wave.

College Island, wrapped in darkness, shrouded in the shadows of hemispheres.

And the disappearance of College Island for so long finally attracted the attention of the League of Nations.

But Jiang Haoxuan, the master of the Heavenly Pagoda, did not send any support.

The reason is that Academy Island has a winning formation, and there will be no accidents.

The weight of one of the twelve god generals can make everyone feel at ease.

This reason cannot be refuted.

You must know that even if a level five pollutant appears, the League of Nations will only send one twelve god generals.

For thousands of years, the hard power of the twelve god generals has been fought in battle, and because of this, they are the strongest magic envoys in the world and the strongest twelve people recognized.

However, in the air beyond College Island, there was a transport plane.

A tall, royal-looking woman stood in a transport plane, looking at the city shrouded in darkness.

"Major General, I didn't report to the alliance this time, do you really want to go down?" The driver said worriedly.

The royal sister woman said: "The alliance doesn't care what happens on Academy Island at all, how many sacrifices there will be, but I care.

"That stupid Rui Rui is still a teacher in the academy holy land, in this case, if I am not there, she will cry."

Thinking of the lonely and helpless look on that loli face at this time, Shen Tianyi's brows showed a strong look of worry.

Then, without hesitation, she directly opened the door of the transport plane and jumped down with long legs.

"Groove, Major General! You don't want to live?!! "

The driver almost scared to death.

It's 10,000 meters in the air, and it's really brave for you to jump straight down.

He is worthy of being a major general of the League of Nations military and a brilliant mentor.

In the sky, torrential rain continued and thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds.


League of Nations, getting the news that Shen Tianyi left without permission, Tianta Tower Master Jiang Haoxuan frowned and said, "Who let her go?" The

assistant behind him said lightly: "Tower master, she went by herself, and others can't stop her." Hearing

this, Jiang Haoxuan's expression became particularly solemn.

Shen Tianyi's visit means that the balance of College Island will be broken.

Shen Tianyi is the great mentor of the military and the supreme commander of the Magic Envoy Force of the League of Nations, which is a well-known thing.

But no one knows....

She also occupies a seat among the twelve god generals....

The strongest thunder element magic envoy in the world, "Thunder and Lightning General" Shen Tianyi.

The two twelve gods will appear in one place at the same time, and the current pattern of Academy Island will change dramatically.

Shen Tianyi has always been the most obedient person to orders, why did he leave without permission at this most critical time?

Wish...... It won't affect the Asura plan.

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