Soon, Mu Yixue came to the metal target.

All eyes were on her.

Lin Rui looked at her seriously and said, "She is that genius, it seems that the training institution is very confident in her, and let her appear last."

"I don't know if she can..." Before

the words were finished, Lin Rui suddenly said a pause.

It was obviously summer, but she felt like she had fallen into an ice cave, as if she was on an iceberg.

Mu Yixue, unlike others, also stretched out her hand and concentrated on mobilizing the elemental reserves in her body.

She just glanced casually at the metal target.

The next moment.

A cold ice began to spread from under Mu Yixue's feet.

In an instant, the world seemed to change.

The playground has become a world of ice and snow.

Magic transforms the architecture of the training institution into a crystal clear work of art.

Everyone's feet were wrapped in a layer of cold ice.

The ground ceased to exist, leaving only smooth ice.

The metal target has been completely frozen, and the scoring display has been scrapped and can no longer display the score.

The three invigilators, except for Chi Jingxin, the remaining two stood up in unison, revealing shocked looks.

"This... This is the magic to make the candidate ???

" "No kidding, this guy said that he is the top ten monsters in the academy, I believe it." Listening

to the incoherent remarks of the two beside him, Chi Jingxin's gaze never left Mu Yixue in the slightest.

She is the third place in the list of students of the Academy's Holy Land.

At this moment, she felt the fluctuation of magic elements that could be comparable to her.

And this fluctuation came from a seventeen-year-old candidate who had not yet entered the three major academies to study.

Chi Jingxin muttered, "This is worthy of the name of that pair of stars." The

two people next to them looked at each other, and both showed unwilling looks.

They could already determine that with Mu Yixue's talent, they could completely obtain the guaranteed place.

But how could the two ordinary students compete for the vice president of the student union of the academy holy land.

Mu Yixue's demon talent is a candidate for magic, and they are afraid that they will give it up.

Chi Jingxin stood up and said lightly: "This girl doesn't have to participate in the next mock assessment, and our academy holy place is directly guaranteed."

"That's not in line with the rules..." retorted the boy on the left.

The boy on the right also frowned and said, "Classmate Chi, the three mock assessments have not ended, and they can't be directly guaranteed now."

Chi Jingxin smiled gently, and asked rhetorically: "Does the next assessment still make sense?" Hearing

this, the two male proctors were speechless.

It is the item that can get the most points in the three assessments, and the average score every year is more than 60, which can basically be said to be stable.

As for actual combat ....

The two subconsciously looked at the ice and snow in front of them, and both showed helpless smiles.

This girl can freeze the entire playground without hurting others within the range, which is enough to show that she is not brainless to release elements.

Her control over the elements was probably already strong to the point that they could not understand.

Even if the two official students of the three major academies went together, they probably couldn't beat this girl.

Actual combat...... It really doesn't make sense, and for this girl, I'm afraid it's like a family.

On the grounds.

Xia Xin, Qin Yan, and Qin Meng looked at the girl in the middle of the playground dumbfounded.

Lin Rui opened his mouth, and then covered it with his hand, his face full of surprise.

This level of magic makes the candidates, how can they be capable, actually see it with their own eyes.

Mu Yixue looked as usual, doing such a shocking thing, but she could not see the slightest pride and complacency on her face, just like eating and drinking water, she slowly turned around and prepared to walk towards the crowd.

The moment she turned around, her gaze suddenly stopped.

In the line of sight, Mu Yue was looking at himself, waved his hand, and said hello.

Mu Yixue's face turned red and walked in the direction of Mu Yue.

Others wondered.

Lin Rui found that this demon girl was actually walking towards her, and her heart suddenly beat faster, and the whole person became excited.


, I like this girl so much, so beautiful, so delicate, and highly talented.

Did she come to me

? Why did she look for me

? What did she have to say to her in the first sentence?

But Mu Yixue passed by her, came to Mu Yue's face, and said happily: "Brother, why are you here." Hearing

this, everyone present collectively petrified.

Elder brother......


kind of joke? What kind of talent are the parents of these brothers and

sisters, and the children born are so polarized? But just looking at the appearance and personality, it is quite a match, worthy of being brothers and sisters.

And the hardest hit are other candidates from training institutions.

They studied with Mu Yixue and had never seen her show such a girlish expression.

Damn, why could that boy be treated like this by the iceberg goddess.

Just because he is the elder brother?

Wait, brother

, lying groove, big brother!

After realizing this, the boys of the training institution looked at Mu Yue with bright eyes.

Their brother and sister relationship is so good, as long as they get the eldest brother, won't they be able to get along with the iceberg goddess?

On the other side, the twin brothers and sisters of Qin Yan and Qin Meng also looked at Mu Yue and Mu Yixue not far away in amazement.

"That Mu Yue's sister turned out to be her.

Qin Yan smiled bitterly and said, "With such a sister, he is too happy to be an older brother."

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he saw Qin Meng next to him exuding a murderous aura, and said with a smile: "Listening to my brother's meaning, do you think I'm not good?"

I definitely didn't mean that.

On the rostrum, Chi Jingxin said: "You will be responsible for the next mock assessment, I will first discuss with this little girl about the guarantee." Although

the two male proctors were unwilling, they did not have the ability to refuse, so they could only watch Chi Jingxin leave.

Mu Yue looked at his sister's happy expression and said with a smile: "It just so happened that I took the school's hitchhiker and came to take a look."

"That brother, did you come to see me specifically?" asked Mu Yixue expectantly.

"Yes, I came to see Yixue. The

two brothers and sisters chatted around without anyone chatting.

Lin Rui next to him was devastated.

She also thought that Mu Yixue came to find her, but she didn't expect that this girl turned out to be Mu Yue's sister.

Killing her did not expect that a pure ordinary person, his sister's magical qualifications were so high.

Listening to their chat, Lin Rui sighed: "The relationship between your brothers and sisters is so good."

At this time, Chi Jingxin had already come to them.

Her gentle big sister's temperament makes people sink at a glance.

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