
A familiar figure of Mu Yue stood there and began to give an opening speech.

She is Chi Jingxin, the vice president of the current student union, and it is said that the president is a little afraid of society, so the work of showing up is this vice president.

The new students enrolled, the college holy land also entered the new semester, and Chi Jingxin has been promoted from freshman to sophomore.

Chi Jingxin introduced some rules and regulations about College Island and the College Holy Land to the new students.

The focus is on the upcoming military training.

The military training in the academy holy place is different from other universities, and it is not a matter of wearing a military training uniform and kicking a positive step.

Here, you have to actually fight.

Actual combat means that there is danger, and even the chance of death.

After the military training, the student union will draw some people from the new students according to the performance of the military training and join the student union organization.

In the College Holy Land, the Student Union is an organization with great power, so to speak, that manages the entire college, and can even compete with the school management.

In the holy land of the college, teachers and students do not interfere with each other except teaching, after all, some students are stronger than teachers.

Teachers are only responsible for teaching and educating people, and each teacher has rich teaching experience and sufficient magic theory, and is fully capable of being a teacher of magic.

Just like the trainee who ranks first in the academy's strength today, his strength is even the dean of the academy holy land to give three points.

This kind of person did not come to the Academy Holy Land at all to study, but to obtain a legitimate magical status.

After all, only the League of Nations, the armies of the five powers, and the three major academies could possess magical envoys.

It is worth mentioning that the strength of the dean of the academy holy land is not strong, but three of the current twelve god generals of the Heavenly Tower are his students.

The main thing is a peach and plum all over the world, highly respected, famous internationally for teaching and educating people, not strength.

Therefore, whether it is any of the three major colleges, it is the student union that really manages the affairs of the entire college.

If it is not necessary, the teachers and the management of the academy will not show up.

Of course, teachers have the power to supervise the work of the student council.

Commonly known as "picketing".

Among the students are "wind discipline committees" to maintain order in the college.

Among the teachers, there are "picket teachers" who supervise the work of the student union.

As for the League of Nations troops on the outskirts of College Island, they did not interfere in the affairs of the College Holy Land, their profession was to maintain order on College Island, and they were also ordinary people in management.

Soon, Chi Jingxin's speech was finished.

Next, there will be a session with the representatives of the new students.

Freshman representatives, usually the ones with the best grades in freshman admission.

Looking at the short-haired girl who walked up to the stage, Mu Yue was slightly stunned.

Isn't this the violent girl who kicked the vending machine

? This guy turned out to be the first freshman in this academy holy land?

Don't look good.

Beside Mu Yue, there was a huge light bulb, shining.

Oh no, it's a handsome bald boy.

The boy didn't seem to be a monk, but he didn't have a hair on his head, and he was smiling and watching the speech of the girl on the stage.

The freshman ceremony lasted for nearly an hour, and the bald boy suddenly said: "Your Excellency, your expression has been insisting for an hour, how did you do it?"

Sitting here for an hour, listening to the boring speech, everyone else was impatient, only Mu Yue had an expression the whole time.

Mu Yue did not speak, and the bald boy seemed a little embarrassed.

After finding that no one paid attention to him, Mu Yue understood that he was saying that sentence to himself just now.

"It's actually quite interesting. Mu Yue said lightly.

On the stage was an elderly leader speaking, his voice hypnotized, and many new students began to doze off.

Hearing this, the bald boy was surprised: "Your Excellency, I think you are the interesting person, right?"

Well, the bald boy takes back what he just said, this guy is too boring.

"My name is Chen Jingyan, I don't have any specialties, but my martial arts are not bad.

Saying that, the bald boy said very proudly: "There is a genius magic envoy who worshipped me as a teacher at a high price, begged me to come to the holy place of the academy to accompany him, and let me teach him martial arts.

Mu Yue listened to this and glanced up at him.

Spend a high price to worship you as a teacher

? Please come to the holy place of the academy to accompany you

? Are the people in the class so crouching tiger, hidden dragon?

But this guy is sitting next to him, which means that he is his classmate.

Mu Yue thought that it was indeed necessary to get acquainted, so he said lightly: "My name is Mu Yue."

After that, the two sides were silent for a long time.

Chen Jingyan touched his bald head, turned his head and looked at Mu Yue suspiciously: "This is gone?" "

Well, there is no specialty, I prefer to dissect."

Mu Yue looked at Chen Jingyan's bald head.

The latter shuddered.

Untie...... Hey

, hey, this is a head, not an egg, you dissect a fart!"

"That..." A

weak voice came from the seat on the other side of Chen Jingyan.

Next to him was a girl with short hair and glasses, who looked very shy and shy, and she whispered: "I am also accompanying the second class... My name is Nannan. "

This girl is very strange, obviously it is summer, but she is wearing a winter school uniform, tightly wrapped, and she also wears a necklace like a collar around her neck.

Seeing this girl like this, Chen Jingyan suddenly saw peach blossoms in his eyes, and his heart rose, and he immediately grabbed Nan Nan's hand, showing a handsome expression, and said, "Sister, hello, I am martial arts grandmaster Chen Jingyan." "

Don't say, this bald head is really handsome.

However, Mu Yue really didn't expect him to be such a character.

Nan Nan seemed to be startled, exclaimed, and retracted his hand.

Soon, the freshman ceremony was over.

After a short break of half a day, military training will officially begin tomorrow.

Mu Yue walked towards the villa dormitory.

When he got off the bus, several other people followed.

Among them are Chen Jingyan and Nan Nan.

After all, the trainees who can accompany the students basically live in the villa area, and it is normal to go along the way.

"Oh, Xiao Yuezi, such a coincidence.

Chen Jingyan greeted.

Mu Yue glanced at him: "You are really familiar." "

Born with good popularity. Chen Jingyan was full of narcissism.

"I'm not praising you.

"It's okay Xiao Yuezi, I know I'm very attractive, you're embarrassed to praise me, but don't worry, I don't care." "

Mu Yue: ...

Listening to their exchange, Nan Nan next to her covered her mouth and laughed softly, but it seemed that she laughed out of her voice, her expression changed, showing a panicked expression, and subconsciously looked around.

After noticing this strange point, Chen Jingyan turned around and wondered, "What's wrong with you?

It's nothing.

After that, Nan Nan asked again: "Well, can I ask, what time is it?"

Hearing this, Chen Jingyan was puzzled: "It's twelve o'clock in two minutes, what's wrong?

Nan Nan covered his mouth and exclaimed, and quickly rushed into the villa dormitory.

Chen Jingyan looked at her back suspiciously, feeling a little inexplicable.

Mu Yue's left eye turned blue for a moment, and then returned to normal.

This way....

Wrapped in the girl's winter school uniform, there were scarred bodies, with traces of whipping everywhere.

On her neck, it was not a collar-like necklace, but a real collar.

It seems that she is an accompanying student....

Also slaves.

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